I stand corrected, I too, like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg thought I owed Donald Trump an apology. It seemed apparently, Trump actually did own a Jew or two. We were told that the lead Rabbi (Haskel Lookstein) from Jared Kushner’s (Trumps Jewish son-in-law) family’s congregation WOULD be speaking at the RNC convention. Either Trump owned this Jew, or the Kushner Family made this Jew a monetary offer “he could not refuse”, or just “an offer he shouldn’t refuse?” (The Kushner family has a great habit of getting their way, just check their criminal history.) Perhaps, the Rabbi was promised if he spoke at the Convention, he would be taken off the Jews WE Hate list coordinated by Trump’s vociferous supporters, the KKK, Aryan Nation and The American Neo Nazi Party.
Once again, a man who supposedly is a spokesperson for the Divine, was at the ready to jump in with the Devil. The Rabbi declined the invitation not by his own request, but by the demands of the Jews Donald Trump doesn’t own.