Thursday, July 21, 2016


The fact that many of us have noticed bits and pieces of Fascism bleeding from the Campaign of Donald Trump and his cohorts within the Republican Party…or the fact that so many ideas the Trump Campaign espouses seem to have come from the book ‘Mein Kampf…or the fact that most of the words falling like projectiles of vomit from the speakers mouths,selected to incite riots at the Trump coronation are filled with a nasty odor of nationalism and xenophobia…the fact that there is even a hint of Fascism attached to a candidate running for president of the United States, should indeed SCARE ALL of us, all the time.

Please don’t say this is just an over reaction. Please don’t respond by saying its all just an act. Please don’t reply by insisting Hillary is just as bad. Please don’t laugh it off as bunch of people trying to be overly Politically In- Correct. Please don’t say its just to get the base of bigots all riled up, then it will go away. And please don’t even hint that history is so long ago, and so different than today that it will not repeat itself. Please take your head out of the sand.

Whether Laura Ingraham actually acted as a Nazi soldier hailing her leader at the Republican convention imitating a Zeig Heil Mein Fuhrer. Whether or not Chris Christie was just showboating when he  shouted, “Prison, Prison, Prison”  Whether or not any of the speakers really meant to jail protestors, lynch the president…the point is ALL of them have either demonstrated, or verbally used the words and tactics of a movement that hates true democracy. If we don’t recognize that the clown show is no longer funny,and a serious threat to our freedoms, then the last laugh will belong to the monsters currently their clown make-up and costumes.