Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Perfectly Stupid

I have never served in the Military, I have had family and friends who either were drafted enlisted. I have never had the first hand experiences of quick decisions of shooting to wound or shooting to kill. I have never watched a friend of mine suffering, writhing in pain from a wound so severe death probably seemed the better choice then the suffering. I have never experienced the hidden mental disabilities of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the constant memories of blood, guts, tears, and loss of control.  I have never experienced any of that due to my not serving in the Military. I have and still continue to admire the courage of any man or woman who has placed his or her life on the line, no matter the various reasons each individual decided upon to serve. I do understand that there is ONE common trait (Whether conscious or sub-consciously) that lingered in all of the Troops, hearts…to maintain Freedom, Justice and Liberty for all.

Today, Donald Trump spoke to a Veterans group. (The man who said his experience in college studying military science made him a better soldier than most of the enlisted Troops…the man who has a disdain for prisoners of war…the man who found it more patriotic to fight for his right to get at least five deferments, then to battle the enemy). Donald Trump spoke to real hero’s and as usual Trump’s rhetoric contained no facts, lots of fiction, vitriol and venom. Trump assured this group of Vets that anything Hillary touched became rusted and busted. I assumed these Vets  would have jeered the Con Man off the stage, BUT I was totally incorrect. Instead of shouting ‘Throw the Bum Out’; all I heard was “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up.”

I am not sure of the precise moment many Americans became deaf and dumb, stupid and belligerent, irrational and irresponsible…but to hear men and woman who KNEW that freedom was the base for a better tomorrow, become the patsy for a  man with no love of anything, (Let alone love of country), only himself, almost made me want to cry. We must stop Trump, we must!