Magic: A mystery of action, a mingling of opportunity, sheer motion of the seen blended with the unknown, only to suddenly become apparent. Magic: An idea, an icon consisting with lots of perhapses, transforming itself into a performance creating a pounding probability with a poof, splash and a giant pizzazz! Magic!
Magic: Hope found, freedom formed, potential, energized to dance with every rhythm possible, enticing your mind to roam as free as your limbs, like the wings of a bird. Magic: Wide, wild, quiet, quick, thick as the muddy water of a swamp, yet clear enough to count the millions of atoms surrounding your aura. Magic!
I have searched for Magic, sometimes tripping over it, and other moments feeling faint, hungry and thirsty, thinking it might never surface again. I am sure I can define it, yet when I try my sentences become blurred and burdened with either too many consonants or not enough vowels. Magic is like your best friend, your true love, the people in your life who mean, matter and make the next moment count; and, just as when the time arrives and your family or friends must say until next we meet, Magic’s departure leaves us with a dark hole only filled with emptiness. Freedom, equality, fair, justice, honesty, are all forms of Magic for me, some aloof, some alluring, some assumed but all As Life Should Be and Become. Magic I have finally realized is not an out of body experience, but an extra gene, at the ready to perform when your heart and mind meld into one. I want my Magic back, and my wish for the New Year for all of my friends and family who believe we are more then bigotry, bullying and brazen disregard for smart is to make Magic magical again! Happy New Magical Year!