Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Letter D

Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter D! D, as in Deceitful Determination to Determine absolutely nothing. D, as in Democracy is Done, and in Doing so, in a Devious way, Comrade Mitch McConnell, will Decide to never, ever, really Dig in, and Divulge the truth regarding Russia’s intervention in Decimating our Democracy.  Doing so, or in Comrade McConnell’s version of (Doing nothing),he will continue to Destroy the office of President, and Delegitimize, the system of electing politicians in the USA. Disgusting as it may seem, for Comrade McConnell and his Divisive array of Republican Congress Buddies, to not assist in seeking resolution of the hacking of American politics by a foreign adversary, Comrade McConnell will still Delight as his wife Elaine Chao becomes Secretary of Labor, Roe V Wade will be overturned, and Religious Bigotry (oops I mean Freedom) will provide the outlet for any homophobe to NOT hire anyone identified as LGBT, or serve them, and even fire them for you know, being Gay! 

D, is also for Douchebag, a Dreary Despot of a man, Comrade McConnell, who Desperately fears true Democracy and has from Day one Demonized President Barack Obama. D, is also for the Dark Money, the mysterious but Deliciously tempting pay for play, politicians, who, like Comrade McConnell, who never have to Divulge their sources, but can keep Depositing as their Dark Monied Donors, call the shots. Comrade McConnell will become Delirious with his hidden treasures as his puppet strings are pulled by Devious men who are Determined to Debunk Democracy.  How does that funeral Dirge go…Dum, Dum, Da Dum…