We are in the throws of a revolution, regulated, and run by the Republicans. We are eye witnesses to the overthrow of democracy in this nation, not by a foreign power but by Republican politicians, whose disregard for country is so devious and destructive that it has permitted the Russian government to dictate the rules of governance in the United States. This IS the time to ask yourself, where was I when fascism came to America, what did I do to try and stop it….This IS the time to no longer worry about the future but to protect the present. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have declared war on the citizens of the United States by blocking any attempt of a bipartisan search into what possible collusion Trump’s campaign and the Russian government might have had during the 2016 presidential campaign.The Majority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House are participating in an act of treason, and ALL citizens of the US should demand they be removed from office.
The Democrat Party leadership with the President, should intervene with every Constitutional legality they have at their disposal. This is no longer about Trump being a joke, a jerk but IT is now about the anarchists in the Republican Party providing an illegal election to take place. THIS IS THE TIME we must stop the treasonous participation of and by the Republican Party. Resist, Now, before it is too late!