Tuesday, December 13, 2016

more outrage

The times we complained that any true American should stand while the National Anthem is playing, stating that all symbols defining America should be respected…The outbursts of anger as athletes took to their knees, pissing us off beyond belief…Those who have scorned at the idea of burning the Flag, stating that our Military has risked their lives so we could proudly wave, its red, white and blue…The cries for lock ‘em up, send them to some other country…The Million Moms at the ready to destroy anything Disney if it showcases, an independent female character, characters of the same sex as heroes…The apoplexy when a TV commercial demonstrates that interracial couples, or families of single moms are also typical American families…insisting that THOSE people are not the average American family…

Where is the national outrage, the call for Republicans to join Democrats to fight for the American value of democracy as we witness the hacking toward our electoral process, the hijacking of voting machines, the intrusion of partisan politics by a Federal Agency’s director. Where are all of the Committee meetings, the Republicans gladly enjoin, asserting they are performing the people’s will. Where is the true spirit of America as we watch the destruction of democracy, piece by piece fall like the melting glaciers in the Arctic?

Each day, we discover the nightmares becoming real, the dreams we never wanted to sleep with. We ALL must respond to the affront to democracy that the leadership within the GOP, the Trump organization, the FBI Director and foreign governments  have perpetrated against this nation. This IS about ALL of us, and ALL of us need to fix it NOW. We must RESIST!