Thursday, December 15, 2016

Merry Christmas Aleppo

The self anointed army of Christ, the Evangelical Conservative Southern Christian Baptists (There are oh so many sums to this whole mess), have made it precise and pretty clear that we are to celebrate, to every last good American, the holiday of Jesus Christ’s birthday, as he was born in a manger in Bethlehem, (Which is and was located in the Middle east; but a kinder gentler Middle East we are told)… Christmas is an American holiday, (We are also told by the We Are the Warriors of Merry Christmas),that it was some how written in the Constitution, we are reminded, when General Jesus Christ sailed the Potomac River as he chose George Washington to become President, and said to him to put in my birthday in that document! The Founding Fathers came to this land we are preached to by such Pay to Pray luminaries as Jerry Falwell Jr/Pat Robertson/Franklin Graham and Joel Osteen (Yeah, I know Joel is the nice one of the lot, he doesn’t use fire and brimstone to hate the Gays, he just smiles that dimpled grin and assures the Gays that Jesus still loves you but not as much, if you would only stop loving sinners of your same sex, and oh yeah, not as much he loves himself some Joel Osteen and his gilded Palaces of worship)

Now, some of these Evangelical Conservative Southern Christian Baptists, understand that the Old Middle East of Joseph Mary, Mark, Peter was not like this New Middle East of ISIS, Al Aqaeda, Boko Haram; the Old Middle East OF COURSE had mostly whitish looking citizens Jesus Christ was WHITE for God sakes, he took after his Father…, (Okay maybe he looked tan, but honestly who doesn’t get a little sun burnt in the desert). AND these same group of We Learned All We Need Know From the Bible Crusaders, also, UNDERSTAND, that Jesus’s Great Uncle Kris Kringle (aka Santa), is definitely WHITE. (The Mall of America must have been taken over by a Black Lives Matter, renegade group as they had the UnAmerican, let alone UnChristian gaul to use a BLACK Santa…(For sure there will be be some coal in someone’s Christmas stocking, AND NOT the clean kind of coal Mitch McConnell tells us they mine Kentucky, either!)

And as we are, a collective citizenry of America it is imperative, to push back against those bigots who hate Christians by insisting this is not a Christian nation… (That silly rumor that a division between church and state actually make religious freedom stronger…God knows, that denying other’s their freedom for your own insecurities is what God wants) we watch the majority of self defined Evangelical Conservative Southern Christian Baptist Republican politicians turn their BACKS, their CONSCIENCES, their HEARTS and COMPASSION against the millions of lives tortured, raped and murdered in Aleppo Syria, which was and still is in the Middle East. The same gang of Republican goons who swoon and sway everything Jesus, have ignored and still ignore, the simple fact, that the sons and daughters the creations of human lives, that Jesus’s dad supposedly created, and those same individuals whom Jesus himself was sent to Earth to guide and protect, are being slaughtered, in Jesus’ back yard. So to all of you Evangelical Conservative Southern Christian Baptists, have yourself a Merry Christmas!