We used to call them traitors…or spies…or enemies of the state…or accomplices…NOW we can refer to them either as the GOP Leadership or the Mitch McConnell gang…you know, the people who conspire for the enemy, permitting the enemy to sabotage our democracy. Remember when the Republicans boasted only they could keep America safe, and ONLY they could defend our blessed Democracy…remember how the GOP loved a good war, stating that wars made us safe…remember when the GOP swore that they knew how to fight the enemy better than the Dems…NOW, the GOP fights with the enemy as they declare war on our democratic process…like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan who both knew early on that the Russian were hacking the emails and using that information as disinformation, similar to what FOX NEWS does, but on a larger and more deadly scale.
Communist dictators, and Sectarian dictators like to use the word PROVOCATION whenever they deem an act by a foreign power to be an insult to the integrity of THEIR Homeland. The Iranian’s will send a fleet of armed water craft and aim their weaponry at the US ships…The Chinese will arrest some innocent American citizen in protest…The Russians will just send a whole brigade of atomic powered tanks to the boarders of NATO and Russia as retaliation…but what do we do when a foreign power acts in PROVOCATION against the US. The president politely invites the Republican leadership and Democrat leadership to find a bipartisan approach to talk about the issue. In the case of the Russian hacking of our Election process, HOWEVER, Mitch McConnell and his shyster, lying cronies decide there ain’t much to see with this PROVOCATION, since the only one being served the hack are the Dems. So nothing is said or done.
FBI Director Comey, was also invited to the lets discuss the newest Russian PROVOCATION, he had the information, and he like Mitch McConnell and the GOP leadership, said nothing. Mitch McConnell warned President Obama that any discussion regarding the facts of the hack would make it seem partisan, and in America partisan comments around election time are totally anti-God Bless America. So silence about the Russian hacking, purposely favoring Trump falls gently over the nation…BUT somehow, FBI Director Comey decides that discussing a NON ISSUE like old Hillary emails is not partisan and assists the Russians in tilting the campaign toward Trump. Traitors/Enemies of the State/Co-Conspirators/Comrades’ in Arms…just call them the GOP, it is a lot easier