The art of the con is to get the GUY who dissed you to join in and play your game, using your rules. The GUY who came across too cocky, the GUY who belittled you when he actually took out a ruler and measured his penis stating that his is the biggest, the GUY who burns $10,000 bills to light his Cuban made cigars…that is the GUY the REAL ART of the CON GRIFTER needs to come in set up a chair and play the game of poker. It is never any fun to rob only from the poor moron, when a rich dude whose nose is in the air, and is so condescending, is available. A true con understands status, and knows he doesn’t have any of the real blue blood legitimacy, necessary to hang out with the 1%, but what a delight to have one of the Upper Class, kiss your less than top notch ass! And the cream in the middle of the EAT YOUR OWN WORDS CAKE, is to send a photo to EVERYONE, letting them know who has the real power!
In 2016, we knew just how much Mittens Romney flipped than flopped. He looked good, almost too white, and even a Mormon, but he talked a good talk which ever side of the argument he was taking. He tried to hide his distaste for the common man, even eating Pigs Ears (Good Lord) pretending that TRICKLE DOWN was an actual working theory. He even kind of looked like Reagan, with a ton of make up, but somehow Mitten’s con didn’t stick. We were wiser than, in America in 2016, and of course didn’t have the Russians hacking into anything of importance, so the voting public made a smart choice and told Mittens go back to your 1% crowd.
But like the mold and mildew in the bathroom without a window and a family of six, Mittens IS back. HE wants fame political fame, so it seems, and even though he has his fortune, he is not quite satisfied. Mittens could care less about the man named Trump’s abilities, (Mittens made it clear how much of a jerk Trump was and will be), no Mittens is out for himself (kinda like that other time to retire GOP presidential loser, John McCain who cared less about American’s when he selected I can see Russia from my back porch lady) Eating Crow I think, at a fancy restaurant (I hope the food was good or Trump might refuse to pay the bill) is costly. But as the commercial for MasterCard goes, having your arch nemesis eat that crow as the candles glow is a priceless Con.