He lies, he loves lying, he cannot help but lie. He brags, begging for attention. He begins each sentence with the word me and ends each inflammatory idiotic ranting with not you. He is, was and always will be a buffoon, a belligerent bully, begging to be bigger and better than he boasts. He lingers with lack of depth and fills that void full of devious diversions. And yet, he is the President Elect, almost at the ready to sit inside an Oval Office with the permission to fuck it up as he pleases. I complain, we criticize, I bemoan, we cannot believe, I feel as if I have experienced a death of something loved, we share sympathies, and yet he is set to become the guy, who, by title, may be the most powerful person on this planet.
His collateral of clowns, silly to look at, disgusting to listen to, control the conversation, with sinister double speak, yet are hardly questioned about their intent. No one knows the truth, and yet, it seems to never matter. Each day there is a new bombshell, but somehow the blast never hits the teflon of hypocrisy, which snuggly saves him from any wound. The trace of his past is seemingly written with invisible ink, the misdeeds he has done are tossed around as useless anecdotes; archaic antiques, relics too ridiculous to even ruminate about. Nothing to see here we are told, just a bunch of jealous lovers who only wished they were important enough to remember. And yet, he seems unstoppable, in his selfish stupor, mainly because no one has truly tried hard enough to stop him.
So, what happens next, I wonder. How many law suits…how many unconstitutional actions…how much more nepotism…how many more insults…how much hostility. We ask these questions, yet all I read is innuendo and opinion. Why is it so difficult for a collective we to rally around a solution. We know he is unfit, unstable, and unwilling to to be anything but a danger, yet we treat him as if he is too dangerous to contain. So he will continue…