Little Senator Marco Rubio, the guy who lifted up his leg to pee on the state of Florida, stating that he had no time for his senatorial responsibilities, while running for president, the guy who was re-elected and then provided his state of Florida with a huge dump of poo, and Senator Ted Cruz, the guy who Jesus not only spoke to his wife and father about running for president, but who has been self anointed as the next Messiah, both had hissy fits, a few weeks back when President Obama sent a eulogy correspondence to the country of Cuba regarding Fidel Castro’s death. Both senators were greatly annoyed, appalled, and had apoplexy, that an American president could embrace a dangerous sinister Communist like Castro. Both men however have been ABSOLUTELY silent regarding Trump and McConnell’s embrace of anything Putin. Nothing to see here folks, because as is the mantra of the current crop of Republicans, if we do it, it doesn’t count.
The House of Representatives, has spent millions of dollars, trying to burn that wicked witch Hillary, blaming her for everything from teen pregnancies, to the creation of Islam, being an original member of ISIS, to just being a nasty lady. Whether it was Trey Gowdy, who admitted he had changed some of the original correspondences regarding Benghazi to cast a dimmer light on Hillary, just to reassure the people carrying the wood and matches she needed to burn, to Jason Chaffetz, who used the Breibart and Drudge reports as facts to claim Hillary was indeed a Communist agent or even a member of the Royal Saudi family, even calling in Alex Jones for a touch more of conspiracy. And now when the CIA has with certainty provided the evidence that Trump and his minions have conspired with the Russians, both Rep’s Gowdy and Chaffetz insist that America is tired of all these committee meetings and the House of Representatives must do the people’s work and save this nation. One more reminder of the hypocrisy, that has become synonymous with the GOP.
Our democratic society has been torn and tattered. The foundation of this nation has been rotted away. We have a very modest bit of humility left to distinguish our ideals and values from the tyrants and dictators of the world. And yet, we find ourselves with one political party either sponsoring witch hunts, denying one person one vote, disenfranchising large demographics of this nation, and permitting the interference of our elections, without any hard pushback. What is going on. This is AMERICA, have we no more decency left?