Mitch McConnell the Majority Leader (Kentucky) of the Senate and his second in command Senator John Cornyn (Texas) have given brief comments regarding the Russian hacking of the American election describing it in such eloquent sound bytes as, “a nothing to see here moment, or this isn’t new so why get upset now” issue.
We have a teeny, tiny crack of open space, in that preverbal window of opportunity, to try and salvage the last vestiges of democracy. The large chunks of the democratic process drifted into the sea of hypocrisy, like the melting icebergs, when corporations became people, and somehow the term dark money as in something like the Death Star, became an all too familiar term used by wealthy donors to buy favors from their puppet on a string politicians. Democracy was already on its disappearance act when gerrymandered districts were created by both parties to dissuade a minority vote, and to top off the vanishing act, restrictive Voter ID Laws, limited pre voting and day of voting polling hours and the coup de tau in saying so long farewell to democracy was actual act of feigning innocence, learning nothing from the Gore V Bush election.
The GOP never plays fair, they understand that their policies, and product NEVER really were established for the EVERYMAN or WOMAN of America. The GOP plays dirty, and they also understand that they will win by playing dirty, because in nine out of ten incidents of dirty, grimy politics, the Dems have played dead. So it seems, President Obama knew about the Russian involvement, he did his Dems best asking for bipartisan agreement…Mitch McConnell, knowing all about the Russians, claimed there was NO THERE, THERE, and if the President made a mountain out of this already Everest sized attack on the American democratic system, Mitch McConnell would sic the press on Mr Obama insisting that if trump lost, it was because of UN-NECESSARY rough play by the DEMS. As a Dem in good standing,President Obama and the spineless leadership of the Dems tucked their tails under their butt and let the GOP call the rest of the election shots!
We have a mili-second to save the remains of a once proud system of inclusion, we ALL should be screaming, yelling and insisting that we fix it NOW. Tomorrow is way too late!