Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Dear Congresswoman Pelosi,

Congratulations on your election to remain as the Minority Leader for the Democrat Party. NOW WHAT? I have been an ardent supporter of your work in the Congress, watching you defend the rights of all Americans seeking equality and justice regardless of the usual race, religion, sexuality etc. qualifications. I know the work you have successfully completed providing many of the minority demographics our freedoms, and I applaud you for all that effort and energy. But NOW WHAT? I have been a life-long Democrat, following the inspiration of my parents. I have learned that as a part of a greater community I must understand compromise, I must accept the rights of others to disagree, and I sometimes must fight my ass off to make sure my point is heard, and not only that UNDERSTOOD. NOW WHAT Congresswoman Pelosi, now that we understand just how devious the Trump campaign has been, how unprofessional and inadequate our Media has been in calling them out, how cunning and short sided the GOP in the House and Senate have been. NOW WHAT when hypocrisy and lies are keystone to deciding which laws count and which are just up for the highest bidder by the Republicans. NOW WHAT Congresswoman Pelosi, with all due respect, what is your plan of action to spearhead a movement by the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals? We all know that Trump has in his organization a potpourri of White Supremacists/Racists/Misogynists/Xenophobes/Anti-Semites. We ALL know that he has the support of the Evangelical Christians who believe as long as you hate the Homo and the Vagina, you are a better Christian and a better Christian is the only true American. NOW WHAT?

I have pledged my Resistance to the inequality and fascist leaning policies of Trump and his cronies, but I sit in Los Angeles at my computer, and feel my one voice alone makes little difference. But your voice Congresswoman Pelosi, can and should carry far more weight. So I ask again, NOW WHAT? Too often I have watched the Democrats spineless and caving in. Too afraid to brag about the good stuff, always ready to admit defeat. The GOP fight hard, and at times it seems that the Democrats hardly fight. NOW WHAT Congresswoman Pelosi,you wanted the job as Minority Leader…well WE ARE the minority, so NOW WHAT?