The state of California has witnessed some very devastating wild fires burning hundreds of acres of land, leaving untold destruction for both the human’s and animal’s calling the forests and mountains home. Miles and miles of devastation and yet very often, and with great stead and integrity, somehow the First Responders fighting the fires are able to at least identify if the maelstrom of devastation was caused by Mother Nature, or the nature of an arsonist or the acts of an ignorant selfish person forgetting that the California environment is in a terrible drought condition. When a real effort to find the truth is put in place and made a priority even the most maddening of minutiae, is sorted through and results are provided. It can be like finding that preverbal needle in the haystack. And often times the criminal is caught and made to pay for the crime. So hard, yet to easy when someone cares.
Yet one more denial from Trump regarding his collusion, his money laundering, his decision to play the puppet to Putin, yet one more admittance that Trump is so afraid of the truth, causing him to deny access by the public to the Democrats Memo regarding the Steele Dossier; BUT yet we continue to pretend that Trump is innocent. Be it via Tweets where Trump acts triumphant and jubilant that he hasn’t been connected with lying, or stealing or obstructing the rule of law, to his blatant banal badgering at Klan rallies blaming others for the erosion of democracy, the facts are in front of us and NOTHING is done to place this man out of the White House and into Prison. Trump is such a Narcissist, that he telegraphs his misdeed quite often, because he is so sick that he always wants the world to know his action be they for good or bad.
The First Responders in California can find the finest speck of evidence as to where and often how a hundred acre fire had been started, with very little to hardly any clues. Trump and his Klansmen drop clues like a drunkard would spill his fifth glass of bear walking from the bar to a stool next to the bar, and we are supposed to believe there IS nothing to discover. Maybe the First Responders actually can about the lives of public, whereas the GOP cares about nothing but the lives of their donors and the longevity of their political careers. Finding that needle in the haystack seems so much easier then the seeing the HUGE ORANGE FASCIST in the White House!