We, as a nation have ben warned about world-wide terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS. We have been witness to the gruesome murders and crimes, and the lack of respect for their rule of law. We know those two names almost better than we do the names of the presidents of the United States. And we certainly should be aware of just how much damage these groups are capable of establishing. We, however as a nation sometimes forget, or just try to ignore just how many devious and dangerous INTERNAL terrorist organizations are currently causing damage and destruction to our democracy. Be it the KKK, NRA the Neo Nazi’s, the White Supremacists which have horrific history within our country, or now the Republican Party gleeful, and for its leadership, gainfully on the payroll of the Russian government, or Trump a man in the Oval Office who in real life could even get a visitors pass to the White House, we somehow seem to ignore the potential demise of all of our Institutions and the disgrace of a once proud nation. There is another group of INTERNAL terrorists, who have been around for quite awhile, but with the hacking of Trump as Commander-In-Chief, this group has taken on an even more sinister and bolder profile as an enemy of the state. This group is the Conservative Political Action Committee, (CPAC). They are a group of very radical Republicans, who wish to redefine the separation between church and state, who still believe that the South won the Civil War, and who find anyone not white, not Christian is NOT a true American.
Today, on Friday, February 23, 2018, Trump, spoke in front of this American terrorist group, and did two things. The first, is an old narcissistic habit of his, where he MUST brag about all of the criminals acts he has gotta away with. His ego is so fragile that Trump must remind his audience that he committed the crimes, just so they understand just how good he can be. Trump spoke about the popular vote in America not being relevant just the Electoral College (There is great interest by Robert Mueller’s investigation, about the hacking and tampering of three key states which Trump miraculously won, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania), then Trump used his snake oil salesmen pitch about how crooked the Democrats had been (There are at least 19 people in either his campaign or current administration indicted or about to be), but he saved his best shot for last and insisted that lyin’ Hillary was truly the villain in the 2016 election. But here is why, WE all should take great heed as to the terrorist intent of CPAC, once the current guy sitting in the Oval Office, mentioned Hillary’s name, the CPAC crowd shouted lock her up, lock her up, and Trump did nothing but smirk his sinister pouty face encouraging this group of anarchist/Communist loving conservatives to shout and shout and shout.Trump has always believes that to defer is the answer to his own crimes. Trump also must talk about his crimes. This is not a Banana Republic yet, but with attendees at the CPAC convention who have ignored basic laws of this nation, we soon could become one. For me home grown terrorists who use Jesus, and the Confederate Flag as their source of inspiration are scary and we all should become aware!