Let’s be clear, NO, lets be PRECISE, there is NO place in any civilized nation, for the citizens to carry assault weapons, weapons of war unless the intention is to declare war, a civil war among themselves. Lets be clear, NO lets be PRECISE, there is no democracy in any land when a group of powerful people with the ability to hand out billions of dollars to the politicians, to buy their votes, eliminating the needs of the many just to fill the pockets of the few. Let’s be clear Mr Trump, good Americans, patriots do no sell assault weapons, weapons of war, weapons intended to murder in mass its population, those are enemies of the state. lets be clear Mr Trump, NO lets be PRECISE, your latest Tweet touting the good deeds of the NRA is more hocus pocus, wham bam gotcha m’am, as is anything you have done in the past. You are bought and paid for by the NRA and you only hear the jingle of its coins as they fall into your made in China Trump suits. If you cared Mr Trump , you wold not have needed a note reminding you, that you cared and that you should listen. Lets’ be clear, No lets be PRECISE, Mr Trump you are a fraud, a freak a fool, and maybe this time, no HOPEFULLY the time REAL AMERICANS will finally prevail, and place you and the anarchists in jail. The true Americans Mr Trump were the families who somehow found the strength to INFORM you, of the truth!