It was like the movie Groundhog Day, almost to the most minuscule of atoms falling from the sky. A crazy round of story telling from who the shooter was or was there more. Multiple interviews with each and every cable news outlet hiring their band of terrorist experts, psychologists, first responders and of course with each report the public was being reminded that we don’t quite know all of the details…but we definitely knew ANOTHER group of students were the victims.
Helicopters flew on missions to give us a birds eye view of the school grounds, witnessing the amount of police cars, then squad cars and then a few sheriff vehicles, we got to see the SWAT vehicles at the ready to stage an assault, if God forbid that would be necessary. by telephone we heard worried parents or listened as neighbors near the school shared their partial knowledge. Red flashing signs of Breaking News appeared before our eyes sometime in waves of three minutes.
Then came the press conference, and of course the round of thanks you’s and pats on the back by officials tot officials, and if they were lucky enough to make an appearance, the POLITICIANS were on the podium. Of course each and every one offered thoughts and prayers, but it was the Governors, or the Attorney Generals whose inaction and only action of thoughts and prayers for me made the whole ceremony more disgusting. Any person speaking to the public about YET one more murder scene, which could have been avoided, by some brave GUN legislation, might have well been talking though their individual ASSES.
But then the real kicker came the real reveal, shall we say about what IS important and what IS not. A very shaky and brave teen crouched down as if in a fox hole on some battle ground held the camera of the I-Phone, filled with fear (the kind no child let alone adult should feel), and as we the audience heard the rapid fire of gun shots said “Oh, fuck there is shooting in our school. The THING, was we all were permitted to see he shaking body of two students praying for their lives, we could hear the bullets flying but the TV station blacked out the word fuck. So, a kid can bring an assault weapon to school, kids can copper with fear, and the only really BAD thing was the word fuck. Here is what is fucked up folks, the words thoughts and prayers, and now is not the time to discuss this. Fuck You!