Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V! On Friday, a guy named Trump ascertained that he suddenly was VINDICATED (being cleared of blame or suspicion), and in doing so announced some kind of concocted VICTORY (an act of defeating an enemy or opponent). Becoming, quite VOCIFEROUS (making an outcry or loud noises), he began to VEHEMENTLY (being forceful, passionate, intense) deciding to both VIOLATE (treat with irreverence or disrespect) and VOID (completely empty) all the facts. Of course his preferred weapon VENOM (complete malice or bitterness), VIA (by means of) his typical approach/avoidance: Twitter, or placing a tiny hand over his mouth as he speaks or just calling onto the FOX and Friends Comedy Hour) was more proof of just VERY (used for emphasis), VEXED (annoyed, frustrated or worried), he has been, still is and will be!
This man called Trump, hacked into office, colluding with Russia, blackmailed by Putin, is a dangerous person on many accounts. He is enabled to play the Emperor with no clothing by a bad, bevy of Republicans, paid for and off by wealthy donors like the Mercer and Koch families, as well as supporters by a fake religious cult group defining themselves as Evangelical Christians whose only goal in life is to actually play God instead of pray to him. This man called Trump is dangerous with only one desire, that being to inflate his frail ego, feed his cannibal, narcissistic appetite, and to never see his shadow for fear of what it truly might look like. And if we could, which is so difficult, try to identify only one word to define a creature like Trump a word that sadly comes to mind is VINDICTIVE (having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge).The longer we permit the Game of Trump to be played we, America and the world we leave for the next generation of our friend and family will be or maybe already is on the VERGE (an edger or boarder) of a VORTEX (a mass of flowing fluid or air, a whirlpool or whirlwind) of collapse! Be VERY, VERY, VERY afraid!