It’s BIG, Its BOLD, its BAD its BENGHAZI 2, this time starring Devin Nunes as the every ready to change facts into fiction as was Trey Gowdy during BENGHAZI 1…this time it's a Russian spy instead of those pesky Arab terrorists…but just to make sure it sells and plays on your TV screens forever and ever it still somehow stars Hillary as the villainous!
BENGHAZI 2 this time we take you into the dark seedy corners of the cornerstone of corrupt, the Trump Tower. A place surrounded by glitter but we all know all that glitters in this corporate tower is either orange dust or spray tan. A contemptuous wanna be somebody named Carter Page, a real nobody, even described by his KGB handlers as goofy, become a spy a dupe, a vounce (a Russian word for cockroach) eager to exploit whomever for whatever just be one of the guys a larger than life moron named Trump will call pal and perhaps hand over one or two porn stars to play with. No overthrowing of an Embassy this time, just an entire COUNTRY, and you know, somehow it is still Hillary’s fault.
BENGHAZI 2, the same approach avoidance, the same cowardly attempt to place blame, the same simpletons, who are only in office due to gerrymandering, voter restriction, and dark money, at the ready to place their professions as being politicians before being Patriots…at the ready to usurp any kind of democratic principles for Putin…at the ready to take a giant dump upon this nation because that is about all the Republican party knows how to do well…
Some will hurry to the FOX News Theaters to buy their tickets thinking Jesus himself is blaming the Dems and Hillary….Some will insist that the world is flat and evolution is phony and that the only true friends of America is the KGB…Some will applaud this anarchist attempt to bring Fascism to America, quoting chapter and verse from some Bible…There will be useless debates on the matter of one thing…the Trump Administration has been and still is in partnership with Putin and Co. BENGHAZI 2: THE MEMO!