So…Paul Ryan travels to Florida, only to shoo away citizens concerned about gun violence, so he can clear the ball room for a fund raiser…Ryan stated this gun stuff is sensitive, why even he has to worry how his adolescent children react to something he believes only causes a “knee jerk reaction” when it happens…guess the NRA funding just ain’t enough. Oh yeah, no need to raise the question on the House side of Congress says, Paul Ryan, we did that already, and it has worked out well so far…So Trumpster Dumpster flies to Florida pretending that he owns an ounce of conscience visits the medical staff and of course those First Responders, stand with them for a photo op flashing his thumbs up sign. Trumpster tells everyone what a great job these folks do, never once mentioning to whom and for whom they had to treat gunshot wounds, to whom they had to try and discover psychological wounds from being gun violence victims, but he Melania all dressed up as a kind of model Florence Nightingale, had smiles on their faces. And oh yeah, who wouldn’t be smiling when waiting for your at your Mar-A-Lago castle was yet another fund raiser celebrating those gaudy, rowdy days of disco at Studio 54…Ryan and Trumpster the numero uno and tres guys in this nation who both love themselves the fruits of labor working for Putin and the NRA.
So…as Sophia Pertrillo of Golden Girl fame might say, “picture this, Washington DC, an orange guy stands in front of a white house, carrying both gasoline and matches, as he douses that white house from roof to basement, onlookers begin to surround him, these onlookers either dressed in white robes, gerrymandered red stripes, little NRA insignia’s, a few with swaztika’s on their arm bands, point fingers at the orange guy, they mumble, still pointing and watch. There is muttering among some as they sigh but he has matches and he has gasoline, is that good. Others point behind them and say but those guys the minority of them standing behind us, maybe they should have never provided this orange guy with both gasoline and matches. The splash of thick smelly gasoline still resonates as the orange man is dousing now a capitol building with the same mixture of flammable fluid. The orange strikes a match, the majority in the crowd, stare into the flames and shout as one voice, its burning DC is burning….does anyone look for water to douse the flames, nope, they close their eyes, place fingers in their ears and just shout, we saw nothing, we heard nothing, we were just following orders.
The Republican Party…nobody does it better!