Friday, July 31, 2020

just asking

“With the massive testing challenges we are facing as a nation, it seems hard to justify committing any capacity for something optional like sports,” said Dr. Neel Gandhi, infectious disease expert and associate professor of epidemiology at Emory University Rollins School of Public Health. (Chicago Tribune)

So just as an average citizen, one who does not have school-aged children, one who does not thankfully have to ride a form mass transit to go to work, one who still worries about income, but so far have not had to make some tough priorities as to which few dollars I will spend on food, or shelter, or health, so just as an average citizen not making a six-figure salary, playing baseball, I am, HOWEVER, REALLY, REALLY CURIOUS…how come the MLB has access to massive testing almost on a daily basis…and I DO NOT!

I wish no harm to any MLB Player, but what exactly makes their lives so much more important than say…MINE, or those I love and care about, who don’t play professional ball? And just to UNDERSTAND THIS EVEN MORE…WTF and WHY THE FUCK, if we are so keen on opening schools, how come all of the staff from the Janitor, to the Crossing Guard, to the Bus Driver, to the Teacher, to the Principal can’t get the same kind of massive testing as the MLB.

WAIT, WAIT, I know, SCHOOLS are not CORPORATIONS, teachers teach but the profit margin is low, so it really is not a true CORPORATION and CORPORATIONS  are people…PEOPLE who receive perks and bonuses and have enough bribe money to purchase DAILY MASSIVE TESTING.  Just asking for a friend!

As If

In his quest to retain the title President for Life, like his role models, Xi, Jung-Un, Putin, Trump has no concept of the Constitution, and his REAL PRIORITY to NOT GO TO JAIL, Trump decided to let the people of American know that he MAY NOT ACCEPT the tallies of the election, and WILL DISPUTE its outcome-based upon any evidence he might consider valuable, but the ONE we know he fines great value and fear from, the MAILED IN BALLOT! MY FIRST RESPONSE of course is AS IF…but then again when the very close numbers in certain swing states were VERY CLOSE, and some ballots never ever appeared or if they had, someone had smudged the correct vote with another vote…AS IF, is no longer my safe word. Certain Republican Governors who only are CERTAIN REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS because of voter fraud perpetrated on behalf and by behalf of hackers and GOP traitors just might try to establish laws prohibiting the counting of ballots if they arrive past due date. And to make certain that due date arrives and the ballots don’t Trump has hired a CRONY of his to run the Postal Service, and well, I need not regurgitate the irregularities that remain once a Trump Swamp thing handles any official business. And OH YEAH for all you head up your own ass cause there is no more room up Trump's oversized ass, the Vote By Mail Ballot issue is just one of those plots and plans Trump has in motion to remain from prison time. Yeppers, see any Military Camouflaged Troops shooting and kidnapping and creating more violence in cities…you think that will stop any time soon. DREAM on YOU SELF DELUSIUONAKL BIGOTED FOOLS, who somehow think ECONOMICS is any demonstration of a good President. Trump is preparing us for Martial Law…WHAT, HUH, WADYA SAY…its happening in small doses now, but just wait as he panics as each and every day the deaths from the TRUMP PANDEMIC RISE, AND HIS POPULARITY FALLS.

AS IF, AMERICA…as if when you did not vote for Hillary, were a Bernie or Bust, pretended that Trump was more than a Reality Star, though he was one of the people…or ENJOYED A ROLE MODEL who hated just like you did…only to discover he also hated you! THIS IS REAL, AND SCARY, AND HAPPENING!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

I figured it out

I figured it out
I figured it out
With a pencil and a pad I figured it out!
Seven and a half cents doesn't buy a hell of a lot,
Seven and a half cents doesn't mean a thing!
But give it to me every hour,
Forty hours every week,
And that's enough for me to be living like a king!
I figured it out (Seven and a Half Cents/Richard Adler/Jerry Ross)

Friday, July 312020, THE CARES ACT ENDS! The jobless will likely no longer receive an extra $600 in their weekly unemployment checks. Many tenants who don’t pay their rent can be evicted. And many small businesses won’t have a forgivable federal loan to cushion the blow of meager sales. Government and private-sector programs intended to keep millions of people afloat since mid-March during the most abrupt and severe recession in U.S. history are scheduled to expire, even as near-record unemployment and deep financial hardship persist. Senators Rubio(R-FL) Cornyn (R-TX) McConnell, (R-KY) Paul (KY) Hawley R-MO) Cruz (R-TX) and Johnson (R-WI) have been ESPECIALLY VOCAL that most Americans are grifters, rather would receive welfare than work. These Senators, and the cowards who just hide in the shadows, pretending their silence will go unnoticed, have also done nothing to STOP this train wreck from happening. The tentative schedule for 2020 has been announced. The list below identifies expected non-legislative periods (days that the Senate will not be in session) it is called a recess, an excuse for the Congress to get paid, receive their benefits, but not show up to work, (jobs they still retain even in the worst of economic hardships)

“Ten years! Let's see..thats 520 weeks, times forty hours every week, and roughly two and a quarter hours overtime.. at a time
and a half for overtime! Comes to exactly... $1705.48!
That's enough for me to buy
A trip to France across the seas,
A motorboat and water skis,
Maybe even a foreign car,
A charge account at the corner bar,
Not to mention a scrabble board with letters made of gold!” (Seven and a Half Cents/Richard Adler/Jerry Ross)

CONGRESS get paid $3346 a week and receive the following: Health Insurance: Senators, like members of the House, receive health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Retirement: Most senators receive their retirement plan through the Federal Employees' Retirement System, although some who joined Congress prior to 2003 may be covered by the former Civil Service Retirement System. Under this plan, a senator receives both access to a tax-advantaged retirement plan and an annuity-based pension. Office, travel, and staff budget - senators receive an allowance for their professional needs. While this allowance ranges based on an individual's needs, the average appropriation is worth a little over $3.3 million. 

The Democrat Majority House passed: The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act or HEROES Act is proposed legislation passed by the United States House Of Representatives on May 15, 2020, that is worth $3 trillion in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump refers Dems as the LEFT Anarchists saying they are placing this nation in dire peril that is plagued by lawlessness, poverty, and violence, constantly under threat, and at risk of having "nothing, absolutely nothing, left." Have you figured it out yet?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


READING IS FUNDAMENTAL: With the help of Lady Bird Johnson and Arthur White, Margaret McNamara's 1966 experience led to the formation of Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), a nonprofit children's literacy organization dedicated to making reading a fun and beneficial part of everyday life. It was Tuesday, July 28, 2020, I arrived home from my summer job, irked at life today, just because life seemed irksome and erroneous, and almost irreverent. Too many people around me today, even in my Neverland called Provincetown, too many people pushing and shoving, mask-wearing but tired of it and finding it too tedious, caring, being careful, but careless enough to just be in the way. We all are feeling the pressure of enough is enough, but perceiver, except of course for those deems the PRIVILEGED CLASS, they pounce and prance, and parade and presume their shit is the kind of purified existence. I returned home, reluctantly put on MSNBC, hoping to hear the lowlights of Willie VON Barr’s lies and deceptions, but instead reading from his prepared text, as might a first-grade student learning his use of sentences and words with more than one syllable, Trump, hunched over, (I hear it is his truss that causes him to lean forward, otherwise the lower vertebrae of his back would implode), almost using his fingers to point to each word, recited a litany of lies and fabrication written by the folks who find Fascism the new Democracy and a fanatic the new fancy!

And then a Trump droned on and on and on, trying to pronounce hard words other than TREMENDOUS, OR BEAUTIFUL OR BIGGER, OR PERFECT, his ego was tugging hard enough at his corpse that to no one’s unexpected dismay, he rapped a free form melody of ME, ME, MINE! I listened, no longer able to watch as my eyes warned my brain you might lose sight, my ears still hanging on for good life…I listened and heard the following:

Why do people like Dr. Fauci more than me and why does he have a bigger fan base than me….I have used the Defense production Act more times than the fake press has acknowledged, and get to love for doing that…I am spending billions on Kodak, a fine name and even though they never went digital and lost lots of money, they are now going to make fantastic COVID vaccines…I won’t be using the Defense Production Act for masks or gowns because good American Corporations, they best are doi9ng that on their own. And then he assured us that Abbot Industries has enough Rapid COVID Tests, more than we ever had, millions more, and everyone will be able to get tested ( of course never telling us when or where, and how.) Trump then beamed about the rising economy and its health, never once sharing any remorse or sympathy for the over 150,000 American deaths and when asked about a day of mourning, said that would be too negative, he IS a positive kind of guy, and then he knows that because the ECONOMY will soon be THRIVING! And somewhere along the way when he once again veered from his reading list, he proclaimed a doctor, wearing a very NICE white coat, surrounded by other doctors wearing very nice white coats, who that hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, is truly the REAL vaccine for the CORONAVIRUS! (This same doctor has been documented to also insist that many illnesses are caused by demons.)

My little Chance, our puppy dog at eleven years old, thank goodness whined, I thought at first because he too had had enough of Trump, but then I realized it was his dinner time…(although he has an uncanny habit of whining at weird things.) and my ears like my eyes went on lockdown sending an impulse to my arms running to my hands explaining to my fingers, shut off the fucking TV. And it was quiet, except NOT because even in the shadows fear and horror awaits. I am certain Trump will READ some more PR on Wednesday, his people telling him it is FUNDAMENTAL, but it is so TEDIOUS TO read when instead you can spout off bull shit without ever pulling down your pants, and have it come out of your mouth instead of all those written words! 

windmills of my mind

The Grinch appears to be suffering from an almost textbook case of antisocial personality disorder with depressed mood, said Todd Hill, a clinical psychologist in Halifax. Symptoms include Failure to conform to social norms. Deceitfulness.

“Yes, no I mean yes or no…Yes if this will not be considered on the record, and no if in fact I am found to have committed to perjure myself. myself. (Definition of perjure oneself. law. : to tell a lie in a court of law after promising to tell the truth: to commit perjury.) Did I know, did the president know, exactly what do you define as did the I know, or did the president know, do you mean literally or figuratively? Did I recei9ve direct orders to disobey my role as Attorney General, or do you mean did you assume I had certain rules to obey as an ATTORNEY GENERAL? Wait, did you just ask me a question, or were you reciting fake news and pretending that the misinformation from unreliable sources is a fact, and are you basing your inquiry on that fact, which in fact is no fact at all?” 

“What, special rules apply, are you asking me or telling me? Let me be perfectly unclear, if this is on the record, then I cannot be clear, if this is just a shell game then I can be as clear as I wish as long as there is no trace or recording I have spoken. Will I throw the election in 2020 for trump if he loses? Will I adhere to Trump’s special commands and disavow the Constitutional norms? Have you no decency to ask me such questions? Am I a puppet a pawn, a plot a ploy, a plaything, a pandering pimp? How dare you, sir or madame. No, you can’t claim your time, this is my time, and I am here to lie my ass off because as Trump’s Roy Cohn it is my Patriotic duty to do so!”

If you could muster the courage to listen to Willie Von, Herr Barr, pretend to give a shit about law and order, and watched his sideshow, you were brave. The snippets I could collect made me mad, not as in just angry but certifiably insane! And do I think Martial Law is in order for November, you bet your sweet ass I do. As the Governors of Washington and Oregon have sadly been telling us, the sideshow in Portland/Seattle/Louisville and soon your BLUE CITY or state is just the foreshadowing of a COUP by Trump and Barr. 

“Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never-ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind!” (Windmills of Your Mind/Alan Bergman)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rose gardens and poverty

“I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain some time
When you take you gotta give so live and let live
Or let go oh-whoa-whoa-whoa
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden” (Rose Garden/Joe South)

She has time to travel to New York City to get her hair done. She can fly to whichever clinic in the world to take a fallen face and make it tight, yet retain that sullen emotionless face, and she can have her personal assistant create a slogan to Be best, only condoning the Be Worst in her husband and his administration…and in the midst of poverty, unemployment, desperation, the angst of never knowing any truth, because she is a part of a CABAL of criminals placing money and profit before people, Melania is now promising us a rose garden, because in the midst of a pandemic, instead of money on PPE’s you plant roses, and make your own house (one owned by taxpayers) be PRETTY, like BE BEST!

We're in the money
We're in the money
We've got a lot of what it takes to get along
We're in the money
The sky is sunny
Old man depression, you are through you done us wrong, (We’re in the Money/Al Dubin)

“We’ve kind of paused as far as formal negotiations go,” Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council told reporters Friday. He said the administration wanted to let the last round of recovery funding kick in before committing to hundreds of billions or more in additional spending. “Let’s have a look at what the latest round produces, give it a month or so to evaluate that.” (C-Span) You or I, we have no job, or fewer hours to work. Our jobs even if we wanted to work no longer exist. Three meals (healthy meals is just a thing some doctors have invented as a more scientific fallacy, a shelter over our heads, well what the fuck homeless survive and do okay, damn you see them every day. Let’s wait and see how many more people actually physically survive this economic boon and or survive the CORNOAVIRUS before we make any unnecessary plans because TRUMP’S RE-ELECTION (oopsie, I mean the economy’s health is truly the priority. 

They used to tell me I was building a dream
With peace and glory ahead
Why should I be standing in line
Just waiting for bread?
Once I built a railroad, I made it run
Made it race against time
Once I built a railroad, now it's done
Brother, can you spare a dime? (Buddy Can You Spare a Dime/Yip Harburg)

The disagreements are delaying an expected rollout of a $1 trillion coronavirus package until early next week, McConnell said, all but guaranteeing that benefits for millions of jobless Americans will shrink. And the proposal is sure to face opposition from Democrats, who are skeptical and have the power to block it. (NBC News) One of the wealthiest men in the Senate, via lobbyist influence, he and his wife’ Elaine Chaos’s family business bonus are placed in offshore accounts, and a whole lotta lovin’ from the Mercer Family and their Conservative Plutocratic Donor Class is in dilemma. It, as usual, seems that deficit spending is bad when the money trickles down to the poor but is a GREAT/TREMENDOUS idea when the money trickles up to the 1%. Using excuses as old as time, that paying people any unemployment makes them avoid working because any money for free pays all the bills and that if you have more money, the only way is to earn it on your own because the government cannot provide both a handout for the needy as well as the wealthy. 

Three examples of Ivory Tower Living/self- serving/aloof Republicans who pretend there is no Pandemic/The Economy is a Person/and being a part of Royalty is the key to being a good Patriot!

Monday, July 27, 2020

i can't take more

`Take some more tea,' the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. `I've had nothing yet,' Alice replied in an offended tone, `so I can't take more. ' `You mean you can't take LESS,' said the Hatter: `it's very easy to take MORE than nothing.(Lewis Carroll)

Now we see the Trump administration preparing to blame teachers for partial or full school closures this fall. Trump’s claim that “the moms want it, the dads want it, the kids want it” was notable for who didn’t make the list: educators. (THINK)

Senator Cotton told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: "We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise, we can't understand our country. "As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction." (BBC News)

The discord caused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to postpone the scheduling unveiling of the relief proposal from Thursday to Monday as the White House and Republicans continued to mull over the options. This delay, coupled with the reality that any proposal put forth by Republicans will then need to be ironed out with Democrats, led McConnell to suggest it could be several weeks before an agreement is reached, according to The Washington Post. “Hopefully we can come together behind some package we can agree on in the next few weeks,” McConnell was quoted as saying today while at an event in Kentucky. (Forbes)

It is Monday, July 27, 2020, and we now have three new victims from which to scapegoat and remind the world are the true villains for the way we were and the way we are. Teachers are bad because their lives matter not and would like to live another day, avoiding direct contact with COVID. Those who find slavery appalling and inhuman, are truly the real treasonists of America because they never understood the value of using slaves as chattel and capital gain. And now, once again it the average American workers who want to commit fraud against the government, because they are unemployed and just want some small pittance to pick one bill to pay, food, housing, or medical. We have three Republican politicians so out of whack with the real world/Trump/Cotton/McConnell, each living a life of ease and never needing to want for anything, explaining the way of a world which is exploding all around everyone but them. 

“In that direction,” the Cat said, waving its right paw round, “lives a Hatter: and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad.”
“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you ca’n’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.” (Lewis Carroll)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

starting a joke

I started a joke which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see that the joke was on me oh no
I started to cry which started the whole world laughing
Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me (I Started a Joke/Bee Gees)

Betsy DeVos is still seeking payback from students who registered at for-profit sham universities, and still defying the court's order to have these students, reimbursed their tuition, all the while continuing to demand loan payments from people out of work and unemployed. Kristjan Nielsen, one of the original thugs living in the Swamp Trump Cabinet, is back in the news pretending no concentration camps were ever established while under her sadistic tenure as DHS and feels that a judge’s order to remove these kidnapped and captive children due to the CORONAVIRUS is just a political overreaction. This week the Relief package of $600 Stimulus checks is due to expire before anything new is set to replace it, but Mitch McConnell, is still debating its function and purpose within his GOP caucus…who by the way to the member, is still working, receiving full salaries and benefits 

I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said
'Till I finally died which started the whole world living
Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on me (I Started a Joke/Bee Gees)

Call them Karen’s or Ken’s but label them pre-meditated murderers and just identify them as the privileged American, selfish, and entitled to pretend their lives MATTER and no one else. Be they the white folk who suddenly think they are the CIA demanding answers from people of color as to why they even exist, or to the brats and buffoons using only the sad-sack shit FOX News presents as fact, to STILL pretending COVID-19 is a HOAX, and spread their virus of COVID and ignorance wherever and whenever they go out. Ignoring, the lack of freedom for the LGBTQ/reproductive rights, Immigrant and DREAMERS civil rights, the poor or elderly, equitable housing, or medical care, this GROUP are sudden victims because of all things wearing a mask is a defining moment in their perception of HUMANITY and FREEDOM!

I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said
'Till I finally died which started the whole world living
Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on me
Oh no that the joke was on me (I Started a Joke/Bee Gees)

And the Erik Prince Mercenaries are now in more than Portland, beating up protestors, kidnapping them and welcomed by the President of the United States. He uses the Rose Garden and Oval Office for political campaigning, fires IG’s and decides to permit his friends, visa vie Executive Privilege out of jail for free, even when juries have found them guilty, and all the while one more law after another is broken and NO ONE WITHIN THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY tries to stop him. 

Each day we say, this has to be enough, then it is not. Each day we have to say this is not normal and then we use the term the new normal. Each day we pretend that all of this might be fixed if only we wait 100 days and vote, you actually think election day will arrive on time, and that it will look or feel anything like democracy in action. Trump started a joke, and who is laughing?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

smokey the bear

“Without a vaccine, sir, why do you think the virus is going to be gone?” asked CBS News reporter Ben Tracy. “It’s gonna go,” Trump responded. “It’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be gone. It’s gonna be eradicated. It might take longer, it might be in smaller sections. It won’t be what we had.” He went on, “If you have a flare-up in a certain area—I call them burning embers—boom, we put it out. We know how to put it out now.” (Mother Jones
You have to weigh the community costs, one lawyer said. Opening schools mean sick and dead children and delaying opening means inconvenience. A number of Florida lawyers are offering free or discounted living wills for teachers who may be required to return to the classroom this school year.
"I had read a story a few weeks ago about three Arizona teachers who'd gone back to school to work on a project," said Charles Gallagher, whose St. Petersburg law firm, Gallagher & Associates, is among those offering teachers free living wills. "All three contracted COVID-19 and one died." One teacher protesting in front of the Hillsborough School District in Tampa carried a sign, “I can’t teach from my grave.” (MSNBC)

1947: Smokey the Bear His slogan changed to "Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires" in 1947 and was associated with Smokey Bear for more than five decades. Smokey Bear has had a few different official catchphrases over the years, including “Smokey Says–Care Will Prevent 9 out of 10 Forest Fires,” and “Remember … Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.” The current version, implemented in 2001, is “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires.” Smokey might not say much, but his message is just as—or maybe even more—important today as it was 75 years ago. 

Trump has one message! Re-elect me, it matters not who lives or dies, suffers, or leaves loved ones mourning and concerned. Make the ailing economy seem vibrant and alive, which in turn helps me look like I care or cared, was concerned, and did my best for the lives of the CORPORATIONS/MY 1% DOMESTIC TERRORIST DONORS,  and of course my Crime Family. Re-elect me, because maybe I will end up in jail, and oh yeah if you don’t behave my way, I have more Mercenaries from Erik Prince (oops I mean anonymous Federal Troops to kidnap, harass and maybe even murder you). This IS America 2020!

Friday, July 24, 2020


EL·E·PHANT- a heavy plant-eating mammal with a prehensile trunk, long curved ivory tusks, and large ears, native to Africa and southern Asia. It is the largest living land animal. EL·E·PHAN·TINE of, resembling, or characteristic of an elephant or elephants, especially in being large, clumsy, or awkward. ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. informal. If you say there is an elephant in the room, you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about. Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences. a (heavy) cross to bear idiom.

Trump is still bragging he did not see an elephant, on a sheet of paper, and described the answer to that question as a medium to difficult answer. [I mean, he says, there was no elephant, lots of giraffes, zebras and whatever the fuck other animals his two son’s Dumb as Shit and Dumber as Shit hunt,] but for Trump, his victory was no elephant on a sheet of paper, so Trump IS a COGNITIVE genus. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, especially its leadership knows there is an ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, but like Trump doesn’t see it, because if they admitted to viewing it and interacting with it, then THEIR COGNITIVE, skills would have to be addressed. Their sense of common decency, their sense of humanity, their sense of their constituents and the Constitutional duties they swore an oath to, would have to take priority, and thus most to all would either receive the thumbs down from their Emperor who sees no elephants, or perhaps unexpected disasters might befall they or their families. And worst of all the fraudulent money from the truly Number One Domestic Terrorist of this nation the 1%Donor Class would dry up and the GOP politicians would become nothing but TUMBLEWEED!

COG·NI·TION- the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. a result of this; a perception, sensation, notion, or intuition. Any American who is COGNITIVE of the current events in which we either find ourselves living or just surviving to understand clearly and precisely that ELEPHANTS or not, lots of ELEPHANT DUNG (large mounds of it are smothering all and everything that might keep our democracy, let alone personal freedoms alive. We are cognizant that 4.11 million cases of CORONAVIRUS exist in the US./Trump lacks any cognition of those numbers and pretends like a tide they will rise and fall. 146 thousand unique, loved, Americans have died Trump is not cognizant nor empathetic to that statistic as he mentions not a word on the deaths, only that, the numbers seem to be getting better (He now takes credit for the good foresight of the Northeastern Governors scientific and medical approach to the Pandemic) No cognition that so-called Federal Troops (let's be real America these are Mercenaries, most likely paid to tear gas, harass, kidnap and eventually murder other American citizens…and let's be a little more PERFECTLY clear, if they were actually American Troops, would one brother or sister actually point a loaded weapon of war at a protestor) are invading the streets of Portland. And now we find that there will be no TRUMP REPUBLICAN RALLY in Tallahassee because too many wise old GOP crypt keepers are afraid of their own death’s by attending, too many up for re-election sycophants, fear the backlash of voters, and actual moms;’ and dads, who truly see the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, but won’t admit it out loud, realize how contagious the HOAX LIBERAL KUNG FU FLU really is. But the COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED TRUMP, still insists that schools should open, because for him the key to re-election is the economy and why not make ill a few kids, murder a few teachers to help the economy thrive. An ELEPHANT!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

just because

Now, JUST BECAUSE, maybe because he thinks he is President Xi of China, invading Hong Kong, or maybe because his master hater Stephen Miller mesmerized Trump with lavish visions of the blood of Democrats or ex-slaves lying on the streets all bloodied and bruised, or maybe because, he does believe he is already President for Life, like Xi and Putin, or perhaps, his delusional world of JUST HIM IN IT…Trump plans on invading more cities within this nation with his anonymous camouflaged configuration of Troops amassed by the likes of Eric Prince (and his mercenaries), Willie Barr (loving himself some of those Brown Shirt, Storm Troopers,) or just the fact that when talking to himself, the voices in Trump’s head reminded him that Richard Nixon and George Wallace were great hero’s, and damn man be just like them!

Trump deciding that lawlessness IS a thing, (NO NOT HIS LAWLESSNESS----you know like treason, fraud, tax evasion, lying to the courts, defying the Hatch Act, permitting Russian interference in our elections, AND A THING to use against those Lefty Dems who somehow think Free Speech and Protesting is something a nation built on democracy permits; has selected more Democrat-led cities to incite more violence, convincing himself and his MAGA brain dead DEPLORABLES (YEAH, LET’S BRING THAT WORD BACK) that an AUTHROTIRATIAN STYLE DYSTOPIAN Government is the answer to all problems. Let’s get the bad guys who only want justice, equality, and the pursuit of happiness.

It might seem to me, and I am certain of the millions of Americans, neither tethered to FOX News for life support/ providing money for the Pay to Pray American Evangelical Christian Taliban/ the Confederate Nationals who think raising a flag from a county which declared war on the US makes them MORE Patriotic, the Hitler loving Nazi’s who actually, wear all kinds of Nazi paraphernalia, and in doing so give a huge middle finger to the VETS of no matter which war, but especially the Second World War, that IF Trump WAS really, really, REALLY concerned about crime and death and murder, he would send in Troops to help the CDC and NIH, to combat the ignorance, and pre-meditated murder ideals by the Governors of Florida/Texas/ and Georgia. If one were a sane man, (and not a braggart that he passed a test to establish how far gone his illness of dementia has permeated his brain,) Trump would notice more direct death and destruction is happening in those RED STATES, not the lefty blue cities, by Republican leadership who are angry that scientists and medical professionals were and are smarter then they, and that NATURE is not a thing from which you pick a battle. But no, Trump’s cult of Pompeo/Pence/Kushner/Meadows/ McConnell/Miller think inventing fear and loathing is a winning effort for re-election. They are ignoring the real fear, which is ably eating away at this nation, THE CORONAVIRUS, and letting the Virus redirect any effort of Law and Order to take effect.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

cost of freedom

“There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down.” (For What It’s Worth/Stephen Stills)

"I'm going to do something — that, I can tell you," Trump told reporters Monday in the Oval Office. "Because we're not going to let New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore and all of these — Oakland is a mess. We're not going to let this happen in our country." The power of one federal law enforcement agency to seek assistance from others may give him the flexibility to send hundreds or thousands of agents into several cities at the same time. What's not clear — beyond Trump's perceived political benefit — is why (Jonathan Allen)

“Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line; the man come and take you away” (For What It Worth/Stephen Stills)

"What really crossed the line for me was when the feds started picking people off the street," she said. "That is a totalitarian and authoritarian tactic, and I don't want it in my city and I want them gone."(Jonathan Allen) Photographer Mathieu Lewis-Rolland was on scene at Monday night's anti-police brutality protests in Portland when he captured a striking image: a federal officer pointing their weapon directly at him. "Last night was the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced in my life," he said. "I got shot at, gassed more times than I can imagine." The officer, like many currently in the city under orders from the Trump administration, is wearing a camouflage uniform, a helmet, and a gas mask as he stares directly at the camera. (Buzz Feed)

Tank Man is the nickname of an unidentified Chinese man who stood in front of a column of tanks leaving Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989, the day after the Chinese military had suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests by force. A scene in Beijing, being replayed in American cities in America, with the same premise; AUTHORITARIANISM, to defeat DEMOCRACY!

A madman, a sick dangerous, paranoid, mad man; angry that his re-election numbers are failing, because he has failed and within his failure, lashes out at his own people. Men and women, no longer loyal to the US Constitution and the right to free speech, and to gather and protest, whose own agenda and definition of democracy must be questioned, attack peaceful American citizens. Dressed in a disguise of armor of deceit and shadows, as not to be identified as attempting to act as marauders or crusaders, or mercenaries of that madman, this UNKNOWN MILITARY group of bully’s hide and pretend it is law and order they provide but fear more being found out as treasonous traitors to their own brothers and sisters of America.

“Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you, lay your body down
Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground
Mother Earth will swallow you, lay your body down.” (Find the Cost of Freedom/Stephen Stills0

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

history take it or leave it

“Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday, Sunday, Bloody Sunday (alright)
And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart”
 (Sunday Bloody Sunday/Bono-The Edge)

On March 7, 1965, when then-25-year-old activist John Lewis led over 600 marchers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama and faced brutal attacks by oncoming state troopers, footage of the violence collectively shocked the nation and galvanized the fight against racial injustice.

"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio."
"Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago."
"What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?"(Ohio/Crosby-Stills and Nash)

On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.

“There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind”
 (For What It’s Worth/Stephen Stills)

On July 13, Trump boasted that his agencies curbed an uprising in Portland that local cops couldn't control. "We've done a great job in Portland," Trump said. "Portland was totally out of control. We very much quelled it, and if it starts again, we'll quell it again very easily. It's not hard to do, if you know what you're doing." "They are sharply escalating the situation," Mayor Ted Wheeler told CNN on Sunday. There have been nightly protests against police brutality in the city since the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in Minnesota in May. "Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. "They're not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave," he said.
"They're not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave," he said.

"Fools, " said I, "You do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells, of silence.”
 (Sounds of Silence/Paul Simon

And the longer we do not RESIST/SHOUT/SCREAM/DEMAND/DEFY, this nations Democracy dies. There is history to learn from or history to ignore. Do we remain the FOOLS or the FREEDOM FIGHTERS?

History take it or leave it

“Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday, Sunday, Bloody Sunday (alright)
And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart”
 (Sunday Bloody Sunday/Bono-The Edge)

On March 7, 1965, when then-25-year-old activist John Lewis led over 600 marchers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, and faced brutal attacks by oncoming state troopers, footage of the violence collectively shocked the nation and galvanized the fight against racial injustice.

"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio."
"Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago."
"What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?"(Ohio/Crosby-Stills and Nash)

On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.

“There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind”
 (For What It’s Worth/Stephen Stills)

On July 13, Trump boasted that his agencies curbed an uprising in Portland that local cops couldn't control. "We've done a great job in Portland," Trump said. "Portland was totally out of control. We very much quelled it, and if it starts again, we'll quell it again very easily. It's not hard to do if you know what you're doing." "They are sharply escalating the situation," Mayor Ted Wheeler told CNN on Sunday. There have been nightly protests against police brutality in the city since the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in Minnesota in May. "Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. "They're not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave," he said.
"They're not wanted here. We haven't asked them here. In fact, we want them to leave," he said.

"Fools, " said I, "You do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells, of silence.”
 (Sounds of Silence/Paul Simon

And the longer we do not RESIST/SHOUT/SCREAM/DEMAND/DEFY, this nation's Democracy dies. There is history to learn from or history to ignore. Do we remain the FOOLS or the FREEDOM FIGHTERS?

Monday, July 20, 2020

no more

We are to accept, unidentified men in uniforms, as a form of the Justice League of Trump in Portland, to run roughshod, with lots of unidentified authority to grab, kidnap and arrest protestors at will…we are now told to expect the same bull shit by Trump, as he selects certain Democrat-run cities, he calls too liberal and run too stupidly. The nondescript name is Federal Agents, but we know not which agency and from which Federal Department they originate. We watch as both he Mayor of Portland, and the Governor of Oregon demand these Trump version of Secret Police become this country’s Dictators “Brown Shirts,” and exploitation of a paranoid despot’s latest move to completely forego the Constitutional rights of Americans. And nothing is done or said or screamed about by Congress!

In New Jersey, the husband, and son of Judge Esther Salas, were shot at her home in Brunswick New Jersey, by someone posing as a Fed Ex agent. Judge Salas has been on the U.S. Court for New Jersey for nine years, appointed by President Obama, presiding over high profile cases, and my oh my what coincidence,  she was assigned to a lawsuit against Deutsche Bank. This is the bank making questionable transactions for “high risk” customers including Jeffry Epstein, and his sex-trafficking cronies. This is also the bank that had refused to turn over documents, also questions about the Trump/Kushner/Putin accounts. We cannot, once again act surprised at a sudden murder at a Judge's house who had been given the responsibility of handling a legal matter involving the underbelly of Trump. Wham bam out the blue after nine years on the bench, a hit is put up for this judge's family. One more attempt, I ask in a rhetorical manner, to intimidate an American who Trump fears!

And now I find myself unaware that the so-called new normal has begun to infect, my brain. Asked about the possibility of losing, however, Trump noted that he does not handle losing well, and may not handle it well if it happens in November.
“I’m not a good loser. I don’t like to lose,” he said. “I don’t lose too often. I don’t like to lose.” When asked if he is gracious, Trump said, "You don’t know until you see. It depends.” He then claimed that mail-in voting, which Democrats have pushed as a response to the coronavirus pandemic, “is going to rig the election.” Asked if this means that he will not accept the election results, Trump said, “No. I have to see.” Asked again if he would accept the results, Trump said, “No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.” (FOX News) What the fuck kind of question is that. What other President had ever been asked if he would accept the results.

And then it hit me. All three examples in this BLOG prove a point, I had been trying to make, but somehow could not be EXACT in starting. We permit TRUMP to say and do and behave as WISHES. We let him suddenly change the Constitution to suit HIS whims. Secret Police, a murder of a Judges Family assigned to perform due diligence regarding Deutsche Bank, and we ask a sitting President if he will be okay with a democratically performed election? Now, is the time for that Nancy Reagan solution, JUST SAY NO, and may I add JUST SAY, FUCKING NO MORE!....all of us, the US who actually desire freedom and justice for all!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Is this me

I was a senior in high school. Back in the day we had something called Senior Class Plays, a wondrous occasion beginning in January and ending in May, mine directed by a teacher I consider my mentor Mrs. Musoff and starring the kids in the Senior Class, who actually had talent, or in some cases, the guys who were hot for the girls who wanted to be in a play. (You always needed lots of boys for chorus way back then.) It was Peter Pan, and Peter written as a young lad (transgendered anyone) had always been cast as a girl. Our production, no exception, provided the lead role to a very talented female classmate, who was also an inspiration to me as someone who dreamed and followed through, successfully! The role of Wendy was handled by another student who could sing, dance, and act, and proved talent is real, and being talented went on to seek the lights of Broadway! (I will keep their identities as anonymous out of respect for their privacy.) But I also had a friend, named Daniel, who could provide just one note, and a few other flat or on key play exactly what you were humming or trying to vocalize, and his pitch-perfect piano playing was a marvel. Dreams were big back in 1967, and plans made to blossom, change, recharge, and be re-imagined. Friendships made during rehearsals on a stage, with the all the roar of the crowd and the smell of the greasepaint, were a valuable currency, in what most of us never realized would be but a fleeting flying high instant situated on the second hand of the clock that tick tocked us into our future.  I was cast as one of the Lost Boys and actually was the choreographer, Daniel was the musical director, and the girl playing Peter, a STAR. The three of us became close, and as seniors, all verbalized our soon to be adult plans to one another. (Secrets that are safe to share, because in all honesty, who knew what life could or would be like AFTER HIGH SCHOOL!)

Daniel and I had a plan, we would write a musical take it to Broadway, and our classmate playing Peter would star in the title role. Daniel and I actually wrote our first song titled “Is This Me.” Music by Daniel and lyrics by me. And little did I realize what most writers, I hadn’t assumed already understood, was the best we wrote was to write about exactly who you are. Daniel and I wrote the song, our leading lady sang it, and we knew we had a place on 42nd Street! That was then, Peter Pan was a hit, graduation suddenly arose out of nowhere, and life, as presumed, moved along as might a whirlwind, and scattered all three of us, with it, our separate ways. “Is This Me,” was sung twice, and never again, Daniel has since passed away, and our co-ed, now, a woman of a certain age is still, as creative and vibrant as ever. Life was as it should have been, THEN, filled with promise and passion, purpose, and lots of perhaps. It is not necessarily what we accomplished, BUT THAT we wanted to BE accomplished. It is now 2020, I am 70, and those days of once upon, float and flitter by, and I count the magic potions taken and the journeys begun, ended, detoured, and tried. And as I sit and watch or listen or read the news of today, I have to thank, GOODNESS  (who or whatever that is) that I had the chance to take chances.

All of this reminiscence has been swelling up inside of me, due to the indecisions and delirium of this modern day. Like so many other Americans, I am feeling an onslaught of a tidal wave so enormous, that to run would seem futile, but to stand still even worse fate. I am not certain how much more we as humans can endure, whilst all around us is madness and chaos, which CAN WILLFULLY be tamed, but instead is permitted to contaminate our psyche. It was 1967, Peter Pan, a story about a boy who had no desire to grow up, best friends once in play at play, pretending we would grow up providing, the world with something new. I wrote a song, it was sung, I wonder if what the Seniors of 2020, and those of 2021 have to dream about or even sing about. “Is this me, is this me, is this feeling I’m feeling, real now, who have I been pretending to be, till now, tell me, I want to know, oh I want to know…” I want the past never to die in the hands of a future so demeaning full of dread and doom, dystopian,  dysfunctional, delusional, and depressive! I do want to find NEVERLAND, again!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

really tired of

Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African American emergency medical technician, was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department officers on March 13, 2020. Three plainclothes LMPD officers executing a no-knock search warrant entered her apartment in Louisville, Kentucky. We NOW discover, that MS Taylor was lying on the floor alive for 5 minutes and no police officer offered her any aid. (I don’t hate the police, I hate the murderers who work for the police force, and the politicians who cover up their murderous maleficence. I hate the fact that the police tried to hide this action as if it did not matter. I want justice as if Breonna Taylor were my sister, mother or daughter or best friend)

The Trump administration has taken control of COVID-19 data in the United States, leaving public health experts gravely concerned about whether anyone outside the administration will be able to access the vital information moving forward. Such data is critical for health systems to plan for necessary resources and coordinate efforts, particularly during a pandemic. (I don’t want to play dumb and eventually play dead. I want the CDC to ignore Trump, he is not a King, and we do have various branches of government, and whether or not Trump prefers “checks and balances,” as a citizen I demand the CDC ignore Trump. A man plans a murder, and you know about it, and you remain silent because he tells you he your boss…fuck him and save the world, not your own ass…Trump is always saving his own ass. I am tired of Trump saving his own ass at the expense of my life and the lives of my family and friends!)

Vice President Mike Pence called his Democratic opponents socialists and warned that presumptive nominee Joe Biden was a "Trojan horse for a radical agenda" in a speech Friday at Wisconsin's Ripon College. (I am so tired of Mr. Pence ass licking and ass lying his entire tenure as the dangling participle of a run-on sentence which is Trump. I am tired of this whole Socialism thing being worse than Trump’s being led by an ex-KGB agent, desiring for total authoritarianism and nationalism. Nepotism, theocracy, dictatorship, and Russian Assets governing by divide, are THE Trojan Horse, for Trump who is beholden to Putin and God only knows however many criminal players in the world. I am tired that we do not have immediate government intervention in payroll assistance/housing assistance/unemployment assistance and housing assistance during a time when SOCIALISM might be the one good thing to help balance the evil which is both at the same time the CORONOAVIRUS and the Trump Administration. 

And I AM SO FUCKING TIRED of the S-I-L-E-N-C-E from the Republican leadership regarding the criminal and immoral acts Trump and his band of Flying Monkeys have performed in the broad daylight against the average American. And I am tired of the MEDIA for not staking out each and every perv, who has helped commit these crimes against humanity, but instead report as if these are normal times. AND FINALLY, I HAVE GOTTEN SO TIRED, as so many of us, knowing we need to see being done, and having just the opposite happening!