“A rose is a rose is a rose…”/Gertrude Stein. Except when that rose is in a garden, and that garden is on the side of a White House and standing at a podium is a thorn named Trump. All around us is chaos, confusion, calamity, and what we hear is that in four years we will have windowless offices, and cold offices in the summer and hot offices in the winter, and that monuments will no longer prevail as the once beautiful Confederacy had existed… All of this as the citizens of the US, paid taxes for an illegal Campaign Rally, by a mad man going crazier and more dangerous let alone delusional day-by-day- by day! All of this and at the same time in the REAL WORLD…
As South Florida grapples with being described as the epicenter of the new COVID-19 pandemic it’s also among the worst in the nation when it comes to its residents experiencing food insecurity and scarcity, according to the Census Data Bureau Over 14 percent of South Florida residents — about 1 in 7 households — reported sometimes, or often, not having enough to eat in the last seven days. Last week it ranked first in food insecurity; this week it’s second only to the Houston metro area. Despite the governor’s insistence that Mississippians now need to wear masks and take social distancing seriously, his new stance appears to have come very late. Hospitals across the state had already said they were overwhelmed. Five of the state’s largest hospitals reported last week that they had run out of ICU beds and four others reported having fewer than 5 percent of their ICU beds available. Aggravating the situation further is the fact that Mississippi is one of the states with the fewest health care resources in the country and it doesn’t have enough medical workers to contend with the huge influx of patients, which includes coronavirus cases and people who put off their elective procedures during the shutdown.
That rose is a rose in that garden grew some weeds as Trump in his no longer segregationist sermon added, "The Democrats in D.C. have been and want to at a much higher level abolish our beautiful and successful suburbs by placing far-left Washington bureaucrats in charge of local zoning decisions," And in the REAL WORLD!
The Russians are at it again, this time trying to hack the industries and manufactures, scientists and medical experts who are working on a vaccine for CORONOAVIRUS, the people from the same country whose leader has paid the Taliban a bounty to murder Americans, and what has Trump to pronounce in his ROSE GARDEN, nothing at all as a US reaction to once again being attacked by Vlad the Dad Putin! Oh yeah, just in case the Trumpster’s are still pretending this is just a FLU, which will magically disappear, and only on that affects that New York East Coast elite, 3.53 Million cases, 138 Thousand deaths, and even in the heartland (lots of people are heartless there, and in the Deep South (where they assume the Civil War did not bode well for the Union Forces), death, doom, and Trump's delusional denial has found its footing!