Thursday, July 16, 2020


Goya Foods, Inc. is an American producer of a brand of foods sold in the United States and many Hispanic countries. It has facilities in different parts of the United States, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Spain. Robert Unanue is the CEO. Robert recently decided that Donald Trump was a cool kind of Racist, the kind of guy who may not permit Robert Unanue to play golf at Trump's exclusive Golf Resorts but would certainly let him become a gardener and perhaps Roberts wife a housekeeper. Why, Trump, according to Unanue might even be the kind of guy who would forgo the usual “PAPER’S PLEASE, and hire him, just because kissing Donald’s ass is a way to forget any Red Tape or Bureaucratic Bull Shit. Oh yeah, and even a Princess, named Ivanka, held a can of GOYA BEANS in her hand, and most likely, IMMEDIATELY had her Hispanic MAID remove the can and bathe Ivanka’s hand in some anti-immigration lotion.

 I often wonder (AND HONESTLY WHY I DO AMAZES ME), why American Jews support a guy who thinks Nazi’s are Good People, why the  Log Cabin Republicans support Trump and Pence, two homophobes, and how the HELL most Christians remain silent as the Evangelicals pretend Trump and Jesus are in a tie for morals and values! But back to Robert Unanue, just one question, and I will address it in three languages, similarly as Princess Ivanka Trump Kushner spoke when you bribed her to tout your own hypocrisy! 

“How many of your products have you provided for the children incarcerated in the Trump Concentration Camps? Is it a Hispanic tradition to let innocent kids die, or just your own company's refusal to admit Trump is a Racist, and now you also! And how do you say quid pro quo in Spanish?” /English Version

“¿Cuántos de sus productos ha proporcionado para los niños encarcelados en los campos de concentración de Trump? ¿Es una tradición hispana dejar morir a niños inocentes, o simplemente la negativa de su propia empresa a admitir que Trump es racista, y ahora usted también! ¿Y cómo se dice quid pro quo en español?” / versión en español

“They are the biggest best, hugest, most beautiful, and tasty food product in the Mexican world, and they love me.”-Trump version