Ah, PRO-LIFE! Today’s BLOG is a brief moment just to recall and remind the PRO-LIFE hypocrites always assuming their job on Earth is to replace Jesus, and act more God-like than he, and interpret a Bible, one in which picking and choosing is the norm, as in, SAY, history or the Constitution…and selective passages are permitted…and for whom choices of life and death are rather easily rendered…this is a question I ask with great consternation, consequence, and complete wonderment, as to what the fuck is the answer. I know so many true blue Christians, like Teddy Cruz/Betsy DeVos/ Franklin Graham/ Jerry Falwell Junior/ and whatever the fuck the name of the lady for whom Trump relies on as his Christian mentor (you know the GAL who actually died went to heaven and heaven was an island and she saw Jesus there sunbathing) I want to know WHAT WOULD YOUR JESUS DO…if it was time to back to school during this PANDEMIC of which Trump and his Christian allies refuse to admit is anything more than a cold) and FETUS’S actually was old enough to attend classes. Would Jesus permit those zygotes and Fetus to attend class, knowing that COVID is void of religious preference? (Yeah I know it was a New York and California flu, and a Liberal Hoax, and of course, those heathens deserved it) but now the CORONAVIRUS is hitting the heartland (and why the fuck is it called the HEARTLAND when the majority of inbred arrogant idiots living there are void of a heart), SOOOOOO< the real question is WHAT IS JESUS DOING ABOUT THIS!
But back to my original intent for the theme of this BLOG IS…if the PRO-LIFE are always talking about the children, then why is it that Jesus is telling them to send THOSE kids back to school, when in fact there is NO PLASN OF ACTION TO SAVE THEIR LIVES, let alone the lives of the adults who will either teach them or work to maintain their schools. (I mean some of THOSE women may have FETUS’S and ZYGOTES when they go back to school, so are they at risk, and are their lives, not the true concern of who should live or die! So, I ask the PRO-LIFE HYPOCRITES, what would your Jesus do? Would he say, it’s all about the re-election of Trump that counts, so fuck the kids if they get sick or fuck their teachers or janitors…would their Jesus say, that if some of the adults these kids and COVID come in contact with actually are taking their Fetus’s and ZYGOTES to school it’s okay! THIS IS of great concern because these same PRO-LIFE Hypocrites are always teaching us that life is beautiful, so do we send all of the lives to an environment where they might die from COVID, just like they might die from gun violence. I NEED AN ANSWER…I AM FLUMMOXXED!