Let’s be clear America! We have a President who cannot pronounce a simple sentence, let alone the fact that he uses the same word three- or four-times making those words sound different by adding the suffixes of) ER-EST-or ING. The content of what he begins to speak about never equals out to how he ends the purpose of his sentence He rambles wildly, and the contortions emoting from his facial muscles is actually a painful sight to watch. If one did not know better, one might assume that Trump was having a stroke, suffering from a Grand Mal Seizure, or suddenly is having a nervous breakdown. OR one might wonder which meds have stopped working, and upon which ones has he overdosed!
Let’s be clear America, the Confederacy lost the Civil war, at least as history books suggest, so any revival of the South Rising again, is in the least, supporting a false flag, and the worst, supporting an enemy nation which invaded our country. But Trump is all in for Confederate Generals/Monuments/ as recites a fable demanding that invasion is a GOOD PART of American Heritage. Trump’s love for Racism is no longer a Dog Whisper, and trump’s desire to win his re-election at any price is splattered on his dogged being like a mess of spaghetti sauce. Add to that his affinity to QAnon, and the Nazi Party and we have America a man who makes a bleached white person look pale.
Let’s be clear America, we are not a smart nation, in fact, we are a loser nation in which the smarter you are the more you are now labeled an anarchist or a Fascist, or a Socialist (words by the way, which even as they are stated by an array of bigoted, inbred, haters) are not truly understood by those who use them, but somehow because Snake Oil Mega Church Evangelical Taliban use them or FOX treasonous entertainers spout them, suddenly take on meaning. Let’s be clear America, how the fuck is it even a thing that Trump remains in the White House…it is a frightening thought, America that eventually comes November it will be a battle of us or them. I am of US but THEM seem so stupid and ignorant and selfish that as they even murder their own, they could give a shit!