Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A Lament

 “It says hereThe average unmarried female

Basically insecure

Due to some long frustration may react

With psychosomatic symptoms

Difficult to endure

Affecting the upper respiratory tract.

In other words, just from waiting around for that plain little band of gold

A person can develop a cold…” (Adelaide’s Lament/Frank Loesser) … Poor Adelaide, the character from the musical ‘Guys and Dolls’, complaining about her physical ailment of being single. Adelaide decided that the only remedy for curing the Common Cold of a female in the 1950s was to find a man and get married. At least Adelaide could lament about her condition, and hopefully, through a song, find comfort and a cure!


If only a song could cure the political curses for which I find myself having to endure. So, Gerry’s Lament concerns itself about the CONSTANT, barrage of political headlines, which I find both alarming and annoying, insisting that the REPUBLICAN PARTY, (the Party of Trump/Insurrection/Racism/Pro Putin/Coup Conspiracies to name a few) will gainfully and as I see it PAINFULLY become the majority Party in Congress during the 2022 Mid-Terms. Somehow, Voter Restriction, Blatant Anti-Semitism, Bigotry, Homophobia, Misogyny, and Anti-Democracy are just a slight pain in the ass, not as worrisome as Gasoline Prices, Maintaining Sound Medical and Scientific Health Standards, and Inflation (somehow the Corporations never suffer from Inflated prices, they have caused by selfish and Capitalistic greed!) It seems according to the Media Wanna Be Mavens, that no matter what, and IN SPITE of hatred toward the welfare of anyone who is NOT MAGA/Oath Keeper/QAnon/FOX Viewer and lovers of Dictators and Con Artists, way too many Americans will somehow throw caution to a hurricane of Lies, Sedition, Anarchy, Lack of Fair and Equal and our Constitution, because somehow trying to save lives from the ravages of COVID, permitting all Americans equal opportunity to vote, Women’s continued rights to their reproductive lady parts, and striving to save democracy from collapse are not a part of a HOUSEHOLD BUDGET!


It is as if the four years of the madness of Trump, January 6th Insurrection, and attempted COUP, with states acting like Republics of the former USSR, issuing dire consequences on the lives of People of Color, Women, the LGBTQ, and Minorities…IT WAS AS IF NONE OF THAT EVER MATTERED. I truly hope that the bulk of the MEDIA (predicting that history matters not when it comes to the machinations of a Political Party more concerned with the welfare of their own Professional Politicians) is INCORRECT INSISTING that no matter what and how or why people are dumb as shit and will vote against their own self-interests. GERRY’S LAMENT and it is an agonizing and painful TROPE!