Thursday, March 17, 2022

They and Only They

 A Republican lawmaker in Missouri questioned a 14-year-old transgender, nonbinary child about their genitals during a legislative committee hearing earlier this month, according to a stunning video posted online Wednesday by Human Rights Campaign.

“Are you going to go through the procedure?” Sen. Elaine Gannon asks the child, Avery Jackson, seemingly referring to gender-affirming surgery, which is generally not available to a person until they turn 18, in the video. Audible groans followed… Avery told VICE News it was the first time a random grownup—not a doctor, not a medical professional—had asked them that kind of question. Their mom, Debi Jackson, added that what the video didn’t show was her squeezing Avery’s hand at that moment, “almost in an attempt to have myself not jump up.” 

“You shouldn’t be asking—let alone a trans kid, any kid,” Avery said of Gannon’s question, noting that’s how a person gets put on a “watch list.”  (VICE)


There is a war raging in Ukraine. There are numerous wars raging in the United States. People’s lives are being upended in Ukraine, and in the United States, the most IGNORANT, AUDACIOUS, ARROGANT and SELF-PROCLAIMED GODS and GODDESSES are acting as Generals deciding that if the moral, religious, bigoted, unintelligent, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist which have infected their bodies and mind are not adhered to and embraced, then anyone who IS not them is the enemy!


I know NOT who the FUCK this Republican State Senator from Missouri thinks she is or should be, this CREATURE called Senator Elaine Gannon; but her line of questioning presents her as AN ABUSER OF CHILDREN, A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERVERT, AN UNLEASHED MONSTER, attacking the rights, freedoms, and liberties of CHILDREN! Senator Elaine Gannon is a PERVERT, a mean sinister, evil, insecure, self-loathing purveyor of the DANGEROUS AND DELUSIONAL. 


The war in the United States is as alarming for me as is the deadly Invasion by Putin…because the Right-Wing GOP as is Putin acts as if THEY AND ONLY THEY know the truth!