Wednesday, March 16, 2022

NOT evolving

 Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker cast doubt on the theory of evolution in recent remarks, saying the fact that apes and humans coexist disproves accepted science. 

“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? ... If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it,” Herschel said in an appearance at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia on Sunday. (HUFFPOST)


Dumb as shit or smart as hell? Nowadays, it seems if you want to become the GOP Primary winner within your village of MAGA-VILLE, you must first act as the BIGGEST LOSER. OR, in fact, FACTS do not matter, if, in FACT, they get in the way of Bogus Religious BIGOTRY, Racial BIAS, or DISREGARD for the American Constitution! 


Speaking the language of the lowest common denominator OF INTELLIGENT DEPRIVATION, to those who lack the ability to see beyond the abysses of their anal cavities, to insist that SCIENCE, MEDICINE, ADVANCEMENT for the COMMON GOOD are not the RIGHT THING if you are RIGHT-WING, is a DANGEROUS DELUSION. Mr. Walker may be really dumb as shit or in fact, he may KNOW exactly what he is doing to win the vacant hearts and empty souls of the people who still honor the miserable wanna be dictator TRUMP… after all this lack of moral strength has emboldened people like DeSantis/Cruz/Hawley/Rubio and on paper these men actually used the ELITE UNIVERSITIES of which they pretend are the ENEMY, to become smart enough to act dumb!