Sunday, March 20, 2022

Shattered Glass

 Family of trans Texas teen sues Abbott, DFPS as state begins identifying gender-affirming care as child abuse… Ken Paxton R-TX Attorney General and other Republicans argue that children are being stripped of their constitutional right to procreate, and that even providing gender-affirming medications may constitute abuse. The Legislature has considered bills to prohibit helping children transition in the last four legislative sessions, but none passed… Some feel they have been left with an impossible choice: support their children’s gender identity and risk losing them to the state or deny them treatments that the country’s largest physicians groups agree is medically necessary and in many cases lifesaving. (Houston Chronicle) 

The American Soviet Satellite of TEXAS, the same state in which Legislators pretend to be Medical Professionals, has now decided to play Doctor and Nurse regarding TRANSGENDER KIDS. The same mostly Bible Toting, Republican Hypocrites have now become the BE ALL-END-ALL, regarding who can have children and how those children can and will be raised. When it comes to personal freedoms in the American Soviet Satellite of TEXAS, the only ones that seem to count are your FREEDOMS to own a gun, murder whomever you desire with that gun, never read History if you don’t like the FACTS, and to PRETEND that Evangelical Christianity is the official religion of the United States.


So one might say, I am not  TRANSGENDER, my kid is not TRANSGENDER, so this is not my BATTLE…Think again, first it was Female Reproductive Rights, taken away, maybe its Same-Sex Marriage (Yep you Log Cabin Republicans because somehow you believe Marriage Equality is so one-sided of an idea), then maybe like Islam, Judaism will become anti-Christ Like (Yeah all the Republican Jews, thinking that it’s the Economy, stupid that counts), or perhaps it’s time again to organize Black only bathrooms, lodging, and water fountains…Once a freedom is lost, it is so much more difficult to collect it…IT’S LIKE A PIECE OF GLASS, once shattered piecing it together is almost impossible!