Thursday, March 10, 2022

Disney and Don't Say Gay

 Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Chapek made his first public comments on the matter regarding FLORIDA’S DON’T SAY GAY, during a shareholders meeting Wednesday, a day after the bill passed in the Florida legislature.

"We were opposed to the bill from the outset, but we chose not to take a public position on it because we thought we could be more effective working behind the scenes engaging directly with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle," he told investors, noting efforts had been going on for weeks. "I understand our original approach, no matter how well-intended, didn't quite get the job done. But we're committed to support the community going forward," he added. (USA Today)


It seems to me that Disney CEO Bob Chapek assumes that all of us might pretend that remaining silent while a virulent form of HOMOPHOBIA spews out like the wastewater of a nuclear plant is a reality from which change can ever be created! It seems to me that Disney CEO Bob Chapek assumes that the everyday life of the LGBTQ Americans starts out with “ONCE UPON A TIME and ends with ‘AND THEY LOVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, by just not taking any responsibility and doing a damned thing about making it so! It seems to me that once again a CEO, in this case, Bob Chapek of Disney has placed the profit margin of his MEGA-CORPORATION above and beyond the harsh reality of hate, bigotry, insecurity, and political ambitions of the men and women of the American Soviet Satellite known as FLORIDA!        


Mr. Bob Chapek says, "I understand our original approach, no matter how well-intended, didn't quite get the job done. But we're committed to support the community going forward," he added. WELL INTENDED to NOT SPEAK UP OR SPEAK OUT against HOMOPHOBIA has no intended purpose, as I see it than to actually IGNORE the loathing and vile intentions and to PERMIT the oozing sore of HOMOPHOBIA infect the innocent and inflict more and more pain on the people. BULL SHIT, when not actually fecal matter from a bull is still SMARY, SMELLY SUBSTANCE, which STINKS and remains a STENCH hard to remove. Hey Disney CEO Bob Chapek, now that DeSantis is signing the DON’T SAY GAY BILL INTO LAW, what exactly is your next step? What a complete self-indulgent fool you have become; afraid to fight for the equal rights of Americans---because doing so is bad for your bottom line, both personal and professional!