Friday, March 25, 2022


 BULLY-seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable). (Oxford Languages) Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. (National Center Against Bullying) …

It comes from the Middle Dutch word boele, which means “lover.” At that time, bully was used in English to mean “sweetheart.” Its use then became more general, coming to mean “fine fellow,” and, eventually, the opposite: “swaggering coward.” Bully began to be used in this sense around the 1700s. (Merriam-Webster) Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions. (American Psychological Association)


My observation is that ever since the TURD WARS which produced TRUMP, the Republican Party Politicians (Yep you too, Mittens Romney) had decided that not only was it A-OKAY to act as the BULLY, but that IN FACT their lowest form of lemmings identifying as the BASE, DEMANDED IT! Within the current crop of SELF-SERVING SYCHOPHANTS OF THE GOP, BECOMING THE BULLY is like wearing a tin foil MAGA HAT, curled up in NAZI Paraphernalia, wrapping yourself in a CONFEDERATE FLAG, proclaiming that JESUS anointed you to become the MORALS Police, and to defend Vladimir PUTIN, as a GOOD WARLORD! WHO’D HAVE THUNK, that after fighting a CIVIL WAR, defeating RACISTS, TWO WORLD WARS fighting against tyranny, and Fascism, surviving a COLD WAR, in which COMMUNISM actually was considered evil and a scourge against decency, let alone Democracy, a political party in the US, and its bevy of treasonists, insurrectionists, WOULD now proudly to boast of BIGOTRY, BIAS AND BOGUS…WTF!


Be it Abbott of Texas, DeSantis of Florida, Blackburn of Tennessee, Cruz of Texas, Hawley of Missouri, Graham of South Carolina, Paxton of Texas…to list the least (The least savory humans) …all of these THUGS, love to play the part of the BULLY against, Women, LGBQ people, Transgendered, People of Color…they ride high on the wings of the insects spawn from the droppings of Orange Turd plopped and splattered by their ALMIGHTY TRUMP. Try to recall, in your youth, if you were ever bullied, and felt ALONE AND LOST…Try to recall, in your youth, if you were the bully, and finally came to terms with your own insecurities and made a change in your life…Try and recall how you FINALLY said ENOUGH and told the BULLY’s who haunted you, YOU ARE NO LONGER AFRAID…It is time for the rest of us to ACT UP ACT OUT…AND SAY ENOUGH, IS ENOUGH AND NO MORE!