Friday, August 31, 2012

who you are

Dear Mitt,

America was promised that the RNC Convention would tell us who the “real Mitt Romney” was and is. The people who were responsible for producing this event assured us that the “real Mitt” would be showcased and any doubt or question we held in the past would be whisked away. I am not a fan of yours but hoped at least I could warrant my distaste for you and find myself correct in my negative feelings for you or have that moment of how did I miss that and find you actually had both a soul and conscience.

The RNC Convention provided a cadre of speakers proclaiming allegiance toward you but few actually pronounced in clear terms your merits to be president, instead shouting loud and proud why Obama should not be the man in the White House. Many of the manicured Republican/Tea Party maven managed the microphone well enough to spew the Party propaganda but few looked into the cameras to tell me Mitt is the man. Again, repeating myself Mitt, more time was spent on why the President should not be president and very little about why you should.

Then it happened, finally a wee part of your history was revealed. Your reluctance to mention that you are a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints while on the political stump was mentioned at the Convention and to coin a phrase I am sure makes you shudder, your religious beliefs came out of the closet for at least a teeny bit. And we learned how your religion is a keystone in your life. By disclosing this information, Mitt I had a few questions. (Isn’t  part of getting to know you, the ability to then sit around drinking soda pop and asking questions).How can you be a man of all the people when in fact your religion discriminates toward a segment of All the people who happen to be Gay? How will you respect your Bible but also respect the Constitution? 

We heard Ann gush about the great husband you have been, what a terrific and devoted son you were, and of course how you could win the Father of the Year Award if in fact one was to be given out. All commendable Mitt, but then a few more questions arise.(Don’t you hate that part about running for Prez and not CEO that your peons, err I mean public gets to ask questions.) With all your family “stuff” being so important to you, why do you insist that loving families not created of  one heterosexual man and women should not experience all the wonderment you have enjoyed. Why do you propose that Gays shouldn’t marry, should not adopt kids, are second class and deserve none of the blessings Ann, your kids and friends have clamored are so important and integral to you being, Mitt Romney. How can family be so vital as to define you as the man you are when you in turn are so selfish in sharing that joy that gift?

In fact Mitt your PR team your team of Mad Men helped define you, at least in my eyes. And what I saw Mitt confirmed the hypocrite you really have been and are. You have a fooled  bunch of people into supporting you, but not because  of you more so because of hate for the other. The thing Mitt after learning more about you I see there is not other side to you and you remain a scary, scary man.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

roger williams

Enforced uniformity confounds civil and religious liberty and denies the principles of Christianity and civility. No man shall be required to worship or maintain a worship against his will. (Roger Williams)
One of Williams’ beliefs had caused particular grief among the authorities. He argued that an individual Christian would know when he was saved, but could not know about the salvation of others. Therefore, it was senseless to require a religious qualification for voting. In essence, Williams was calling for the complete separation of church and state, a position that undercut the authority of the church and civic leaders.
Roger Williams founded the state of Rhode Island.
If you get past the pomp and circumstance of the televised version of the RNC convention. If you get beyond the made for television production filled with red, white and blue. You will get the the platform of the RNC. You will see the close and closer attachment, the cozy relationship the Republicans with the aid of their puppet masters the Tea Party have with religion. And then you may be shocked to discover that Christianity, Evangelical Christianity ‘do as I say, not as I do’ Christianity is ready to become the law of the land. 
MARRIAGE: The platform affirms the rights of states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriage. It backs a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
ABORTION:The party states that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed." It opposes using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or to fund organizations that perform or advocate abortions. It says the party will not fund or subsidize health care that includes abortion coverage.
The RNC is all about small government, but loves being big about bossing you about regarding personal freedoms. The fact that we even have had discussion about what type of rape is real rape, the conclusion that the institution of marriage is doomed due to same-sex-marriage should worry us all. Arizona has joined five other states declaring that it is the American way to offer a Bible class (just the Old and New Testaments of course) in our public high schools. Go to school in Louisiana and Texas and you can find that creationism is  a part of the curriculum.
Ask Rick Santorum who spoke at the RNC Convention, and the slew of delegates voting for the next Republican nominee and they will explain to you that the Founding Fathers never really ever wanted a divide between church and state. It is a made up fact, made up by who else Liberals.
This new brand of Republicans dressed in tri-cornered hats, with tea bags draped next to their guns want an America that reads like chapter and verse in their own hypocritical Bible. They want a country filled with people like them and if there are any dissenting folk the choice for them is easy assimilate or break a law and go to hell, err I mean jail. They will tell you Jesus authored the Bill of Rights.
Roger Williams was correct when he said, “Enforced uniformity confounds civil and religious liberty and denies the principles of Christianity and civility. No man shall be required to worship or maintain a worship against his will.” This election may seem to be about the economy, but when so much time is spent on forcing God into the conversation and then trying to act as that God there is more on the line then he economy.
How foolish to think the speeches spoken on television during the Convention have any meaning. With most of this new breed of Republican politician forget the word and beware of their dirty deceiving deeds.

Monday, August 27, 2012

no clothes

I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because the only issue of the decade is the economy. Romney and Ryan tell us they will bring Cap back in Capitalism, and keep America from the evils of socialism. And as you keep your head in the sand, refusing to scan the horizon around you, when in fact you vote Republican/Tea Party you get some of this: Texas GOP recently declared, in the 2012 party platform, that it is opposed to teaching critical thinking skills to children on the grounds that it undermines "parental authority.” When you support Romney and Ryan the residual and residue result in Republicans/Tea Partiers who have decided critical thinking is plot to rid parents of any responsibility in raising their kids. Not true, take a peek at the priorities of Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures and watch just how little has been done help the economy. But how much more has stopped women from their own reproductive rights, education programs from growing and voter from being denied the right to vote.
I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because Barack Hussein sounds like a Muslim name and in fact must be. This is  Christian nation and only those who believe in Jesus have the right to be president. I know Romney/Ryan will bring back God to the nation. They hate abortion, Gays, poor people and know immigrants are just lazy humans trying to cheat real Americans. And as you keep your ears focused on the rhetoric from ministers of hate preaching from churches of disdain for anyone considered “other”, when in fact you vote Republican/Tea Party here is what you get: Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who claims that God himself declares the whole global warming scare to be a "hoax": "Well actually the Genesis 8:22 that I use in there is that “as long as the earth remains there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.” When you support Romney/Ryan those true American white guys you get the rust dripping from old ideas that refuse to allow truth to shine on the fact of life of tis planet. You get denial that too much carbon, too much pollution, too much abuse of the land has any, any, any consequences.
I know you are voting Republican/Tea Party because a black man has run this nation amok. He has seen the individual as more important then the community. He has said words like free, equal, rights instead of you don’t deserve it, wealthy is what is America is all about. And when you vote for Romney/Ryan two guys who love to divide, exclude you also get: Todd Akin women could not get pregnant from a rapist's seed because their bodies had some sort of elaborate, hormonal fail-safe system that had never, ever, ever been observed in the natural world but it sure sounds awesome so, why not? When you support Romney/Ryan you get speeches filled with America for all, but laws and plans that restrict some Americans from getting anything at all.
There is a much bigger question then just voting for Romney/Ryan. Try and get a commitment from these men as how they will govern this nation. Ask for facts, simple plans on paper as to what their term in office will look like. Look at the states whose Republican/Tea Party led Congresses and watch how ALL citizens of those states DO NOT receive equal justice under the law. If most Republican/Tea Party candidates and current elected officials only spend time with the FOX fools acting as journalists and will  not speak to anyone else, it just might be because everyone else sees the emperor without clothes and that site is soooooooooooo scary!
So you want to vote Romney/Ryan/Republican/Tea Party, really?

Friday, August 24, 2012


If the truth sets you free why does Mitt Romney seem so burdened by admitting it? If Mitt IS the man to be the next President why is finding out any truth about his past so difficult to learn? If Romney is the answer to all the evil that has befallen this nation why does he continue to avoid the truth in both his ads for president as well as his speeches on the stump?

If the Republican/Tea Party philosophy is the correct path for America why are so many Republican/Tea Party state legislators passing bills limiting or denying votes for its citizens? If the Republican/Tea Party says it IS the party for all Americans why are they always finding laws to discriminate against some of those Americans? If the Republican/Tea Party is about limiting Government, why are they expanding their reach into our bedrooms, love lives and homes?

If one is running for president, a person who has the potential power to change the ways Americans thrive, why is it not the right of ALL Americans to ask as many questions about his/her background as we wish. If America is a land priding itself on democracy why do some with more money have more sway in the government and perhaps the final say on how the government governs? If finding a common answer, a common purpose, a common cause for America, why is it so much easier to travel to the further edges of a political party?

If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY, STUPID, why are so many laws regulating women’s bodies the first priority on the agendas for Republican/Tea Party controlled state legislatures. If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPID, why are Republican/Tea Party Congress People in office spending more time on calling some a Muslim Brotherhood supporter, a member of the Communist Party, placing bills to stop Sharia Law? If IT IS ABOUT THE ECONOMY STUPID, why are most of the bills introduced always related to social issues, the social services, and anything with health and welfare for the poor, the elderly and the unemployed?

If you vote for Mitt Romney why are you satisfied that he avoids and refuses to answer questions any presidential candidate should be required to do. If you want Mitt Romney to be president why do you provide him with a pass on anything personal. Mitt, if president will have the ability to initiate laws regarding our most personal aspect of life. If all you hear is the economy how do you find fairness from a political party who wants to deny freedoms, restrict fairness and at time eliminate equality?

I am scared of Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Todd Akin, Dick Cheney, because none of these individuals see further then their own selfish needs and desires. I am afraid of Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Sean Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Alan West, John Bolton because these men and women want political power while destroying any power for the average people. I am terrified that Romney/Ryan become President/Vice President because all of the name I have mentioned above will be the people who with others just like them will set policy in this nation.

If you have women in your life love and respect them...if you have sons/daughters, sisters/brothers who among other things happen to be Gay and you love and respect them...if your parents are reaching retirement or are living on meager pensions and you love and respect them...if you know a teacher, a fire fighter, a police man an earner of minimum wage and you love and respect them...if you believe in your God, and practice your religion your way...if any of these examples or the million more that exist mean nothing at all and you still want to vote for Romney/Ryan have you asked what IF they are elected and what WILL become of this nation? 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

truth, anything but

When I was young a visit to my Grandpa Buncher’s home was far from  exciting for a Sunday afternoon adventure. Grandpa Buncher was effusive in telling my sister and I how big we were getting or how smart we were, but after the initial kisses, hugs and compliments most conversation directed by him would shut down. We would all sit in the living room, my parents talking to my aunts and usually my sister Francie and I could be found in a comatose state watching Grandpa Buncher watching TV. As it happened that one long Sunday afternoon a local news bulletin interrupted the already boring adventure show stating that Negros (it was 1957) had just robbed a white persons jewelry store. The store in question happened to be two store fronts away from my Grandfather’s Tailor Shop. The owner of the jewelry story was speaking to the reporter saying those Negros had been casing his place of business for awhile. Then continued by saying he knew when more then two of THEM congregated in front of his store he was sure they were up to no good.  The final conclusion this man made was go with your gut you know what is right and what is wrong, do something before it is too late.
A noise came from my Grandfathers throat so guttural, so deep so harsh my parents stopped their conversation with my aunts, my sister and I jumped up and we all assumed my Grandfather was having a heart attack. My Grandfather snapped at me, Gerry, shut off that television, now. He had never barked orders. And then without any hesitation my Grandfather said three words, fanatik, durachit, schmuck... the first two Russian for bigot, fool, the latter idiot in Yiddish.
My Grandpa then went on looking at my parents and aunts at first saying that the jewelry shop owner is not the victim here but the instigator. He chases anyone who has dark skin from his store, he criticizes Jews wearing black coats as Communists, he yells as the youngsters stop to tie their shoes in front of his store. He has told me this is the Shady Side neighborhood, too many Jews seem to be shopping here, let them stay in their own neighborhood of Squirrel Hill. He says what is wrong with America, too many others think they own the place. My Grandpa then looked directly at my sister and I with such severe intensity we thought his eyes were going to pop out of head, and said, a terrible thing happened to this man indeed, but his crimes of hate are just as wrong. “If you invent the enemy and his crimes you will never understand the truth.” There was silence in the room, my father gave my Grandpa a shot of schnapps and slowly the atmosphere returned to semi- boredom. 
For a while all that resonated with me was the idea of creating the enemy and the crime and not seeking the truth. I had thought that truth, being truth was solid, unbreakable, something unshakeable. And that day my Grandpa said you could invent it. It took many years to understand just how vulnerable the truth really was. 
The truth has been shattered, shook, and sinisterly obliterated in this election year. The truth of the matter has been replaced with a matter of fact that fiction and falsehood can stand as equals with the truth. Base you fiction on the Bible. Base your family’s misperceptions of real on selfish hate. Base the denial of honest because the facts don’t weigh in your favor. But somehow as my Grandpa said in 1957 “If you invent the enemy and his crimes you will never understand the truth.”
The truth invented and the crimes that follow in the year 2012:
It's November 7th, 2012, and a re-elected Barack Obama has just handed over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations, sparking a civil war. Lubbock County, Texas, Judge Tom Head’s interview on FOX 34 News.
 “It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.” Missouri Congressman Todd Akin.
Accusations by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., that an Islamist group has infiltrated the U.S. government are drawing fierce criticism from fellow lawmakers and religious groups. Bachmann and four other GOP legislators have sent letters to five government agencies citing “serious security concerns” about what Bachmann has called a “deep penetration in the halls of our United States government” by the Muslim Brotherhood.
These men and women are elected officials with the duty to uphold the laws, the morals, the values of the United States, but somehow have no difficulty in shaking the foundations of truth. And none of them have shown any remorse in doing do.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


As the RNC committee responsible for establishing their list of planks (the  platform for their party heading into 2012) added an anti-abortion manifesto. This manifesto made it clear that no matter what the circumstance, no matter the type of rape (can you believe we now are having a discussion on the TYPE of Rape) no abortion is okee-doe-kee. Reince Preibus RNC Chair said loudly and proudly the GOP is and  always has been a party about LIFE and FAMILY VALUES. He spoke in that used car salesmen tone, with little affect, no emotion and saying the words so fast in hopes that what was just said went by your ears too fast to decipher. 

In Republican/Tea Party jargon also known as double speak, a party of LIFE interprets as having the zygote survive, the embryo live but once the child is delivered, no more concern for the kind of LIFE she/he lives. Not true, well then consider, the cuts to head start programs,cutting backs for nutrition programs, insisting that fair health care for all is a form of socialized medicine. Dwell into the cut backs in Pell Grants, the insistence that minimum wage for kids is way too much money, the cut back of educational programs, the size of classrooms. LIFE inside the womb must be protected so say these Republican/Tea Party self proclaimed guardians of God, but once the water breaks it is up to anyone else but them to clean up the mess.

In Republican/Tea Party parlance FAMILY VALUES mean the values only they the identifiers of morals deemed derived from God promote. But of course not just any God,the God they pray to. FAMILY VALUES don’t include LGBT families who may want to adopt unloved, abandoned child. Nope better have that child stay in an abusive family or an orphanage. FAMILY VALUES in Republican/Tea Party blabber mean no extension of unemployment benefits due to laziness by the bread winner in the at family in the first place. No regulations for banks, lenders in help of saving your house from being foreclosed. FAMILY VALUES in Republican/Tea Party slang FAMILY VALUES translate into keep the poor families poor, hungry and working longer with less social security as you age. Oh, yeah and only heterosexual.

On Tuesday the Republican/Tea Party stayed their course of exclusion, and denial. They pretend that big government is too big except when it comes to social issues. They claim they are the party of the people, but very selective of which people that might be. They claim LIFE and FAMILY VALUES are the core of their existence, but limit exactly whose LIFE and which FAMILY’s they VALUE.

On Tuesday the RNC began it chores of writing its plank, the rules and regulations, the laws, the codes by which it plans to govern this nation if they become the majority party in power In November the American people hopefully will have decided that words are not as good as deeds, and deeds on LIFE and FAMILY VALUES are not limited by the rants and hypocrisy of the RNC.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

rape, just a word

Rape is a kind of gift from God full of good, the woman being raped is bad.
Mike Huckabee to Todd Akin: 'Horrible' rapes created some extraordinary people. The former Arkansas governor and onetime GOP presidential contender suggested a couple of cases in which he suggested that rapes, though “horrible tragedies,” had produced admirable human beings. (LA Times)
Except your gift ma’lady go with the flow. This man you didn’t know, don’t love, this brute, this bully, this beast forget his his brutish ways and make his sperm donation a gift. It may be your body, but you are a carrier not the owner of it. No choice to make ma’am, God knows better then you and we, people like me, Mike (I once ran for President Huckabee am God’s spokesperson. It will make your pain disappear, rape, s’hmape make lemon aid from lemons.
The ever quotable Rep. Steve King became one of the only conservative leaders to lend credence to Rep. Todd Akin’s explosive comments on rape and abortion yesterday when he told an Iowa TV station that he hasn’t heard of someone getting pregnant from rape or incest. “Well, I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way, and I’d be open to discussion about that subject matter,”
Rape may happen, but unless I have seen it, it is similar to that elusive unicorn, just living in someone’s imagination.
The ever quotable Rep. Steve King became one of the only conservative leaders to lend credence to Rep. Todd Akin’s explosive comments on rape and abortion yesterday when he told an Iowa TV station that he hasn’t heard of someone getting pregnant from rape or incest. “Well, I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way, and I’d be open to discussion about that subject matter,”(Salon)
A good Christian home would certainly never include incest, certainly IF incest even exists it must be from those people who well to be blunt are not Christian, or good. If I haven’t seen it how can I defend it. If it is not in the Bible then how could it be real. If I keep my eyes closed never once peeking into the reality of society I need not see those kind of things. Lets discuss this issue of rape, well when it happens in front of me. And further more if a loving Dad has intercourse with his daughter how the hell is that rape?
Rape, why should anyone brave enough to talk about this brutal, inhuman action, and the silly women who let it happen to them, be subjected to harangue or hassle?
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said he will continue to stand by embattled Missouri Rep. Todd Akin (R) if Akin chooses to remain in his race for the U.S. Senate against Sen. Claire McCaskill. “If Todd Akins wants to stay in the race, I will continue to support him,” TonyPerkins (Family Research Council President) said in an interview. “I think his comments were indefensible. I think they were inappropriate. He’s acknowledged as such. But you know, when others have made mistakes, you haven’t seen the entire Republican establishment abandon him. I think it’s somewhat suspect.”(The washington Post)

Its not the intention behind the words used to describe the types of rape, it is just silly selection of those words. A few misplaced words about should not disqualify anyone from being a Senator those are just words not like they will be placed into a law. It is Mr. Akins who is embattled for admitting that women who get raped actually embrace the sexual intercourse. This man was speaking his conscience don’t defend those women who without any conscience ask to be raped.

Todd Akin, Mike Huckabee, Steve King, Tony Perkins all are loud and proud spokespeople representing the Tea Party/Republican Party of 2012. These men will be a part of the deal makers, the law creators, the back room bullies, the not so quiet wise guys ready to remove any and all freedoms and rights they deem Un-American. They seem like fools, but then look closely at the majority of men and women running for power in this nation other fools who insist...dinosaurs lived with men, this nation is a Christian land...Gays are out to convert all children, teachers, firefighter, police are the cause of the large cuts for the wealthy create jobs...Obama is a Kenyan...we have Dems in the Congress who are Commie/ electrified fence will not only keep those Mexicans from our borders making employment easier for the white man...and women are chattel, God said so!

And it is still about the economy stupid? How stupid are you if you believe that!

Monday, August 20, 2012

rape, no big deal

Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, is running for the Republican/Tea Party Senate. He is the man representing the Republicans in Missouri, a man who may be one of the just 100 men and women to direct the business of this nation in Washington from the Senate. So you or your friends have had enough of the Dems, enough of that bunch of folk who still believe in the separation of church and state, fair and equal for all, the Constitution, and this man Todd Akin is your answer!

"The congressman believes the very existence of the federal student-loan program is a “stage free cancer of socialism” He's also eager to eliminate the minimum wage believes liberalism is based on "a hatred of God" believes the Bible should be a "blueprint for American government; and wants to impeachPresident Obama because, in his mind, the president is "a complete menace to our civilization." 

If all that seems obnoxious, and it does, get a load of what Congressman Akin told KTVI-TV Saturday:
“First of all, from what I understand from doctors, (pregnancy from rape) is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.”
And for all you women folk out there true, blue Republican females who think women need tending to by their male masters ‘betcha’ you are real proud of the comments Todd Akin is making on your behalf. I suppose if you are a female Republican/Tea Party person this man makes you safe and sound, and all red, white and bluish!
Todd Akins comments were not just misspoken text, sentences taken out of context,statements randomly put together. Nope Todd Akins comments were direct responses from the derogatory, disrespectful play book the new Republican/Tea Party abides by. He won his primary battle for a seat in the Senate from  Missouri, voted in by a band of men and women with disregard for fact and denigration of women’s rights. Todd Akin is the result of those who will vote against anyone supporting any of President Obamas priorities. Todd Akin is the prodigy of ruthless people who find little conscience in their existence and refuse to respect the individuality of others. Todd Akins is EXACTLY the mold of men and women we will have governing this country if the Republican/Tea Party becomes the majority party in the Congress and Senate. 
Todd Akin’s comments are not a fluke, nope his response was calculated he just didn’t think he would be held accountable. Many of the new breed of Republican/Tea Party doubt that accountability is important. When confronted with their lunacy they say they were misquoted, taken out of context, or a victim of a gotcha question. They never own up to their own bigotry, ignorance, blatant disconcert for freedoms.
Todd Akin is the tip of an iceberg that could sink the democracy this nation has enjoyed if he and his band of Republican/Tea Party politicians are voted into office in November. 

not your father's

“Its not your Father’s Oldsmobile, said the marketing mavens of GM as they tried to re-introduce the new version of a classic automobile, the Oldsmobile. “Its not your fathers Oldsmobile stated the creatives at GM as they pretended the newer version of the classic was really new. And then it was not your fathers Oldsmobile indeed because GM stopped producing a car that offered a new by-line but nothing else. It had a whole lot of hype and hyperbole but less content and complexity to make it better.

“...he was a community activist...said Sarah Palin the ex reality TV star with great indignation regarding the presidents credentials to be president. And you know what that means, she inferred to the half baked brains of her followers. Community is a code word for Communist And “you betcha” activist, well by golly that must mean Socialist, smugly smirked the ex beauty queen. Wonder if she still sees Russia from her back porch or maybe that other Commie-pinko nation China. Wait maybe she sees a Chinese restaurant from her back porch. She is a favorite of the Republican Party, and this Party is sure not like your Father’s Republican Party.

“...bipartisanship is Democrats coming to the Republican point of view...” said the newly crowned Republican Richard Mourdock candidate for the Senate in the state of Indiana. And surrounded by the people who find compromise, consensus  a naughty word and an UnChristian value Mr. anti bipartisanship was nominated to represent his state on the November ballot. In a year that Congress has received its lowest approval rating ever another Republican unwilling to find answers to the nations problems, but create more problems is ready to raid the sanity of Washington. He is a favorite of the Republican Party and this Party is sure not like your Fathers Republican Party.

“Weird--why did BarackObama Sr. fail to list @BarackObama as his son in his 1961 INS application?” Donald Trump asks.. According to the World Net Daily it’s because Obama’s parents entered into “a sham marriage arranged for immigration purposes only: a supposedly married couple who do not live together, a ‘husband’ with multiple girl friends on the side and a baby neither parent seems determined to raise.” The Donald is a talking head for all things Republican. His vision of America as seen on his reality show is about making dogs jump through hoops then firing them at his whim. The peasant works for the king. And with all the PR available The Donald charms the lifeless wanna be’s who call themselves real Americans. He is a favorite of the Republican Party and this Party is not like your Fathers Republican Party.
Former Navy SEAL Ben Smith with Tea Party ties launches Swift Boat-style attack on Obama for taking credit for Osama Bin Laden death. He stats that the President didn’t kill Bin Laden the American people did. I don’t remember being in Pakistan when Bin Laden was killed. I don’t remember being asked my opinion of the plot to kill Bin Laden. I don’t remember even knowing where the hell Bin Laden was hiding. I do remember however the Republican president at the the time George W. saying Bin Laden was enemy number one and he was going to kill the man. And then I remember the same George W. stating with that arrogant and ignorant voice and tone that well shucks folks he, George W. has bette things to do then hunt down that man. The Democrat president weighed the pro’s and cons of killing Bin Laden, felt compelled to right a a dramatic wrong, and DID give the orders to kill Bin Laden. He and the brave men and women of the Seals killed Bin Laden. But Ben Smith is a Republican and has amnesia when it comes to the lack of backbone or motivation from George W. He has all his faculties however in wanting to rewrite a Democrats history. He is a favorite of the Republican Party, and this Party is not like your Fathers Republican Party.

“...maintaining Obama as one  term president is job one...” said minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell on the day president elect Obama was to be inaugurated. There was little discussion about the economy, unemployment, the deficit banks regulations, but secret meetings to do one thing and one thing only, make Obama a one term president. yeah, yeah McConnell and his self serving comrades talked a lot about about the other business of the nation but felt so inclined to NOT pass any laws that might actually help the American citizen if in fact it hindered any Republican from being re-elected and of course from the president from ever being elected again. McConnell is a favorite of the Republican Party, but this Party is not like your Fathers Republican Party.

It was not the label Oldsmobile that changed, just the stuff it was made of and made from. The car once had a great reputation, why else would you Father have purchased it. It is not the label Republican that is bad, it is the people who now say they represent this party. This nation needs a point counter point, but not that is how democracy thrives. But this batch of hooligans claiming to be Republicans are anything but American. We need to redirect a party once willing to compromise, find common ground, that stuck to their principles because those principles were based on just and fair, not bigotry and bias. Nope it is not your Father’s Republican Party anymore it is more like a Nightmare on Elm Street.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

devil and details

Any attorney, CEO, businesswoman will tell you the devil is in the details, so read the fine-print well so no surprises jump up and end up biting you in the butt. There are details that if gone unnoticed or unread that can change any deal, any offer, any intention intended and make good into bad and right into wrong. A fool just reads the headlines and is soon facing the consequences of never deciphering the details.

Details: The Supreme Court upheld the case stating that first amendment rights  prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. Thus Citizens United began to rewrite the rules for bribing elections. Now, millions of dollars can be raised and used to buy a candidate, pass an amendment, or deny rights and freedoms for any and all minorities. And as powerful as these united citizens are, we are told we need NO DETAILS about who these puppeteers are.Citizens United can change the shape of democracy in this nation forever, yet even with devil being in the details, we get NO DETAILS. Makes you wonder, if you are so proud to support your favorite politician how come you are so quiet in admitting your choice?

Details: Mitt and the RNC are all about demonstrating how everything from ObamaCare to unemployment, to Medicare are mishandled by the president. The Republican/Tea Party politicos bad mouth each and every plan and outline and detail the president supplies and shares but never offer any more then headlines for their own plans. Ask the Romney campaign about details and all you get is wait until the debates, wait until he is elected, wait, wait wait! We are told details exist, but hold on to your impatience, the information will come, soon! And oh yeah we were told by Romney’s campaign that Mitt is like an etch-a-sketch so even if you get the details, those might not be the real DETAILS. Makes me wonder, if Romney is really sure of his details, really has any details why not share them now and brag about them. You know, instead of hiding behind promises?

Details: As if being president was just another take over of a corporation by Bain, Mitt seems to think his life, his past experiences, his deeds are private, confidential and acts as a CEO. Its my business he shouts and stammers as does his wife Ann with an indignant attitude. Those DETAILS are private, they insist. We want to be elected to do the people’s business, but the people have no right to our business or the details relating to them. Trust us they say our word needs no other Detail. Taxes, shmaxes, what we did in the past was cool, why even ask us about our past? There are more important issues to discuss say the Romney’s then asking us about details that might provide insight to how we will govern this nation. We had Richard Nixon remind us that no matter what the president does it is legal, and then we found out about Watergate. Way too late!

In the case of the Romney’s and the activist Republican Supreme Court it is not so much the devil in the details but more of the devil who provides no detail at all.

Friday, August 17, 2012

so you voted

A group of Kentucky Republicans is up in arms over a state testing program that requires high school students preparing for college to have an understanding of biological evolution.(Huffington Post)
In America 2012 God has reentered the government in the form of a band of Americans who forgot that the beauty of this nation was the divide between church and state. In America 2012 suddenly the more religious you are and the more zealous in religious dogma you present yourself the more patriotic become. Now, not just any religion but of course religion du jour served to you by bigots who will feed you what they want you to eat. So you voted these Republican/Tea Party goons into office, proud of that? Education is just a ploy for the intelligent, and too much intelligence is not good to keep the masses from amassing any power. Wonder what the Crusaders will oppose next, perhaps deny that the Earth rotates around the sun? So you voted Republican/Tea Party. Watch as each state becomes it own union, denying any fact that they deem unnecessary to keep their own self interests from ever collapsing or better from being a democratic process. So you voted Republican/Tea Party, happy?
Jan Brewer sparked outrage Wednesday when she issued an executive order denying benefits to young undocumented immigrants, defying President Obama's deferred action program. (Huffington Post)
Personal political gain usurps any inroads to a fuller, freer life in America. Equality is not as important as my access to power. I like to sound as if I speak for the people, but I prefer those PEOPLE are on a ladder a few rungs lower then me. It is the quality of my career, my future that counts, I am governor because it is good for me, nothing else counts. So you voted this Republican/Tea Party women in as governor. Integrity, values, morals are meaningless when contempt, divisiveness, and self serving are the key to running a government. So you voted Republican/Tea Party. Delay for freedom, denial of equality, demeaning dreams and desires all part of the ticket. So you voted Republican/Tea Party. Why?  
"The nature of running a presidential campaign is that you're communicating direction to the American people," a Romney adviser, who is not named, told Politico. "Campaigns that are about specifics, particularly in today's environment, get tripped up." (Huffington Post)
Listening to people who talk in circles makes me dizzy. All I end up hearing is blah/blah/blah mixed in with BS/BS/BS. Circle talk is filled with patronizing parrot talk mixed with fiction formulated into fact. Its starting gate and finish line are located at the same point, making no point whatsoever.  And now we hear from the people who handle Romney’s campaign that the importance of details is of no importance at all. So you want to vote Republican/Tea Party? Substance is no longer a priority? Want to guess as to what the potential next president might do after he is in office rather then try and stop him before he has time to do damage? So you want to vote Republican/Tea Party? Really!
Perhaps it is not so much about the Republican/Tea Party as it is about the men and women who are running for political office representing that Party. Maybe it isn’t that the Republican/Tea Party is bad for this nation, but that in fact the women and the men who want to be elected have few scruples, sincerity, and real values.  It might be that the Republican/Tea Party is necessary for a true democracy but those who crave power find democracy un-necessary as a value to keep America free.
If you voted Republican/Tea Party or plan on voting Republican/Tea Party consider the women and men who you will be voting into power...and then wonder hard how scary, distorted America of 2012 will look as compared to the America you cherish and have cherished.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Conviction: A firmly held belief or opinion.
If the really wealthy donors contributing to the Romney campaign truly hold a firm opinion that Romney should be president, why do they prefer to cower in the corners and remain invisible and never identified as his supporters? If Romney is the right man for the job, if his convictions match the convictions of those wealthy donors who support him, why can’t those same men and women come forwards and announce loud and proud Mitt is my man!
Conviction: A firmly held belief or opinion.
If the philosophy of the Republican/Tea Party is one of honor, reason, responsible, all American in its essence why are so many Republican/Tea Party state legislators trying to end the democratic way of voting by passing voter ID laws. If the Republican/Tea Party platform is so perfect and precise for America, why is there such fear in these states as to prevent all of its citizens from voting in an equal and just manner? If assumed conviction of the republican/Tea Party legislators is they are right in passing their laws and Mitt is the man to lead those laws on a national stage, why are these legislators blocking the constitutional rights of he people in their own districts.
Conviction: A firmly held belief or opinion.
If you want to be the president based on your history of experience, and at the time I act that all of those accomplishments happened because I had conviction why now do you hide behind the truth trying to rewrite or delete your own history? If you want to be the president and you said you are a religious/family man, a powerful CEO, was the governor of a state providing health care for most of its citizens, where is your conviction in standing behind your deeds? If Mitt is the man for the job, why can’t you find the conviction to talk about all the other jobs you once held?
Conviction: A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court...
Mitt the man is guilty of being a man with little conviction. He enjoys calling out the presidents policies but offers few too little details about his own policies. Mitt the man is guilty of (as his own campaign manger claimed of being an ‘etch-a-sketch’ politician), with little conviction in what he says or does. Mitt the man is guilty of acting like a pre school child by saying everyone else did it so why can’t I demonstrating no conviction in owning his actions or words.
Conviction:I respect people who have a firmly held belief or opinion. The wonder of democracy is the ability to express yourself. But when all you express is done in hiding, denying, deterring, misdirecting and disguising the belief or opinion it is not conviction but shame and lack of a moral compass. If you truly believe stand loud and stand proud. If you have an opinion base it on facts not on falsehoods filled with fiction. 
Mitt Romney is not the man to lead this country, just look at the behavior of those who say they support him, you know the ones who would rather remain anonymous, deny all Americans equal access at the voting poles, and disallow the facts of history to lead us into the future they show little conviction at all.
It is my conviction that Mitt Romney is not the man, based on his own actions and deeds to be president of this great nation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

come on Ann

"We have been very transparent to what's legally required of us," Ann Romney told reporter Natalie Morales, "There's going to be no more tax releases given." Ann Romney said that releasing more details on the family's taxes would merely give the Obama campaign "more ammunition." (Huffington Post).
Come on Ann, your husband (who as I recall did not really have a great audience of supporters urging him to run for president) wants to be the leader of the greatest nation on Earth and his transparency is based only on what is legal. Come on Ann, why would the Obama campaign have anything to discuss if in fact the items, calculations and figures in all of your previous tax returns were above reproach? Come on Ann, you really think the man running for the presidency of this nation can be respected when all he wants to do is run from his past?
Be braver Ann then your husband, (be that little smart savvy woman behind the man your handlers so want us to believe you are) and encourage your hubby to be that Mormon who understands being honest is God’s way. Be the good wife and share your Church of Latter Day Saints upbringing that states honesty is the best policy. Be a bigger woman then your husband is a big man and level with the Americans that whatever you did, however you did and what ever the consequences you will stand by the past, and honor the fruit of your labor.
Bull shit smells even when it wafts off the body of a grand dame such as you. Bull shit has a lingering odor of distrust and misuse of trust when lies, excuses, innuendo are used as stand ins for the facts. If you and your husband made tons of money legally, decided to find legal ways not pay your fair share of taxes, used legal means to shift your finances offshore, just tell all of us it happened. Why run away from the truth, Ann and cover it up with, well with lies? If it is legal and you decided at the time it was wise for your own financial future, share your story. Come on Ann, don’t tell us that all the facts about your tax returns are on the up and up, and that being honest about them will bite you in the ass.
You once said it was your turn to be President and First Lady. If it is your turn to make policy, lead this nation, approve or veto’s laws governing all of us, why can’t you and your hubby let all of us discover some of your past? you want to dictate our future, but we can’t delve into your past?
Sadly because the current President is black, has a foreign sounding name, enjoys the company of minorities, respects women as equals many biased and bigoted Americans don’t like him. These people will most likely vote for your husband, a man who can not answer word one about his religion, his days in government, his successes and failures at Bain, and his, as you so proudly state, legal handling of his taxes. Ah vote for the lesser of two evils as many of these hate filled people suggest.
You and your hubby may have participated in legal actions, but so far neither you or your husband have demonstrated anything close to a moral response to your past. If it was right then why isn’t it right now?
Come on Ann, take that self placed chip off your millionaire shoulder and level with us. Be proud of your past, and if you are not proud of it why the hell did you do it in the first place? Come on Ann...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

well fair?

There is one more private fundraising event for Mitt Romney, sponsored by billionaire mega-donor Sheldon Adelson at The Venetian in Las Vegas tonight.  To be fair,the president will hold a few more fundraising events as well between now and the November election. Millionaires and billionaires will be on hand for tonights event ready to write checks and make a financial contribution. 
In South Carolina, a yearly income of $16,900 is too much for Medicaid for a family of three. In Florida, $11,000 a year is too much. In Mississippi, $8,200 a year is too much. In Louisiana and Texas, earning more than just $5,000 a year makes you ineligible for Medicaid. (Huffington Post)
There is more money to buy a politician, but not enough cash to assist in permitting poor people to at least have privy for affordable health care. There are always more excuses to cut the taxes for the wealthy but an absence to find the finances to assist in Americans in at least securing some kind of health care. There is energy to define the wants of the rich and little to no enthusiasm in demanding that the poor should even receive a small share of the American pie.
Imagine if a portion of the dollars raised to buy the presidency were sifted  and shifted to something as humane, even Christian by placing those excess dollars into affordable and equal health care. Imagine how some of the tax dollars exported to oversee accounts (all legal but how American is that) or hidden in the only seen exemptions for the ultra wealthy, could be placed in a fund that seriously states all Americans no matter their wealth should have the right to health?
Class warfare, nope class massacre, class divide maybe more of a no class approach to the poor. It is not a matter of Capitalism is best Socialism is worse. It is  not a matter of Conservatism is greater and Progressivism is less then. It is a matter of being human, caring having a conscience that surpasses your one greed, gluttony and God forsaken selfish bull shit. How do you vote for people who say income as low as $16,000, $8200, $5000 is way too much and if you want to sty healthy earn more. 
The election should be about real people, with real issues of survival, health and welfare. The first consideration should be how many people will not have enough to eat, a safe place to live, access to health care. the first consideration should be how can we heal the wounds of those who need a helping hand instead of cutting open and creating more sores. 
Why is there even a debate on the welfare for the masses? Why?

Monday, August 13, 2012

name nonsense

I am in awe that the mere idea of any health insurance plan that might have universal coverage for all Americans is anything but democratic in nature. I am miffed that any politician considering fair affordable health coverage for a vast majority of Americans is spoken of as a socialist. I am surprised that when the “fair market” has shown disdain for pricing health insurance for all Americans as affordable, we are still led to believe at least three decades later this unfair pricing is considered a fluke. How many people must grow ill, prioritize how much health they can afford, or die before passion for human life supersedes the politics of health care. If it is a form of socialized medicine to implement control on prices and equal distribution for health care, and it is capitalism to let the markets decide the prices, it would seem to me the right answer is the choice which lets more people live. Just call it democracy.

There are men and women debating just how much money should be spent on food stamps. These people none of whom go without at least three meals a day and a few snacks in between I am sure, are arguing that poor people are faking being hungry. They insist that the poor are making a sham of this entitlement, and for doing this bad deed must be punished. Giving the hungry too much to eat will make them lazy, these folk say after finishing their two hour lunch. If you want to eat well get a job, earn the dollars and stay off the dole. And like the sick circle of life imposed by the same people who hate any entitlement, there are less jobs created, lower wages and less money to buy the food in the first place. If it is a form of socialism to feed people with enough nutrition to keep them healthy, and it is capitalism to deny them enough food because if they really want it, they should pay for it, it would seem to me the right answer is the choice which lets people live. Just call it democracy.

For the past 42 years, (the years I have voted) I was told that democracy was an idea in which all people had a chance to be great. I was told that capitalism promoted the motivation to succeed, and if successful democracy permitted the average man to become better than average. I was told that democracy was about equal and fair, and the pursuit of happiness which at the least meant, a job, food at your table, a roof over your head, and living a healthy life. When did that definition become something called socialism? And if now providing for the poor, the downtrodden, the old, the in-firmed means acting in a socialist manner and not in a capitalistic approach, then it would seem to me the right answer is call it what you want. Just call it democracy.

I am confused when the so called religious stand tall for the Bible, but seem so small in wanting to care for those children the Bible says we should love. I am confounded when the armies of God decide to wage war on the poor, the elderly, the minority, but pledge their hearts to the wealthy remaining rich. I am knocked for a loop when the so called religious say God only loves you if you are not a socialist. Do they then mean that God loves capitalists who dived and conquer are exclusive rather then inclusive?

When did caring for others, sharing with others become bad? When did stretching out your arm to pull someone from the fire or the depths of a pool become bad? When did capitalism become so unconcerned with the average man? When did we permit the selfish to create the agenda?
Why does wanting to help those who at certain times cannot help themselves or need a shove, or at least equal footing have to be called anything but democracy? Why has the action of helping become less important then labeling it? Why is there any debate on the whole issue of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you?

This is my America and I want it back, from those who seem to care less for the greater good and more for their selfish needs. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012


All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. (Thomas Jefferson)

Within minutes of tapping Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee, presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney was distancing himself from the congressman's controversial budget. The Romney campaign sent out talking points on Saturday that made the case that he was his own man on matters of Medicare and Social Security and that he wouldn't be tied to a document he insisted he'd sign into law and once called "marvelous."
Here we go living two realities at one time. Reality A) look what I did (I chose Paul Ryan), and Reality B) look at what I didn’t do (pay any attention to Ryan’s remedy to solve both the deficit and dissolve the safety net). Here we go when what just happened really did not happen, at least the way you supposed it happened. Here we go smoke and mirrors, slight of hand but just don’t accuse me of flimflam. Here we go Mitt Romney placating and pandering but never once sincere enough to seek the truth. 
Mitt has once again made a decision but when approached as to why or how, he wants to change both the truth and the reason for his choice. Mitt will never admit to why he has done something as soon as there is question as to WHY he just did what he did. Mitt will snap back that the questioner who dares asks for detail is more interested in finding fault then fact. But when asked for fact Mitt immediately says that is a personal attack.
And the most amazing thing about Mitt, is he still has enough people supporting him, without even knowing more then perhaps 2% about him. Mitt wants to be president of this nation deciding laws, rules, regulations for all of us, yet any question asked to him as who the hell are you is deemed as derogatory and demeaning. 
Tyranny is at its best when the majority remain silent and only watch (never act) as their walls of democracy slowly crumble. Tyranny gets stronger when left unchallenged. Tyranny is triumphant when innuendo, fabrication, and anything but the truth are used to feed it.
Mitt has little conscience when it comes to anyone or anything but his own goals and desires. He has selected a running mate who as of today wants to impose a sanction on the welfare of the state, the survival of the poor. He sees rich people, no one else exists.
When will the people of good conscience, as Thomas Jefferson eludes to in is quote, stop remaining silent? Seems we have a huge choice to make, remain silent and let your future be decided for you, or break the silence and control your own future. Mitt and Ryan have a whole bag of tricks ready to aim, shoot and fire.

Friday, August 10, 2012

space invaders

There must be a witch or a boogyman, a monster to lay blame and point the finger. If what you do is really not done with righteousness there has to be wrong-full-ness placed elsewhere to distract anyone from discovering the truth. Do unto others as you assume they deserve, but never do for others the same privileges you partake on your own.

If you are unsure that the majority of Americans will vote for your Republican/Tea Party candidate, why then, just eliminate the amount of people able to vote. Create voter ID laws even when the statistics and history demonstrate there have no broken ID laws in the first place. Insist it is the American way to discredit voting rather than promoting this heralded value of democracy. Without much support of your candidate just try harder to eliminate the options for your opponent.

If you can’t really sell the positives for the rich staying rich, the wealthy for not paying higher taxes then by all means attack the poor. Call them lazy, call them leeches, call them the enemy, the ones who wanting to live off of minimum wage or food stamps are the real cause for a deficit to the nation. Use derogatory terms all coded in racial slurs to make sure the haters buy into your false propaganda weasle-ness. Mention that affordable rent, food, and medical care are harbingers of socialists, communists and if you can’t afford it stop sucking dry the coffers of real Americans. Never mention that the divide between the ultra rich and the poor is at its greatest ever, AND never mention that George W. Bush’s tax breaks did nothing for anybody but the 1%.

If it is not the Gays, the Women, the Immigrant, the Senior Adult, the Blacks it will be someone else because when the intention is not to solve problems, but create divergence a scapegoat is SO necessary. When politics is not about what we can do for you but more about what we can do for our own selfish needs then it is easy to conceive the need for anything but the truth. The truth of the matter does not matter and finding anyone to blame for any matter at the whim of the moment is the key.

Where is the decency and compassion once witnessed as a bipartisan blessing? Where are those who swear there is a God, practicing his intentions. Where is the conscience based on love instead of bottom line. Where are those who silently shake and quiver as they witness bigotry, bias, bogus being spread like a virus, saying NO MORE, NOT NOW, NOT IN MY COUNTRY? Where are the humans and why are they not fighting harder against this alien invader who pretends to an American. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


And as we sit back, (we with intelligence, insight, and inclusion) looking for answers for health and happiness, peace and prosperity, fair, equality and justice, there are many Americans satisfied with none of the above. With the help of the elite (who would prefer a divide between us vs they, have and you don’t deserve, keep them dumb making me smarter), cartoon characters have become elected politicians, religious bigots spokespeople for God, and haters setting the political agenda.
Small teeny tiny steps have turned into large giant stomps, and suddenly the facts are no longer of importance being replaced with private greed, bigotry, bias and bogus. And even if your head has been in the sand, you still think this presidential race is about two of the same kind of buffoon, say that your vote does not matter just take a peek at the people from the Tea Party, Republican Party, their supporters and watch how they plan on reclaiming America as THEIR kind of country!
C. Welton Gaddy, the president of a national multi-faith religious group“Let me be clear: I am not appalled that a Christian school is teaching its students that God created the Earth ... Children in my church learn that every Sunday," Gaddy wrote. “I am appalled that these schools are teaching theology as science, and they’re doing so with government money, my tax dollars."
Lance Hill, executive director of the Southern Institute for Education and Research, echoed this sentiment, telling Reuters in July: "Almost all the voucher schools are religious schools, and many use an evangelical curriculum that teaches that humans walked the earth 6,000 years ago with dinosaurs. Do I, as a taxpayer, want my taxes to support that as a proper education in science?" (Huff Post politics)
Here we go, first less public schools, then less unionized teachers, then less fact, then less divide between church dogma and real history, then an America on a path scary and sad.
And as we all say this election is about jobs and that the key to getting my vote is who can create more employment, cut my taxes, make America whole, the malicious, malevolent, mean spirited voices defining righteous from wrong continue a din of hate, The problem is that din once only heard by the deep rooted hater is now louder and heard by other troubled souls who would rather find blame then begin to accept.
Bryan Fischer from The American Family Association a prominent anti-gay pundit has sparked the ire of many in the blogosphere after calling for an "Underground Railroad to deliver innocent children from same-sex households." Of course, Fischer's anti-gay declarations are hardly new. Previously, he cited the Penn State child abuse scandal as evidence why same-sex parents shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children. Earlier, he slammed gay rights, abortion and even environmentalism as "the work of Satan himself on his "Focal Point" radio show. (Huffington Post Gay Post)
Isn’t always about saving the kids, but saving them from what, from whom. Isn’t it always about the love of a family but who in that family is permitted to love and how exactly should they express that love. Isn’t it always about finding fault in someone else’s life never noticing your own hypocritical empty values. Isn’t it about screaming to America that the reason for shifty politicians, greedy billionaires, unfair balance between the have and the have nots is the behaviors of the Gays, or the Blacks, or the Women, or the Jews or the Muslims or, or, or.
Set fire in the theater (America), lock the doors as you exit and ring your hands beat your heart and declare how did this happen. And when you finally open the doors permitting some of the victims to exit, claim it was your actions that made them free.
Here we go less civil rights, less personal choice, less individual freedoms, less pursuit of your own happiness and more dictatorial direction from a depraved group of self appointed Gods.
When will we all take notice that bit by bit, piece by piece the rhetoric, legislative actions, and intentions of this new breed of Tea Party/Republican party is dangerous. Today the first few waves of the tsunami are hitting the shores of America, still time to curb the tide. But in November the giant waves of everything UnAmerican will drown us all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

a twilight zone

“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable...Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. . .
Next stop The Twilight Zone. (Rod Serling)

Rod Serling would stand in the shadows at the edge of the set, take a swig of smoke from the burning half ashy cigarette, look you right in the eye and make the viewer think that all we just saw and heard might of, could of, maybe WAS true after all. 

We may have seen martians standing behind the counter at a drug store, tiny astronauts attacking giant women, lights dancing on and off in a neighborhood with no one touching the electricity, but when Rod Serling looked at us eye to eye with his sincere voice and cautious smirk it all seemed so possibly real.

Wayne Allyn Root a Vegas oddsmaker who claims that the most scandalous conspiracy regarding President Barack Obama can be found at Columbia University. Admittedly, he doesn't know exactly what this scandal entails, and his theory is based on nothing more than his "gut instinct," but the scandal exists -- again, according to nothing more than his (ahem) flawless intuition. (the village voice blogs)
As Mr. Root was interviewed by Sean Hannity on the “fair and balanced” noise-work known as FOX, one could hear the ominous do-do-do/do-do-do first few notes of the Twilight Zone theme playing in the background. Claiming to not be a ‘birther’ himself (after having had at least a dozen ‘birthers‘ on his entertainment show, of which Donald Trump was the main star), Hannity said without a doubt there is MUCH MORE HERE THEN MEETS THE EYE. And with nothing more then a hunch, the Puritans of of the Tea Party were ready for their next round of a witch hunt. A hunt based on no details but lots of fiction and farce, bias and bigotry.
As did Rod Serling, Sean Hannity used his sincere voice, his voice of caution, a voice of concern for the viewer, for the people who really know what America should look like and how those who run America should look. Sans cigarette but just like Rod Serling Sean Hannity asked the viewer you have the facts now YOU decide on what just happened. And if you looked close enough you would see that scary eyeball open and close, the knowing eyeball that can look into your soul.
And then those who despise any one else’s successes, those who need a scapegoat to blame for their own self driven misfortunes, those who pretend God hates and they are soldiers for that vicious God, those who just can’t believe that uppity black man became president of the United States did a universal shake of the head and acknowledged that IN FACT the Kenyan born Muslim has no right to be the leader of the free world. 
“Show us your papers” they scream (none of them screaming for Romney to show us his papers of course), enough of this charade, you lie Barack Hussain, bring us back to the days of the Confederacy!
Twilight Zone was wonderful fiction, and if you could make it through the entire half hour there was a sigh of relief that it was only a well written scary show. We knew it was fiction and we went on with our day, albeit a few nightmares as we slept.
Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh are all fiction also of course but somehow the viewers who are made to be as terrified as those who watched Twilight Zone have no idea that whatever is said by these buffoons is a lie based on a lie. And those viewers are ready to use their second amendment rights to deny others their first amendment rights. They are ready to take back America from a bogey man who is just a figment of the imaginations of hateful, harmful, hokey men and women with little love for America but lots of love for their own selfish egos.
“...the worst aspect of our time is prejudice... In almost everything I've written, there is a thread of this - man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself.” (Rod Serling)