Saturday, July 30, 2016


Today I heard that we should all stop thinking we are doing the noble act by not voting for Trump and casting our vote for Hillary. Of course cited as an example of how evil Hillary is is the fact that she still hasn’t embraced the end of fossil fuels. Sometimes its that she didn’t embrace the LGBTQ community soon enough. Or that she used private email severs. As if we are acting noble because we want to feel good when we sleep at night. I am amazed, really, really amazed that many people still think we should vote our conscious and stay home on Election Day., BECAUSE OF COURSE, NEVER VOTE THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. It’s as if a President Trump will come and go like the latest pop culture faze. As if a President Trump will teach us all a lesson that even if you think Hillary is the lesser of two evils, you should hold your ground and not vote. As if the world revolves around YOU, and no matter how wrong for this nation Trump WILL BE, its better to be true to yourself. Oh yeah, and the best excuse I have heard is we survived George W.

The thing about privilege…for so many sophomoric Americans goes like this…So, while we have food to eat we can complain we need to go on a diet. So while we have a closet full of clothes to wear we can complain, we just don’t like anything we have in our closet. So while we have the latest I-Phone we can say, when is the next one coming out I am so over this. So while we haveFREEDOM, we can say, don’t vote for Hillary,lets permit the Fascist to be in charge, after all its only four years! We’ll get by. The noble thing TO DO is to understand that this choice, to stay home, be spiteful, to vote your conscience is similar to the Act Up Movement: Silence = Death!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Come On World

Come on world, we all know hashtag Donnie, can’t control himself when he feels his ego has been tarnished. We all should know that whatever word he uses after the hashtag is just Donny projecting his worst fears about himself. It is a true action of a narcissist, whose only concern is that he might be found out to be the fraud, he is always so afraid of addressing. Donnie’s real time sentences are composed of few words and he speaks a dialect of Palin-ese. His lack of the English language is always hidden by his shouts, the raising of that tiny right hand of his, (in an almost Mister Spock look), and he knows how to make that (you know you love smirk.) 

I believe the only way to communicate with Donnie is to hashtag him using his same words and then some. #Crooked Hillary, maybe “Crooked Tax returns. #Small Bloomberg, maybe #smaller billions. And a new one #owned Donnie, (by Putin) It is hard to imagine how the polls are as close as they seem to be, but then realize…some parents are proud that their kids play Pokemon Go because it gets them outside…Caitlyn Jenner is a Republican because they love the Gays…big government is cool as long as Jesus mentioned it in the Bible he wrote…if you leave your two other wives for a REAL Babe, ain’t nothing UnChristian about that… Come on world why the surprise! 


And now Ladies and Gentlemen for your dose of hypocrisy we give you… bellyfeel - Full emotional understanding. Blind, enthusiastic acceptance of a concept. And its best friend doublethink - Reality Control. The power to hold two completely contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them. (George Orwell, ‘1984’)..all presented by the Christian Conservative radio hosts, and the  panoply of pundents and Trump surrogates. (And I paraphrase): Its a good thing Donald Trump has the kind of relationship with Putin, something this President does not. If Hillary hadn’t sent emails from her private server, there would be no need for Donald Trump to sarcastically ask Mr Putin for more emails, baby, MORE. Donate Trump actually wants to murder the country of ISIS, no pussy footing around, isn’t that EXACTLY what Putin wants. A match you silly liberals certainly are too smart to even understand.

And now chumps and chumpettes, for your daily dose of Are You Kidding Me, we present…duckspeak - (To quack like a duck). To speak without thinking. Can be either good or bad, depending on who is speaking, and whether or not they are on your side. And its BFF, Newspeak -an attempt to remove the overall number of words in general, to limit the range of ideas that could be expressed.The most important aim of newspeak is to provide a means of speaking that requires no thought what-so-ever. It uses abbreviations or clipped conjunctions in order to mask or alter a word's true meaning(George Orwell, ‘1984’)  Donald Trumps facade of intelligence, (And I paraphrase): “I was sarcastic, damn you, Hillary Clinton, and yes Putin IS a strong man he knows how to quell dissidents, and kick ass, not like you and the guy whose birth certificate is still under question!

And for an encore, a moment of silence from the cowards calling themselves Republicans/Patriots/The Minute Men/Tea Baggers, who have nothing to say about Trump , but infer instead that if the Russians did this to America, Well We Will Be Angry. The silence, as none of them will condemn Trump, because more than being afraid of the Russians becoming THE dominate SuperPower, are the Neo Nazi Base, the Pay for Pray Christian Base, The Aryan Nation Base the KKK Base, the Evangelical Crusaders for Christ Base and of course FOX NEWS. 1984 came and went, but its message of the unintelligent happiest when they are kept stupid remains.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

He did it again

It was a joke, he was misquoted, he was JUST being sarcastic, nothing to see here folks, the response from the majority of the Trump-Ricans. Treason my ass, tyranny, quite insulting, anarchy cut me a break, he IS the guy who knows, love and represents the America. Once again, with deafening denial, the majority of Trump-Ricans have played the role of puppet permitting their candidate for the office of President to pull the strings and pull this nation closer to the verge of total destruction. 

The hawks in the Senate like McCain, Graham, Cruz and Cotton, nary a peep from them as Trump cozies up to Putin. These same men have hissy fits anytime President Obama doesn’t say the words Radical Islam, tries to find  consensus, or speaks with people of the Muslim faith. These same men and countless others of the Republican/Neo Nazi/Confederate Party, swear on their phony Bibles that Obama is a weak man who prefers the enemy over country. YET, Trump has told the American public that, too bad Ukraine,about Crimea, Russia took your land, you should have been stronger, hey the Eastern block of NATO allies, you got the cash, we got the weapons, otherwise its fair game for Russia to invade, and now saying, you go girl to Vladimir Putin, attack the US with technology. Don’t blame Trump it is of course the weal polices of President Obama!

Once again at the shock and awe of the political pundents, Trump has sold the values of this nation and has insulted the basic foundations of this nation. Once again articles will be written by almost every main stream media outlet proclaiming THIS is the straw that will break the Trumps Campaign. Once again most media outlets will permit the Trump surrogates to outright lie about the bias most news organizations have demonstrated towards him. Once again we will read that Trump is either neck and neck with Hillary, or even leading in the polls. And once again  with great zeal and zest the Republicans will demonstrate that love of Party comes way before love of Country.  

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Who Me

His name was BARACK HUSSEIN Obama, The first named sounded foreign, not a real American’s name his last name almost sounded Irish, so still a deal, but no BIG deal, however his middle name sounded too much like the jihadists from the Middle East. Also his skin tone, not quite, white and definitely more quite like black. That middle eastern name HUSSEIN too much a coincidence, plus EVERYONE knows that the lighter dark skin definitely means you are from Arabia, and anyone from Arabia is evil, except for that blond haired guy with pearly white skin named Jesus. Immediately the Republicans demanded a birth certificate. No bias of course, but if BARACK HUSSEIN Obama was to be president we needed to make sure we had a real red white and blue son or daughter of the Confederacy, not one them Islamic people. So countless inquires were made for the Obama birth certificate, and even when one was provided, foul was called, the Republicans demanded more, more more! 

The day after the FBI and Justice Department met with the Republican led Oversight and Government Reform Committee, not liking the answers from the FBI or Department of Justice, Chairman Jason Chaffetz, insisting that it was for the welfare and protection of the American people,that he find proof Hillary was an enemy of the State, a new committee witch hunt was called into session. No more then 24 hours after two legitimate professionals who deal with National Security agreed Hillary Clinton was not a spy or an anarchist, the Republicans under the guise of God Blessing America. spent tax payers dollars and valuable time, pretending to save America.

Donald Trump is cozying up with Vladimir Putin, congratulating him on just how strong of a dictator he is, feigning disgust at the DNC for their internal emails,and now encouraging the Russians to invade the emails of government officials, let alone a private citizen and all we hear from only some of the Republicans is…a rebuke to the Russians and Putin, but NO MENTION AT ALL or condemnation regarding Trumps treasonous retorts. No one saying Donald you are an anarchist, Donald you are an enemy of the state. (Of course others like Giuliani, and Gingrich saying as always the media is taking things out of context). We don’t find Jason Chaffetz scarring around acting all indignant and patriotic demanding a Committee Hearing o a potential spy. Nope, it is another day in Republican-ville, and Trump-land where hypocrisy is like oxygen, plenty of it and it keeps you alive.  

Normal Worlds

In a normal world,in a sane environment, in a country where facts are welcomed and folly dismissed as a fools game, within a population seeking consensus, we would ask the MC of a burlesque show to take out his very large hook and pull this bad actor off the stage; or we would delightfully be laughing as we threw tomatoes letting him know just how ridiculous of an act he had presented. In a normal world! The definition of normal has changed however in our current world, and the antics of Donald Trump seem to have permeated down to the roots (Like most Monsanto products), not only poisoning the plants trying to thrive, but seeping into the ground in which they are planted, destroying the Earth around them, so nothing remains healthy.

To imagine a candidate for the office of president, gleefully saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”  Then with that smirk and his small hands gesture Mr. Trump, staring directly into the cameras adding “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” And most interestingly enough, the Guys and Gals dressed in their red, white and blue,Confederate flags white hoods or Nazi insignia, believe Trumps is truest form of Americana.

Every day, when I read that one more lawsuit, one more adverse insight to his past, one more insult of great magnitude will certainly be the pin to pop his ballon, and Donald Trump, no matter what, continues to fly high I begin to panic. When the populations around the Concentration Camps swore they had no idea of what was happening around them. When the citizens of Rwanda seemed utterly confused as thousands of bodies lay rotting on the roads.When mass murders by both foreign terrorists and our home grown terrorists kill one more person and all we offer is prayers and moments of silence. When ALL of that happened, having acknowledged it but immediately forgot it will do the same while a traitor to democracy commits anarchy, insurrection, and mutiny? In a normal world history is studied so we learn from it. In this world, all we do is accuse history as a ploy to turn us all into Liberals.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


History has been made this presidential year by both Political Parties, The Democrats have nominated the first female ever to represent them while the Republicans, have nominate the first Fascist Dictator to represent them.

Perfectly Stupid

I have never served in the Military, I have had family and friends who either were drafted enlisted. I have never had the first hand experiences of quick decisions of shooting to wound or shooting to kill. I have never watched a friend of mine suffering, writhing in pain from a wound so severe death probably seemed the better choice then the suffering. I have never experienced the hidden mental disabilities of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the constant memories of blood, guts, tears, and loss of control.  I have never experienced any of that due to my not serving in the Military. I have and still continue to admire the courage of any man or woman who has placed his or her life on the line, no matter the various reasons each individual decided upon to serve. I do understand that there is ONE common trait (Whether conscious or sub-consciously) that lingered in all of the Troops, hearts…to maintain Freedom, Justice and Liberty for all.

Today, Donald Trump spoke to a Veterans group. (The man who said his experience in college studying military science made him a better soldier than most of the enlisted Troops…the man who has a disdain for prisoners of war…the man who found it more patriotic to fight for his right to get at least five deferments, then to battle the enemy). Donald Trump spoke to real hero’s and as usual Trump’s rhetoric contained no facts, lots of fiction, vitriol and venom. Trump assured this group of Vets that anything Hillary touched became rusted and busted. I assumed these Vets  would have jeered the Con Man off the stage, BUT I was totally incorrect. Instead of shouting ‘Throw the Bum Out’; all I heard was “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up.”

I am not sure of the precise moment many Americans became deaf and dumb, stupid and belligerent, irrational and irresponsible…but to hear men and woman who KNEW that freedom was the base for a better tomorrow, become the patsy for a  man with no love of anything, (Let alone love of country), only himself, almost made me want to cry. We must stop Trump, we must!

Repeat and Play

Never Hillary, I know, she is a scoundrel, the Republicans have made a case for which hunts, FOX News has provided experts to assure us of how evil she is, and the Never Hillary Dems would rather elect a tyrant to the highest office just to show Hillary how much disdain they have for her. Spite is really cool, for NO ONE. Never Hillary, lets show her how America works, lets not vote or vote for a third party candidate. Lets pretend that in four years time America will see the light and become more Progressive. Kinda funny knowing that a President Trump can nominate Justices who will serve a life time who think discrimination is a part of the Constitution. Even more hilarious, as restrictive state ID laws become Federal laws.  And for a great punch line, we may become part of U.S.S.R. But Never Hillary

I know, we need a Revolution to demonstrate our power. No big deal having a President Trump, by the time he ruins this nation we will be begging for Bernie, but maybe not Bernie because Bernie is now spending too much time thinking about the welfare of this nation and not the feelings of the Cult he created. Gotta be all or nothing, can’t back down on principles, Spite, is a good offense. Fascism is just an exaggeration, used to convince Americans to vote for Hillary, TRUE Americans understand you have to give of your soul, your heart and your freedoms to prove a point. Never Hillary because she is not the perfect candidate. Never Hillary because she vacillates, cozies up to the wrong people, is not one of the Common Man! Don’t Cry For Me America, you will thank us in the future…the future where democracy has died.

NEVER HILLARY, because, we CAN say that, because we CAN make sure she doesn’t win, because WE need to prove a point. Because if we don’t get our way, no gets their way.   NEVER HILLARY, yeah, yeah, yeah…because History Never Repeats itself.

Monday, July 25, 2016


American’s, at least the people who still prefer to think over hate, we must pay close attention to the responses Trump delivers whenever he is worried that someone just criticized him. Donald Trump is at the peak of narcissism, that is the point at which he even wants credit for the mischievous, illicit and unlawful acts he has committed. For Trump it is not good enough doing bad things to people, or breaking the law, if he can’t brag about it and take credit. Now, Trump is on a tirade about the leaked DNC emails (All of which remind us that no political party or their operatives can be truly trusted). Whether it is rabid Internet rumor, silly gossip, almost too impossible to be real,  or just plain the truth, Donald’s attempt as using this stupidity as a weapon is not so much his pretending to be the laws abiding guy, BUT I believe MORE about being “Look at Me, See what I can do Guy.” 

Anytime Trump uses his hashtag with words following like lying, or cheating those Tweets are usually sent around the same time, one or more real journalists have uncovered yet one more lawsuit, one more complaint regarding lying or cheating Trump. As a Marketing Maven and Con Artist Supreme Trumps knows that offense, especially for those who ALWAYS play the victim work wonders. Trump knows he can make people ignore the facts by being louder with his lies. Think back, scratch your head, think again and Trumps’s narcissism shines like a beacon at night. Then think even harder, if Trump is given any U.S. classified information, because now he IS the Republican nominee, worry that Trump, with no moral character or love for this country might want to sell those to his Bromance, Putin or to the highest bidder. It’s the Art of the Deal, dearie!


My Grandma Braff, was a loving, caring Grandma. No one would or could deny that. My Grandma loved to play cards, and when each of my siblings reached the age that my Grandma considered appropriate for ‘playing card games’, Grandma Braff would delight in teaching us how to play the ONE card game from which she found her greatest delight…Rummy! Eventually my siblings and I became old enough to discover more activities in life, other then playing card games, and our Grandma Braff card playing days dwindled and dwindled. It was a birthday celebration for my Grandmother’s 87th birthday when my Grandmother received, as a gift, an over sized deck of cards whose print was large enough, enabling them to be read from at least a mile away. (My Grandmother’s eyesight had been failing). It was then that my siblings and I began to reminisce about playing Rummy with Grandma Braff. Our discussion which started out as sharing innocent tidbits of Grandma Braff card playing stories turned into more of a, “she never told me those rules”…”thats not how we played Rummy”…”nope that was not permitted” Our Grandma Braff loved us dearly, what we didn’t notice when we played Rummy with our Grandmother THAT there was an asterisk which read, I love you dearly, but I can and will change the rules because I want to win.

There are too many weird and whacky ways to describe this presidential election year, especially within the Republican Party and in particular Donald Trump. One inconceivable item, for me, is the fact that the Christian Evangelical Conservatives have embraced Mr Trump, preferring him over all of the candidates who have sworn on bended knees that Jesus urged them to run for president, Jesus spoke to them and their family members as they slept, and that somewhere in the New Testament, Jesus had mentioned that particular candidates run for office thus saving the world. Many Evangelicals have been questioned about their love for Trump, and many have made comments like…Jesus always said things many people disagreed with, but Jesus knew they had to be said…Trump is a a baby Christian, with every passing day, Trump is learning the truth about Jesus…Trump is only human and like Jesus, he might not say things you wish to hear, but they need to be said…If Trump had no faith in his heart, he wouldn’t be as honest as he is, wanting all of us to see what is right and what is wrong…Like Jesus, Trump never called himself a prophet… Three wives, adultery, greed, gluttony, Jesus will over look those human traits once Trump is Born Again…I am not Jesus, so who am I to judge…”

Rules are rules except when they get in the way for many Evangelical Christian Crusaders. If God tells you that there is an enemy that needs to be SMOTE and if God has defined a leader to lead that SMOTING, then who are we to question God. If Trump was married three times at least NONE of those marriages were same-sex. If Trump was an adulterer, look at the gift he created by having a child with his adulteress. Trump speaks the truth as Jesus did. There is really no way you can argue with a so called devout religious individual because always as their defense is I am just following what Jesus wants. Those are my rules.  Anyone want to play Rummy?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Deal

The art of the deal, the art of self preservation, the art of the buck, the art of lying. The DNC has been found out to be the newest political hacks who have recently been hacked. There is great speculation the hackers are Russian. Recently in one of his ever so stupid retorts regarding foreign affairs, Trump stated that if the newest members of NATO don’t pay up he will look the other way if in fact Vladimir Putin finds it necessary to expand its borders on their west. Trump has also praised just how capable Mr Putin has been in making Russia great again. Trump likes the tenacity of dictators who usurp the powers of the average Joe, and completely demonstrate disregard to the laws of the nation. All of this and wham, bam, thank you Ma’m the emails rom the DNC are leaked a few days before the Democrat Convention. Cozy bed fellows Trump and Putin.

Sadly, we Americans have had to the face the reality of our political system, one which is rigged and one controlled by a select few. The definition of democracy has certainly changed, and as proud as we are to be living a supposed free society, we are now looking up and noticing there is a big can of blood ready to fall on our heads, just like the pigs blood so artfully rigged to drop on the hopes and dreams of ‘CARRIE”, Stephen Kings notable character. Angry teens, jealous jerks, set in motion a plan to make CARRIE look like a fool. Why, because the only way they thought to win was to do whatever it takes to eliminate your perceived foe. The art of the deal.

I had no idea that the nominees from each political party were to be given access to VERY confidential information regarding the United States. It was too much for me to realize that people like Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert or Steve King had access but to even consider that Donald Trump will now know some secrets is down right frightening. For Trump it IS always about the art of the deal, no matter how sleazy, immoral or wrong that deal may be. So, now it makes me WONDER, (if Trump and Putin are such BFF’s and Trump who always seems to need money (even though he supposedly a billionaire) if Trump might sell Putin some of those red, white and blue secrets to close this deal. Most people might say, I am delusional creating the newest anti-Trump conspiracy…I then might say in response…Its Donald Trump!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Define This

Come on America, lets change some of the wording we have used, which basically, when spoken is really an extension of hatred and being a dumb ass. The phrase Politically Correct is a good place to start. Currently The ReTRUMP-licans want us to believe that by being a Politically Correct American, it makes us weak and makes us (The user) the real victim a sorry assed victim. Its not Political to be correct, it is Human to be correct. To insult, insinuate, ignore is inhumane. Thinking you can spew racist remarks, brag about your own bias and boast just how much of a bigot you are just demonstrates how Humanly Incoherent and Incorrect you are. Just look at the people who scoff and wince claiming its UnAmerican to be Politically Correct. Trace their history of Anti-Almost everything as an example; all you are is nothing but a coward afraid to admit you are the jerk!

Then this whole thing of Coming Out of the Closet. The only reason there is a damn closet is because a bunch of religious homophobes built one, thinking that out of sight is out of mind. Lets change that to something more positive, like Welcome to My World, I have graciously and cautiously let you in.  Coming Out of the Closet is demeaning as if I was a prisoner, a leper too contagious to touch or love. When I decide to let you in My World I am the gate keeper, not your victim. Closets are the walls, you know the kind that ReTRUMP-licans pretend make you safer from the evilness of others.

Then there is the phrase, Open Carry, as if it it synonymous with Apple Pie, Mothers’ Day, Baseball and that 1950’s era White Picket Fence. We need to change that phrase to I am a Paranoid, Spineless Coward with a Gun. We tried Open Carry in our history it was called the Wild West, everyone thought they were the good guy, again wearing their White hat and could shoot up anyone they wished to, just because they thought THAT action made America Great. Open carry In Wal-Mart, Target, your Church and just walking down the street while your baby is in a stroller, just proclaims you are a frightened individual with delusional and paranoid phobias. Just admit you hate the law and consider yourself the real judge and jury. Pretend you are an NRA Good Guy, until you aren’t. Come on America so many lies in front of our faces, just be real call a bigot, a BIGOT!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Two Quotes

"As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology, believe me," Donald Trump. I imagine Donald will make sure that ISIS does no more harm to the LGBTQ Americans, but he will continue to permit the hateful domestic ideologies of the Evangelicals Christians, Aryan Nation and the KKK continue their terrorists activities. If its Conservative Christian ideology its cool!

“As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place before women had joined the labor force,” she said. “Policies that allow women with children to thrive should be the norm.” Ivanka Trump. Ivanka, if I may inquire just absit further, will those labor laws only pertain to the really pretty Gals? Will those laws be equal for the Gals who are FAT? And finally will those laws even stand a chance for the Gals who bleed from their nose and other places?

Ain't Life Grand

"Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American," Peter Thiel, Billionaire. Good for you Peter, but I am curious how much of that being both an American and a Republican ‘thingie’ matters when you and your Boyfriend are walking down a West Texas street, a Mississippi alley way, or on some farmland in Kansas, looking at the moon feeling all romantic and decide to share a lovers kiss? Wonder what your other fellow Republican, Americans are going to say and do…Mazol Tov, y’all, applaud or just beat the living shit out of you because the only thing they heard you say was you are gay! Ain’t money grand, and the permission it affords to be an arrogant jerk, pretending that your burdens in life are similar to anyone else’s. 

“When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?” Peter Thiel,Billionaire. Good point as to who cares, except about 21 states whose Congress is made up of gerrymandered Republican, Americans care an awful lot. They care so much that instead of spending money on health care, infrastructure, education, those state legislatures would rather pay legal fears to honor their religious bigotry.

Peter Thiel,Billionaire, who made news recently for admitting that he was helping fund lawsuits against Gawker, said that Americans have to focus on the larger issues rather than "fake culture wars.” Peter,Your Republican, American RNC believe being a Transgendered person is just a fake way for men to have access to the ladies and get horny as a female poops or pees. Your Republican American RNC believe that being Gay is fake and all that is needed is therapy by some self loathing homophobe to change you Your American Republican RNC still thinks that same-sex marriage is fake so people can have anal sex.

Peter Thiel, billionaire, Ain’t money grand, and the permission it affords to be an arrogant jerk, pretending that your burdens in life are similar to anyone else’s. Ain’t being really rich so cool that you can walk blindfolded through life pretending that everyone’s life is equal and those who want the basics out of life are the problem. Like the Jews Donald Trump owns,and the Gays he owns, I am sure will be spared at least immediately from the Brown Shirts. But hatred and stupid know no bounds so sooner or later it will be your turn. Ain’t life grand! 

Thursday, July 21, 2016


The fact that many of us have noticed bits and pieces of Fascism bleeding from the Campaign of Donald Trump and his cohorts within the Republican Party…or the fact that so many ideas the Trump Campaign espouses seem to have come from the book ‘Mein Kampf…or the fact that most of the words falling like projectiles of vomit from the speakers mouths,selected to incite riots at the Trump coronation are filled with a nasty odor of nationalism and xenophobia…the fact that there is even a hint of Fascism attached to a candidate running for president of the United States, should indeed SCARE ALL of us, all the time.

Please don’t say this is just an over reaction. Please don’t respond by saying its all just an act. Please don’t reply by insisting Hillary is just as bad. Please don’t laugh it off as bunch of people trying to be overly Politically In- Correct. Please don’t say its just to get the base of bigots all riled up, then it will go away. And please don’t even hint that history is so long ago, and so different than today that it will not repeat itself. Please take your head out of the sand.

Whether Laura Ingraham actually acted as a Nazi soldier hailing her leader at the Republican convention imitating a Zeig Heil Mein Fuhrer. Whether or not Chris Christie was just showboating when he  shouted, “Prison, Prison, Prison”  Whether or not any of the speakers really meant to jail protestors, lynch the president…the point is ALL of them have either demonstrated, or verbally used the words and tactics of a movement that hates true democracy. If we don’t recognize that the clown show is no longer funny,and a serious threat to our freedoms, then the last laugh will belong to the monsters currently their clown make-up and costumes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Thou Dost

Protesting loudly, vehemently being as vociferous and insistent as possible are the ‘Go To’ tools in the Republican/Conservative Christian political tool box, especially during this last decade of their pious, self righteous  periods of pontification.Demonize the other, quote a few passages from your favorite parts of a hardly ever read Bible, pretend you are are quoting the Founding Fathers or have ever even read the US Constitution. 

Listen closely to the politicians who, louder than anyone else, demand laws, restrictions, and prison time toward the LGBTQ community. Then wait a few days or weeks later and discover the fact that these same men and women have been arrested for owning child porn, soliciting a same-sex escort, or have been caught in an adulterous affair. Donald trump does it all the time. Whenever he settles back to some form of reality, he will hashtag words like lying, cheating, thinking that if he accuses others of the kind of illicit and immoral acts he thrives on, NO ONE will pay attention to Trump’s unscrupulous behavior.

On Tuesday night, Chris Christie, whose government issued cell phone magically disappeared, and whose emails just happened to be deleted (All of these with information regarding the closing of bridges in New Jersey) emerged on the GOP Convention stage and did an Oscar worthy version of “Hasta La Vista Baby”.  All Eliot Ness (The Untouchables) acting, Chris Christie rambled, ruminated andlashld out against Hillary Clinton declaring just how guilty the former Secretary of State had been is still is. Tirades, hissy fits, all wrapped up in Lawyer talk, Christie, gave ‘em Hell in Cleveland. Guilty, guilty, prison, prison, Christie shouted to an audience who thought they were on the Price Is Right waiting to come on down and take your turn lynching Secretary Clinton. Like so many current God or Reagan loves me Republicans, Chris Christie protested loudly. Wonder when the feds will finally place some handcuffs on this hypocrite blow hard. “Thou Dost Protest Too Much, Me Thinks”. (Was it William Shakespeare or Melania Trump who originated that quote?) 

HashTag Lying

We are to believe that Melania Trump is the victim regarding the blatant and obvious plagiarism  of her speech at the Republican reality show convention. Melania was just reading from a speech, she told Matt Lauer she proudly wrote herself. How could or would or should anyone even consider that anyone with the last name of Trump be anything but on the “up and up”. Donald Trump has been compared to Jesus Christ by many a devout Christian conservative, so it only makes sense that Melania must be the Virgin Mary. And the Virgin Mary doesn’t lie.  It was Hillary who made this happen. Hillary sent a bunch of sleuths to their computer screens to find flaws with Melania’s speech because Hillary hates women. No wait, it was Michelle Obama who incited this chaos because Michelle had the audacity to use too many common words, words that Michelle never really believed in, but words Melania lives by. Trump’s and Truth everybody knows that, its like Frick and Frack Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, they fit together so well.

Brave men and women never hide from admitting fault, weak and insecure people deny any wrong doing and immediately are on the hunt for the big bad bully. Victimizing others is the answer to power and identifying yourself as the victim a simplistic way to make the bad things you’ve done go away. Melania Trump is not a liar, no matter how incorrect the so called facts are written in her biography. Melania is Donald Trumps possession (I mean wife), and how in the world would anyone consider a person so owned (I mean close) to Donald Trump be anything but honest. The Evangelicals know Jesus spoke to Donald, not a Donald who was sleeping, but the Donald in the courtroom while Trump was once again declaring bankruptcy. How offensive to even attack the spouse of the candidate (Except for that Black lady married to the Kenyan). Appalled, indignant, rude, crude and UnAmerican to even hint the presumptive First Lady was either too bored to read her speech ahead of time, OR pay any attention to her speech, especially when all Melania was doing was copying her husband’s habits (who does’t have the interest to read anything.)

Lying Trump now is faced with Lying Melania and Donald is delirious that anyone but he can call anyone else Lying. I wonder why anyone at all is surprised by the plagiarism claim? Trump’s base Republican Klansmen don’t care, his White Supremacists make up their own truths so they don’t care. To lie, to cheat, to incite, to deny that is how Trump wants to Make America Great Again, and all Melania was doing is feeding that hateful fire!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Monday, Monday

Monday night we heard a woman speak with a non-English accent, introducing a man who is on his third wife, having had a child out of wedlock in between all of that. The woman with the non-English accent posed for Playboy and had almost all of her female parts photographed to be ogled at by married heterosexual males. All of this happening in a gun free zone. And this is the opening night of the REPUBLICAN National Convention.

Monday night we heard loud boo’s and hiss’s from a group of men and women who were appalled that their right to free speech had been denied. We listened as they assailed the mean boggy men like dictators who would NOT permit them do the most American thing and cast a vote. We saw them being strong armed into oblivion as if they were non-essential participants in democracy. Tonight we witnessed Republicans being treated like almost every minority demographic in the nation acting surprised that this SORT of THING could happen in America; especially the Republican National Convention.

Monday night we witnessed a nuclear sized bomb of hypocrisy drip all over a crowd who only wanted to Make America Great, Again, by making America Republican. We witnessed Razzle Dazzle, Flim Flam and a Bridge being sold in Manhattan handled by a snake oil salesmen done with such precise precision and of course smoke and mirrors pretending that Monday night reality show had anything to do with politics.  WOW!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Hot Air

The first day of my high school chemistry class, the teacher greeted my classmates and I by holding onto a brown paper bag, which seemed to be filled to the brim. Making sure every one of her students looked at this paper bag, the teacher paraded around the room asking all of us to look at it and then touch it. Finally, the teacher stood behind her desk in the front of the room, shaking the bag vigorously (we were all waiting for some kind of an explosion, after all this was a chemistry class), then releasing her grip from the top of the bag, the teacher turned the bag upside down. Nothing, nothing at al fell from within the bag and there was no explosion. There were some giggles and perhaps a sigh or two of relief from the students followed by a comment from the teacher. “Hot air takes up a lot space”, she said, “Lots of empty space.” “Imagine how many things of real value could fit into that bag!”

Once again in America, we have witnessed a heinous act of violence, mayhem and murder. Cable News entertainers were jumping all over themselves to tell us the WHY, WHO, and WHAT FOR, letting their words become the news rather then reporting the news. Once again suggested blame was handed out like candy on Halloween. Once again talking heads crept from out of their graves to provide us with perspectives (Of course with their own opinions scattered in of good measure. Once again this latest crazy act was blamed on President Obama. And once again Breaking News with somber music played throughout the day. Lot’s of space, but ever so empty.

We had our moments of prayer said a few strong AMEN’s. We listened to perfectly choreographed sound bytes, watched snippets of angry people, sad people, dismayed people. Let the communities heal we were told. This time WILL be the last straw we were told. Lets define our newest enemy we were warned. All the while, Congress is on a 7 week recess, Trump wants to make America, great again. It was’t the GUN that murdered the innocent  lives of men and women in blue, just doing their jobs… Nope it was mental illness…it was the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars… it was the black guy…it was the guy from Kenya who hates America. America’s love affair with avoidance is like that brown paper bag in my chemistry, it is nothing but a lot of hot air, sting no real purpose at all.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


“Keep the temperature down from the rhetoric.” (President Obama, 7/17/15.) Another day in the life of a nation for which violence is as natural as the sun rising, the sun setting. We talk at each other, many of us trying to find fault, most of us preferring to place blame, too few of us looking for real answers. More ‘Breaking News’, more talking heads, more anger but little resolve. Prayers abound, moments of silence profoundly deafening, vigils waiting to light the night skies…until the next hateful incident promotes another day of the same.

The Congress has spent millions of dollars trying to behead politicians regarding Benghazi, millions more spent by Congress to repeal ObamaCare, now millions are being spent to rid the nation of Planned Parenthood Clinics…BUT Racism, Xenophobia and Bigotry, and of course Violence by Guns and the Good Guys who turn Bad as they use their guns to kill the Innocent, the only coast for that is Denial. Congress is Out Of The Office for 7 Weeks, so little rhetoric will be shared by them.  Once these days pass and the future arises I doubt if anyone will ever reminisce and say “These were the good old days.”

Friday, July 15, 2016


I stand corrected, I too, like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg thought I owed Donald Trump an apology. It seemed apparently, Trump actually did own a Jew or two.  We were told that the lead Rabbi (Haskel Lookstein) from Jared Kushner’s (Trumps Jewish son-in-law) family’s congregation WOULD be speaking at the RNC convention. Either Trump owned this Jew, or the Kushner Family made this Jew a monetary offer “he could not refuse”, or just “an offer he shouldn’t refuse?” (The Kushner family has a great habit of getting their way, just check their criminal history.) Perhaps, the Rabbi was promised if he spoke at the Convention, he would be taken off the Jews WE Hate list coordinated by Trump’s vociferous supporters, the KKK, Aryan Nation and The American Neo Nazi Party. 

Once again, a man who supposedly is a spokesperson for the Divine, was at the ready to jump in with the Devil. The Rabbi declined the invitation not by his own request, but by the demands of the Jews Donald Trump doesn’t own.


You ever notice how the Republicans always insist that all Trump REALLY, REALLY has to do to become a better Republican candidate for president IS TO JUST change his rhetoric. Simple, they say! Just change the words you use to spew bigotry, bias and bogus, say them nicer, smile when you tell us about those Muslims needing ID’s, laugh a little as you promote the wall between the US and Mexico, tell a little joke as you insult women. Paul Ryan, the ever shallow and selfish Speaker of the House, knows that Donald can do the job,(Cause he IS not Hillary) he’s the GOP go- guy, but if only Trump could change his rhetoric to sound more like Andy of Mayberry rather than Adolph of Berlin. The real deal is this…Trump is saying EVERYTHING (the last decade of GOP pundents, politicians and their puppet masters have been quietly whispering) OUT LOUD. Trump’s words parrot the ideals and goals of the Racists, Bigots, Xenophobes, Homophobes, Misogynists, Anti-Semites, and Islama-phobes, but instead of hiding behind the Flag and the Bible Trump is shouting them out from the stage. Paul Ryan is not the sincere kind of guy, but for him to imagine that just changing Trump’s rhetoric makes Trump more presidential is sad, and as a big a sham as Donald Trump!

My Jew

In a radio interview with conservative Jan Markell, Michelle Bachmann mentioned a recent exchanged she had with Donald Trump in which the two discussed why Jews in America no longer say “Merry Christmas.” He even said, I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas. New York City, there are a lot of jews, they would even say Merry Christmas. Why can’t we say Merry Christmas anymore?” Michelle Bachmann, a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board.

Trump can out con the most oily snake oil salesman who used to comb the backwoods of America promising spells and elixirs to the most devout Christian pioneers. Trump can out screw the most so called Christian crusaders even those who believe that paying Pat Robertson (who has convinced the poorest of the poor) Jesus only loves you when you provide the Rev Robertson with payola. Trump has even outdone Joel Osteen with his multimillion Christian empire of mega-churches, mega homes and mega yachts as far as a phony swindler of faith.

Trump is savvy enough to understand those… whose science has proven the Earth is flat, whose history insists that dinosaurs found lodging on Noah’s Ark, whose Bible cherishes a God with weapons, and a God whose father created the dark man to be dumb, and the white man to be wise…will buy any and all insincere and hypocritical manure he is selling. Now Michelle Bachmann is back which means the Rapture is close behind. (Might actually be so, if Trump wins the job as CEO of America). She is ready with her Committee of Evangelicals who love them and adulterer and the daddy of an unwed mother, to take back this planet. This is not the first time Donald has claimed to own a demographic, if you recall he spoke highly of his Blacks.(Why Sheldon Adelson one of the wealthiest Jews in America loves him some Trump!) So, you are Jewish, still prefer Trump, well because he is not Hillary. Not Jewish and still prefer the Mien Herr Trump because the GOP and FOX have convinced you facts don’t matter, and no matter, NO proof, Hillary is untrustworthy. Still burning for Bernie, so screw everyone else. Once Donald takes care of his Jews like he did his Blacks, don’t you wonder when he will decide he owns you, and then proceed to take away your freedoms? Not convinced, not sure still undecided, still spiteful… then you must be dead!

Thursday, July 14, 2016


The Oversight and Government Reform Committee regarding the First Amendment Defense Act a GOP bill that would let the people in charge of any taxpayer-funded entity ― a business, a school, a nonprofit organization ― deny services to same-sex married couples if it conflicts with their religious beliefs about marriage, held it’s hearing on Tuesday, July 14. This Committee meeting falls in line with other divisive GOP committees, (The Benghazi, Clinton, E-mails, Planned Planned Parenthood) and with the presumptive, GOP’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump, heinous harangue, “To make America Great Again”. The common theme regarding ALL of these meetings has little to with the business of the average citizen, rather, the political benefits of a band of brothers worried only about their continued careers in Congress.

It IS always… People of Color…Women’s Reproductive Rights…Immigrants…The Homeless and Poor…Muslims…for whom the GOP have demonstrated contempt and NOW, going full circle AGAIN, it is time for the Homosexuals to be singled out and denied their Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Inclusion has never been a priority for the GOP, NEVER. The GOP has always been a bit slimy in covering up their bigotry, bias and bogus in the past, but with the onset of Trump, the Republicans have been energized to go PUBLIC and instead of carrying their pitchforks and sticks of fire in the dead of night have released their hatred in BROAD DAY LIGHT.

There are many who say they despise Hillary, and NO MATTER what, they will vote for Trump. The most bizarre thing about that kind of thinking, is the sheer denial the “I hate Hillary folks”, ignore, about Trump…(his Misogyny, Racism, Xenophobia, Narcissism, Anti-Semitism, and Pathological Lying), pretending that once Trump is elected as President they will be able to contain all of THAT. I understand that HISTORY is being compared to SCIENCE by the Christian Conservatives as not accurate and more a subjective subject to ponder but not necessarily believe, so for this group there is nothing to learn from HISTORY’s lessons. But history HAS proven, over and over again, select an ENEMY, point to   that ENEMIES ills, have the townsfolk look away from you, encouraging them carry their pitch forks and their lynching ropes to hunt and kill the perceived ENEMY. All the while as they are occupied with hate, fear and loathing, YOU, the Supreme Leader rob the townsfolk of their own rights and soon make them YOUR enemy! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Question Of

A question of God, I suppose, the question leaving me wonder whose God and which God we should turn to in times of chaos and crisis? Is it the God who has spoken to the people telling them that HIS plan is to keep the races divided insisting that one of his creations with the darker skin is less than the the ones with lighter skin? OR is it the God from whom we try to find compassion as we ask him why would any color of skin be better or worse? Is it the God who speaks to those insisting that violence, weaponry, divide is the answer to receive HIS eternal light? OR Is it the God we ask for redemption and assistance to eliminate the causes of mayhem and murder? It seems God is always the reason for our actions, positive behavior and negative reaction; but which God do we turn to? 

If some say God told us that our actions against the Other keeps HIM safe and us from committing sin by first committing fatal acts against our neighbor and then listen as others demand that God has no place in HIS heart for racism, bigotry, hate and perpetrating such actions is sin…which God is correct. To Whom should be abide?

A question of God, at least for me begs a more important question and that is a question of being human. If those who find malice within the human race and believe they are God’s army to wipe it out, is that really a message from God? If those who pray to same named God but wish for peace and solidarity is their God using DOUBLE SPEAK? It seems we use God as a scapegoat as an avoidance to claim any responsibility for our actions. We will admit how powerful our God but refuse even consider how weak we have become. I believe we need to be real, there is no way there a good God and a bad God. There is however good people and very bad people denying any responsibility to make the changes necessary to live life in harmony. God is no longer the answer, because the question is about Us, as humans and out ability to do the right thing…or not!


We are now told we should be anxious, being anxious IS the only way we can fight fear. Fear, we are told will cure us, from the wicked ways of those who only want US to remain different than THEY. We are now being told that America can only unite as long as you identify the good guy versus the bad guy. We are told that in America any one who demonstrates is truly not embracing the real American virtues and values, acquiesce or you are the problem. We are being told by theTrump candidacy, to rally around the presidential candidate who speaks for the silent majority, the White Christian man and woman who only needs their Bibles and Jesus’s word, the same words Richard Nixon before he created his enemies list, went full force in Viet Nam, hated the Jews and found no place at his table for the Negro. We are now finessing the next phase of the GOP who have always been experts at infighting fear and the dunces who offer nothing else to ease that problem.

Richard Nixon made campaign promises reminding us that once he was elected we would find out ALL about ALL of his Great, Grand, and Better for America plans. Richard Nixon never initiating any laws or compromise to win the way forward instead, used FEAR to let us remain dumb, not ask any questions, except one “Just how many bad guys will you stop so WE all will be safe.” Donald Trump  the man who will build walls, set up internment camps, have citizens wear racial identifying badges, tell us from his Ivory Tower dais he is the Guy to bring America together. Bring us together by stating that YOUR People stay locked up over there. YOUR people stay in that area. YOUR people cannot enjoy this that or the other. And of course YOUR people are NOT the same as MY people. But Trump has now been reading from the teleprompter written by men and women whose income depends on any republican being elected, and nothing more and he has learned who ti use the words , Intimidate, Be Afraid Of, and Fear they brother and sister.

If anything, being alive, it is to understand fight or flight. If anything, being alive it is to protect that with which we think is ours. if anything, being alive we notice differences. if anything to being a human it is to take our fears, our differences and instead of running the other way come together and find our commonalities. Anxiety loves low hanging fruit. Once it infects the easy prey it climbs up the branches to the fruit not quite ready to ripen. Soon, the tree of is consumed with anxiety and the only thing growing on it is made from FEAR.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Weather

Today in America it will be humid in the South, a bit or rain in the Northwest, perfect beach weather for the east Coast and  tornado or two in the mid west. The entire nation will see a large chance of hail from Good Guys with Guns. Stayed tuned.


There is a long list of bad guys and gals, all permitted and have been permitted by a band of Republican politicians and their bevy of pundents to be identified as un-American and worse then that, un-Christian. Pick a day, select a moment, read the latest ‘Breaking News’ or catch up on almost any right wing conspiracy web site just to know WHO is the latest demographic to begin the Cross Burning/Witch Hunting/or Lynching. Inspired by Republican self inflicted Tea-Baggers, the current covent of cowards, the elected Republicans, have no need for governance as long as their Base wants to hate first, discriminate second, and place the fear and wrath of some imagined evil God, third. WHEN…Moments of prayer become the remedy for this malady…Denying any culpability…Referring to the wishes of their puppet masters to create laws…Never finding compromise, as if it is a true sign of weakness…Insisting, that if only they behaved like us, all would be better…ARE the only answers provided, you CERTAINLY know that no one cares about the question.

First, it was the Brown Rapists from Mexico, choose them and find that there will be no more jobs for White folk in America OR build a wall and keep America working again. Then, it was listening to God’s commandments that Eve was created from Adam’s rib and was invented to obey, clean the house, mend the clothes, tend to the children and of course spread her legs for her husband OR let women steal your balls, your backbone, emasculate you and rot in Hell when you die for doing so. Followed by, The Founding Fathers who were brought to this nation by Commander Christ insisting that an armed militia is the only way for democracy to thrive OR let the filthy, dirty, unemployed, immigrants, Muslims and homeless steal your car, your house, your American pride. Creeping up next was the Perverts waiting their turn to lung at your son and daughter in the toilet stall, lurking and laughing as piles of number two are plopped and trails of number one dripped and dropped. Stop the lecherous purveyors of indecency form traumatizing your babies OR permit a bunch of White Men monitor the restrooms, they are men only looking at your kids privates because they are Christian men. And currently, it is the Black Thug who has no right participating in Open Carry or owning a Concealed Weapon permit. They are dangerous driving, standing in front of a store, walking or talking let them have that kind of freedom and you will regret that the South lost the Civil War OR don’t demand that ALL men and women in blue do then right thing. Don’t demand that the Good Police Officers insist that those who are racists, bigots, hate mongers be fired. Insist that no matter how rotten a bad apple may be it is still BETTER then the lives of the Negro.

Sound bytes, stupid quotes, megaphones held by the most insecure people, never allowing one to shout “Fire in a crowded theater because it may insight deadly reactions BUT, let the people wear their White Robes, their Nazi insignia, their armed and loaded weapons parading around town. Let them argue hate, spew the venom of nothing but bigotry. Continue to be the politician who wants a segregated America afraid if we all are Equal you may be out of a job. it didn’t start with Donald Trump the virus has been around since the Civil War, and  has found new footing because we stopped trying vaccinate this country. There are a lot of perceived bad guys and gals out there and it seems a very poor effort is being made to stop this list. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Let’s all understand how DOUBLE the double standard IS when it comes to many Republican politicians and pundents regarding Black Lives. Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh calls for the murder of the President, The Oath Keepers are going to initiate their own militia to patrol the Black Lives Matters demonstrations of course bringing their Open Carry ammunition and especially their Assault Weapons. The Neo Nazi’s have proclaimed along with the Aryan Nation that they are gonna be all weaponized and act as Donald Trump’s own secret service in Cleveland to protect Trump from any protestors.The Bundy Brigade over took a federal parcel of land had snipers aiming their Assault Weapons at Federal Marshall’s threatening they just might have to shoot them. And racists Like Giuliani, the Lt. Governor of Texas, Rush Limbaugh, and most every entertainer on FOX News have nothing at all to say about just how anti-America those red, white and blue guys and gals happen to be. Just to be clear, wanting to assassinate the president (A Black Guy), ready to take down Black Lives Matter because that is what the Constitution designated militias to do, finding enemies with those of color and enjoying the thrill of picking off a few, is nothing to be concerned about because the perps of those attempted anarchy are perfectly cool, cause they are White and of course Christians. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

come on, already

Come on America pay attention to the kinds of Tweets and claims Donald Trump makes about anyone. He is like that serial murderer, who craves the attention for his efforts and want them known. Many a serial murderer has sent police clippings, notes, even photos of his disgusting work, hoping his keep his notoriety. What good is adulation if no one knows about it. Serial Murderers and Trump share the same insecurities, they are both Narcissistic individuals whose ego can only survive by telling you what they did so you will say their name over and over.

Every tweet Trump used against his Republican  was a tell tale sign of his own #cheatin’, #lyin, #dishonest,  I was almost that Trump had to confess to his own behavior by transferring his worst traits to others. Trumps delusional capabilities are necessary for him to move forward. If I say about you, then of course you will not be able to come back to me with the same comments. I do that shit, but I will blame you for my actions and i will get positive PR I thrive upon. Now, as the Presumptive GOP presidential candidate, Trump still can’t let go talking about himself by projecting on others. His anti-semitic advertising material, he love it and will not permit anyone from taking his plot and plans away from him, so he expounds upon it. His fear of true democracy cringes at very void and empty heart, so he decides to chide the Attorney General Lynch, and the president, because they both understand the purpose of Democracy. He loves to hate minorities and claims he speaks for the people, just so he can continue to get his Racist mojo moving.

Come on all your so called professional news journalists, start calling him out for the 5 year old game I know what I am but what about you? Come on you Progressive/Liberal/Democrat talking heads play his game and every time he says the most bizarre things site an incident from Trumps past and his current set of events. Come on bloggers, all you have to do is use Trump-Speak, Trump hashtags and recite how he is cheatin’, lyin, dishonest, fascist, anti-American. Come on we all know any bully is a scared insecure person, let loose the Kracken against the Kracken and I bet he melts as fast as the Wicked Witch of West did when all Dorothy had to do was show a bucket of clean water at her.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Beat Goes On

Why is it always easier to place blame, and find fault in a crisis, rather then contemplate compromise? How come the pundents and politicians are always brave enough to point fingers at others but never find the courage to look at themselves in the mirror in a crisis? When do we EVER expect to answer questions when all we wish to do is avoid ask them? Why, how, when and the beat goes on…

Another Last Straw

The ride didn’t stop, instead it just changed course. The topic is still the same but this time the lead characters are a different demographic. The prayers are still provided along with the vigils, and of course the candles lit. The anger has shifted. The theme music played for all the ‘Breaking News’ headlines is perhaps more somber. The talking heads void of talking sense are busy earning their paychecks. Blame of course will be laid, accusations will abound, and with great gusto avoidance of any substance will be prevalent, because God forbid we really try to find compromise, because it seems in 2016 compromise is a sign of weakness.

Calls for action are being heralded, investigations demanding to be started, heads must roll. But of course never speak the truth, that in this nation, Racism, Bigotry, Fraudulent Politicians, and the demise of democracy are the core of this disease, and Gun Violence its vehicle to infect the nation. Let’s despise the other, let’s demand THEY change, let’s discuss why I am right and you are wrong. But PLEASE don’t ask for compromise Because by going that route we might have to make some tough decisions.

Violence is alive and well in the United States. Prayers and moments of Silence abound. Pointing fingers wave so quickly that they could incite a hurricane with their wind velocity. Points of views proudly pontificate as nothing but pieces of propaganda. Yet we refuse to come together to solve a problem, rather enjoy the safety of avoiding it. We all watch the television or read the Internet our jaws drop, we sigh a long tedious breath of air, we scratch our heads and wonder is this the last straw. But then tomorrow comes and we discover one more straw blowing in the wind of ignorance. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One More Thing

One more thing about Donald Trump. (the sane probably understand this, but I worry about the crazies who are lost in the Twilight Zone) When Bill Clinton acting brash and selfish boarded the plane upon which Loretta Lynch landed, pretending that any action he takes will never be mistaken as a political ploy, Trump jumped upon this fancy meeting with all fours. If you listened to Trump speak about the purpose of the Clinton/Lynch meeting you would have heard Trump state that SUPPOSEDLY Bill Clinton spoke about his grand kids with The Attorney General. Okay! It was the comment that Trump made after that initial with hunt comment, and to paraphrase Mr Trump…”A half hour to talk about Grandkids, C’mon, I talk about my Grandchildren and it only takes me a few seconds…” Just a few seconds, because as a narcissist, the other 29 minutes and 30 seconds could be used to speak better, best, grander, about Trump. 

Trump could care less about his grand kids and especially the newest one born to his converted to Judaism daughter. If Trump REALLY had any compassion or passion, he would have NEVER permitted an advertisement against Hillary Clinton with a red Star of David, insinuating as Hitler did so well, that it IS THE JEWS, who will buy this election, so beware. Especially an advertisement that was created by the Neo Nazi/KKK/White Supremacists. I realize Trump lives in a parallel universe, and so far with much help from the GOP and the Media continues, to do so…BUT one might have hoped that GrandPa Donald understands that for Anti-Semites ALL Jews are the same, rich or poor, Upper East Side or Brooklyn.

There is so much WE all should note, when Donald Tweets, or speaks, pontificates and condemns. First we understand he is a coward so acting as a bully is all he has. Secondly, he believes there are no consequences due him, especially when he uses his lie to call out any critics. Thirdly, until the rest of the nation that is not a member of the KKK/White Supremacists/This IS a Christian Nation/ find their back bone and yell and scream louder then Trump and his Fascists do, Trump will always win!

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Sometimes I have to wonder if Donald Trump and ISIS use the same marketing company, because both Trump and ISIS always get top billing in any news story. No matter what Trump says he is given credit by the mere fact that he said it. Immediately all the talking heads on ALL of the News Outlets, turn his behavior or unfounded quote into a debate giving it credence even as they try and insist what he said is stupid. Whenever there is an attack in the US or the rest of the world, the first thing we hear (right after the Breaking News and the sound track of the next horrific event) is “Even though ISIS has not publicly commented, we think it was ISIS initiated.” The talking heads come out of the over turned rocks, and insist that this is ISIS like, this is ISIS suggested, ISIS can by and watch as our News Outlets make them the spooky monsters.

Sometimes I have to wonder, who it is that is IN CHARGE of reporting the news? Are they just Accountants, who know any sound byte with Trump or ISIS in it brings in more revenue? Is it ill informed journalists who know that all they have to say is Trump or ISIS, offer no explanation why and take credit for being a Pulitzer Prize Reporter? Is it some douchebag who says keep America afraid, and dumb, and NEVER ever offer reasonable facts? Is it the People whom invented Reality Shows, who understand anything real is too mundane, but ANYTHING scripted is perceived as real?

Sometimes I wonder, why we all are so dumbfounded that Donald Trump has a following, and that ISIS just has to follow the fear we provide for them.