Bernie Sanders hit one out of the ball park when he looked across the room staring into Betsy DeVos eyes and asked her if you and your family hadn’t donated millions and millions of dollars to the Trump Campaign and other Republicans do you think you would be sitting here, being interviewed as the Secretary of Education. (DeVos might be the least qualified cabinet candidate offered up by Trump, but his bottom of the barrel is so deep, I am not sure just how awful she is). Bernie showcased snark, sly, sarcastic behavior all topped off with a “yuuuuge” dose of smart. So, it made me think, why not continue with line of direct questioning for anyone Trump.
Too late for Rex Tillerson, and Scott Pruit, but some really good questions might have been, Sir, just how much more profit will you and the companies you represent, need, to stop polluting the Earth with carbon emissions? Sir, how many more quarterly earnings are necessary for you and your corporations to admit, that Climate Change and Global Warming exist and are endangering life on this planet? Then as an added zinger, I would add with all the snark, sly and sarcasm I could muster, do you and your fellow billionaires have a space ship at the ready to transport your family when pollution comes so dangerous breathing will be hazardous to your health, or have you purchased the state of Kansas so you and your family won’t be devastated by giant tidal flows of the ocean.
We need to speak the same language that the Republicans have been using, coached by FOX News, Breibart etc, the language of simple and sarcastic. Speak in clear tones so the audience hears you, hardly move your lips, and then in a positive manner asks very negative question. And if those who are the target of your question get all huffy and puffy either respond, I suppose your answer is I don’t know, or why don’t you know!