OK, GOP, I acquiesce, your plot, your plan, your purpose to have Pence as President has succeeded. While Pence is as bad if not even worse with his bigotry, misogyny, theocratic sense of government, his lies, his arrogance, his ignorance of anyone but himself…at least he is not mentally unstable, dangerously unsettling, and walking around as an Emperor without clothes.
Isn’t it about time, GOP to take step two in you anti-democracy scheme to defraud America. We all know, as well as you and your Comrade-In-Arms McConnell that a fair game, would leave the Republicans as a minority Party for decades. But your CON ARTISTRY is surpassingly superb, you take ordinary RUBES and make them extraordinary RUBES. Your ability to fool them once, fool them twice, fool them a million times, the DEMS is sheer magic. And you end game to create a one Party system is perfection. I remember when there was great talk about the Republican Party becoming highjacked by the Tea Party. Now that the Republican Party has been dominated by Vlad and his band of hidden cameras and tapes and of course his hired hacks, the Republican Party has no fear of the Tea Baggers taking over, nope you will now be known as the Republican Communist Party!
OK, GOP, you did it, now undo it, you know as well as the millions of Americans who did not vote for Putin’s pick, Trump as well by now, half of the other folks who DID vote for Trump, that he is a sick man, a VERY mentally ill/unstable/unsuitable/insecure/narcissistic nihilist! So lets get Plan B in motion and rid tis nation of one its most deadly and dangerous diseases…TRUMP!