THEN: After being appointed Premier by President Albert Lebrun, Marshal Pétain ordered the French Government's military representatives to sign an armistice with Germany on 22 June 1940. Pétain subsequently established an authoritarian regime when the National Assembly of the French Third Republic granted him full powers on July 10, 1940 At that point, the Third Republic was dissolved. Calling for "National Regeneration", the French Government at Vichy reversed many liberal policies and began tight supervision of the economy, with central planning a key feature. Labour unions came under tight government control. The independence of women was reversed, with an emphasis put on motherhood. Conservative Catholics became prominent. Paris lost its avant-garde status in European art and culture. The media were tightly controlled and stressed virulent anti-Semitism.
NOW: After being appointed President by Vladimir Putin, Trump ordered the Republican majority under the guise of Comrade Mitch McConnell to establish an authoritarian regime, dissolving any or all references to the US Constitution which permitted Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Access to the United States. This new regime, began to eliminate the already thin line between church and state and without any hesitation began the process of ethnic cleansing. Cabinet members were selected to eliminate, fair wages and of course those pesky labor unions. Public schools were targeted for being too liberal and replaced with charter schools for whom segregation was a top priority to keep the disabled and minority students away. The Conservative Evangelicals became prominent, which then began the cycle of women losing any independence they had already gained, and government control on their vagina’s. the media became the enemy and any reporting was described as fake and replaced with alternative facts, and the Press Secretary for the newly appointed dictator insisted that if the President says it, it must be true.
This was accomplished with the assistance of the Collaborators, the Republican Party who previously gained power through gerrymandering/illegal voter restrictions/unconstitutional Voter ID Laws, and the Enablers, the Democrats whose lack of resistance and continuous insistence to cooperate find consensus made them just as compliant as the Republicans. The Putin Government was a coup similar to the Fascist take over in Germany was performed in a democracy with aid and permission of a public never sure of the facts but certain of the fiction. Nothing like the stench of history repeating itself!