The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has demonstrated, at least for me and inept attitude, placing the future’s of its pundents, politico’s and professionals as a priority. I have been a fervent supporter of the DNC and all of the Progressive groups who have tried to be inclusive. I believe this year was just one more failure of their part to be of, by and for the people. My financial support seems to have been entirely to support the DNC’s agenda, which for me, has failed America greatly. I am now, including in my rant the argument against the DNC’s current leadership. The RNC are scoundrels, sinister and anti-American as they come, but there might be some lessons the DNC could learn.
It seems, however that MAYBE, just MAYBE the Dems of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ilk, two long time professional politicians may finally come to their senses and look elsewhere for someone to actually become chairman for the Democratic National Committee, who IS NOT in bed with the old gals and guys but has actually crafted his own bed with fresh ideas and attitude. Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend has thrown his preverbal hat into the ring stating “This is not a time to relitigate an old battle,” Mr. Buttigieg said. “We’ve got to transcend the narrative that this is some kind of proxy fight.” “I think there needs to be a voice for communities like mine,” Mr. Buttigieg said. “And I don’t just mean communities in the Midwest, but communities where the decisions made in Washington actually affect people.”
I have sent the Mayor a letter more of a request, asking him, should he become the next DNC Chairperson, to initiate the following: Act like the GOP, don’t lie, necessarily, but insist that lies be proven to either be fact of fiction. An example, select a whole bunch of demographics, lets say this time around the Vets. Send out a letter to them which says: The Republican Senators who cut funding for embassy's such as Benghazi, in the past, want to do the same in the Trump Administration, The GOP wants to repeal and delay The Affordable Health Care Act, how many of you are beneficiaries of the ACA, The Trump Administration wants to privatize the Vet Admin, the government you fought for does not want any responsibility for your continued care. Viet Nam Vets, you fought against the Communists in South East Asia how do you feel with Trump choosing Putin over the American Intelligence agencies. Finally state that for those Vets still alive, or family members of the Vets who fought WWII, how do you feel about the support and acceptance the Republicans and Trump have shown toward the American Nazi Party/the Aryan Brotherhood/The American Storm Troopers. Is it okay with you that the enemy you fought is now welcomed in Washington? Then end the letter by saying the following: If you have questions regarding the authenticity about any of these statements please call your local Congress person. Provide a name and number. The one thing the Republicans hate is truth, and more so when they are hounded and hounded for the truth.