Friday, January 6, 2017

The Edge

I have been near the edge, with politics for quite a while, but sometimes the smallest of nudges seem to be strong enough to carry the weight of 100 mile per hour winds and actually lift you up and toss you over the edge. Today, I received my hundredth email from the DNC (Democrat national Committee) stating: Gerald, this time Trump has gone to far…blah, blah, blah…this time he must be impeached…blah, blah, blah. Okay, duh, really… but the kicker for me was and is that all I need to do this time is donate $5 and the DNC will suddenly find a backbone and trounce Trump. (The cost of bringing Trump to his knees can run from a simple matching donation to $25) It is not only the DNC, but EVERY Democrat Party political group ever invented. Today, I have had it with a bunch of political hacks…talking heads…professional fund raisers…and collectors of money providing inadequate and inconsequential service. Today, I realized that my rants against the newly minted communists, the GOP and their freshly installed Comrades Trump and MCConnell are a waste of time. The republicans don’t care what America thinks and petitioning them calling them may get a bit of response but lets be honest, when you are the party of pretending there is voter fraud, gerrymandering and of course kissing Putin’s ass, what will a petition to two really accomplish. Nope, TODAY, via my hundredth, email, telling me THIS time I can make a difference, I realized I was angry with the wrong people.

So, here is how I see things: The Minority Leader in the Senate, Schumer, should start being proactive and read up on the dirty tricks book written by the Majority Leader Comrade McConnell. Embarrass the man. Ask him why McConnell doesn’t believe there is a conflict of interest with the nomination of his wife Elaine Chao for DOT. Ask Mr McConnell if maybe he should resign his position as Senator if his wife gets a Cabinet position. Then the DNC should use my $5 to save the USA from Trump and place advertisements in the Kentucky papers stating that McConnell is so excited about repealing the ACA, and do the miners of Kentucky, who have also been promised clean coal jobs are worried that the terrible diseases they have suffered from the dirty coal, if THEY have the funds to pay for their existing conditioned disease? Then ask all of the non-black folk living in Kentucky if they are pleased as punch with McConnell’s plan to limit or cut the Food Stamp Program. The DNC should then buy some media time on the local Kentucky Today program and talk about the environment and wages.

Then the DNC should take my only $5 and really begin impeachment plans for Trump instead of JUST pretending they will do anything about it. Go to the reddest of states and list all of the facts as to why and how should already be in jail. Then us the hyperbole which has always been a nifty tool of the Republicans and just repeat the same sound byte over and over again. And finally how cool would it be if the Minority Leader Schumer, first had someone remove the Kick Me Sign, Comrade McConnell has placed on his back and then have in VERY public arena, some Jewish politicians call out Sheldon Adelson, the rich jewish guy who loves himself some bought and paid for GOP’ers and beg Mr Adelson, as a Jew himself to speak to the Mr and Mrs Jarod Kushner asking them to plead with the American Nazi Party/KKK/Aryan Nation to stop hating Jews. And then publicly ask Trump why he remains so silent regrading anti-Semitism when in fact his daughter/son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish. Oh DNC, I would gladly give you my money if you would actually do something for this country and not just yourselves!