Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Another letter

Mrs Paul Ryan,
I hope this letter did not come at an inconvenient time for you, like going to the doctors for a cancer screening or a pap smear, or a mammogram. I hope I did not disrupt your day if you were on the way to the Pediatrician, you know to have your kids get their check ups. I hope this letter won’t delay you from visiting the doctor with your husband Paul as he uses his socialized medical plan, you know the one the tax payers pay for.

I hope, you were not on your way to pick up prescriptions for you or your family, those co-pays can be such a pain, do you have co-pays, or do we the tax payer also pay for that? Or maybe you are were on your way to Church, I know how your husbands states he bases a lot of his decisions being such a devout Catholic. Do you if he prays for the 20 or so million who won’t be going to the doctor this year, do you pray for the people with pre-existing conditions when you kneel at the pews? I know your Lord and savior has told your husband and his crew of Christians that life is precious, except Mrs Ryan, you know once the mother’s water breaks. Do you still refer to her as the mother or is the just the carrier, because your husband is the Leader of a Republicans and could give a hoot if the female’s health is at stake in carrying the seed (I mean child)

I hope one day your kids read a history book, Mrs Paul Ryan, and ask you a question about pre-meditated murder, and if your husband’s hands and those of his party  were too bloody when they decided to repeal and really never replace ObamaCare. How do you think you might answer them, Mrs Paul Ryan, just as the townsfolk did living near the Concentration Camps in Europe, “I didn’t see anything, I didn’t know people were dying right in my own backyard. Oh by the way Mrs Paul Ryan, shame on you!