The Republican Party has always been sly enough to create enemies, and then become even more sinister in suggesting that if you disagreed with the GOP’s enemy of the decade, you too must be in cahoot’s with stated enemy. In the 50’s under the tutelage of Senator Joe McCarthy, it was the Communists who were at the ready to steal the white and blue from our flag and just keep it red. McCarthy with the support of a few men and women who feared a free press or even free expression of thought, garnered enough anti backboned politicians and the slogan “Have you now have you ever been a member of the Communist Party”, became as American as Apple Pie. It seemed like a simple yes or no reply was required, but with the Republicans it was not so simple. A response of no, was okay, but if McCarthy thought otherwise, you no might have surly been twisted to suddenly say kind of, and a kind of was not the correct answer. If you were brazen, BRAVE enough to state the word YES, well freedom as you remembered it in the good US of A was not as free as it used to be. You were an enemy of the state, and your career, professional dreams were shattered and you might face yourself in shackles.
The Republicans love to pick and choose who is a true American and of course who IS not. In a confusing, but not too surprising turn of events, the GOP is still looking for the enemy (usually it is anyone who dare criticize the Party Platform) and this time around the newest question follows the era of Mccarthyism, but states differently. “WHY are you not now, nor have RECENTLY NEVER been a member of the Communist Party.” The fear from the Republicans is no longer the Commies, but what the Commies might know about Trump and of course the hacked emails and server from the Republican National Committee. So now, becoming a Bro of Putin is cool. So fearful are the Republican leadership of America finding out the truth about the GOP’s plans for a less democratic vision of this country, that under the tutelage of recently promoted Comrade Mitch McConnell, Russia is good, great, best and huge!