Hey America…you think this ban on Muslims was just a random, ranting and raving on behalf of anything Trump…WELL WAKE THE FUCK UP…Pay attention America, CLOSE attention, you gotta start thinking like the soldiers of the Death Star, all pledging allegiance to Darth Vader…you first have to find the deepest depth of your black hole for a heart, discover your road map to the Twilight Zone of a soul and become the incarnation of human garbage i.e. (Conway/Bannon/Kushner).
Don’t pretend, for even one second, America, that this trio of misfits did not plan for the protests to take place regarding the Ban on Muslims…There will be a few more EXECUTIVE ORDERS, written by this clandestine rouge government and authored by Trump, that will make the current protests seem tame. Then, and here is the one of the real gotcha moments, Kelly Anne will appear on State TV i.e. FOX News, describe the protests as RIOTS, anti-American RIOTS she will speak with Sean Hannity i.e. Joseph Goebbels, Minster of Propaganda for the Reich, who then, that evening will have an exclusive one-on-one with Trump. Hannity will first tell the Emperor, that his clothing choice is superb i.e. the Emperor Has No Clothes, and Hannity will spend the first few seconds rubbing away the brown stain found on his nose and lips. Then right in front of your eyes, just YOUR eyes, cause the Republican Collaborators have fixated their eyes on Vagina’s/Same-Sex, Sex/and the non-Christians who will be given one day to convert to Christianity or die. You will hear the hint of the necessity of Martial Law, to tame the anarchists!
Trump/Bannon/Kushner with of course Comrade McConnell who certainly understands just how much video and audio the Russians are using to blackmail Trump and of course the Republican Party, will confer with his Collaborators ie GOP, all standing behind Trump and with all the pomp and circumstance of the North Koreans marching in front of their eternal ruler, Trump will put into action Martial Law. Of course he will lie and tell those who still think the Earth is flat/ Noah had a male and female dinosaur on the Ark and that Hillary personally murdered the Embassy Staff at Benghazi, this is temporary…Uh, huh! So you say, Gerry STOP with the theatrics, the Conspiracy Theory, this not possible in the US of A…Okay, but remember that time, NO ONE said Trump would EVER be sitting in the Oval Office! Lets all pretend none of this is happening, just like the Democrat leadership i.e. the Enablers, have done over and over!