…And as the Kremlin inches closer and closer to the Oval Office, as Putin and his KGB defy the laws of our democracy, as state secrets will be traded and sent so a nest egg in Moscow with the name Trump on it, will overflow with rubles, as a once powerful nation succumbs to the idiocy, illegitimacy, and ignorance of a puppet, a pawn a dupe a clown a rube owned by Russia, as all of this is actually taking place in American politics, what are the Republicans in Congress concerned about….
…about same sex marriages….about the LGBT community having more rights then they ever should…about vagina’s and the women who assume they own them…about zygotes having attorneys…about eliminating fair wages for workers…about cutting food stamps for the poor…about cutting income from seniors…about giving Vets too much medical care…about the silliness of every American receiving affordable health coverage…about increasing tax breaks for the wealthy while cutting back services for the poor…oh yeah and having one say Merry Christmas…
…And as Inauguration Day looms way too large on the immediate horizon which will legitimize the right wing American Nazi’s, the KKK, the White Supremacists…homophobia, anti-semitism, misogyny, racism, bigotry, cronyism how does the cable and TV media act as messengers of free speech…they acquiesce never wanting to insult those who have lied about Hillary, ignore science, refuse to provide anyone with tax returns, business conflicts…and God forbid call them Fascists…And as the Kremlin circles the wagons of a nation believing that reality TV must be real…we watch and wait and wonder, WHY? Why are we wasting time trying to argue with the insane, without facts as truth there is no argument and Trump becomes Comrade-In-Chief of the American Soviet States!