Brave New World, (Aldous Huxley), meets 1984, (George Orwell), meets Fahrenheit 451, (Ray Bradbury), marries the Handmaiden’s Tale,(Margaret Atwood), has children, The Iron Hill,(Jack London), Article 5 (Kristen Simmons), moves next to We, (Yevgeny Zamyatin) becomes buds with Oryx and Crake, (Margaret Atwood) and all of them discover that vile, vanity, and vilification, can create a most dangerous and dystopian world giving life to a man named Trump!
The authors of these novels precisely explain how the urge to purge the world of chaos, pretending that in its wake order will maintain the human’s need to survive, is not the way of nature or the natural world. The authors of these novels understood and underscored that power, not earned, but stolen is as dangerous as standing in the middle of a corn field holding and umbrella high in the air as lightening approaches. The authors of these novels provided a purpose, warning us that when fiction becomes fact, when fact is as fleeting as the next group of clouds in the sky, truth becomes a lie, the lie like a virus intent on killing whatever gets in its way.
Dystopian- (adjective)relating to or denoting an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. (noun) a person who advocates or describes an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad. Trump and the Republicans who revel in his shadow are the noun, the new form of government not by or for the people, but the Party (either Republican or Communist) the adjective. Be afraid, but be not silent, be loud in your resistance, this may be the last time you can speak!