The introduction to the Simpson’s TV show has a quick scene of Homer Simpson leaving his work place the Springfield Nuclear Facility, with a sign posted above him stating how many days in a row, there have been no accidents, and just as we read that sign we see Homer, picking up a piece of a glowing green ball throwing it to the ground and of course we all understand that zero days of accidents is no longer the truth. We understand that Homer Simpson is a special kind of character, and even when he happens to throw away some kind of radiated green ball of glow, he really, really, really didn’t mean any harm. Jessica Rabbit, once said, “I’m not bad, I was drawn that way.” Homer Simpson could state I am not inept, I was just drawn that way, also. What stands out for me regarding the Springfield Nuclear Plant sign of how many days with no accidents, is that in place like that one might assume, NO ACCIDENTS is something with which everyone should concern themselves. You know its a nuclear facility and there MIGHT be a meltdown. But its only a cartoon.
But then, we have a cartoon about to be sworn in as president, and perhaps we should all start a chart on how many days Trumps hasn’t Tweeted, hasn’t provided glowing sonnets of love for Putin, and hasn’t lied. Wouldn’t it be great to read on Facebook or watch the evening news, and at the end of the broadcast we read the following signs: How many days since Trumps last Tweet…How many days since Trump hasn’t preferred Putin over anything American…How many days since Trump hasn’t lied… Imagine if Americans really took a closer look at some of the personal habits of THIS cartoon figure. But unlike his TV cartoon cohorts, this guy is real, and his meltdown, has a deeper meaning for ALL of us!