I usually rant and rave regarding the Media, when I believe they are inventing news stories just to be the first, the exclusive or when the necessity of bigger ratings becomes the motive behind a news story. But today, at what was an attempt at a news conference by Trump which turned out to be nothing more than a Info-mercial, the Press had a GIANT chance to become the news and for a good reason. But, once again they failed.
When an elected official of the United States, especially one who might become president harangues a reporter or journalist insisting that any news they report is fake, when a person which such power ignores to answer questions proposed by a Free Press (one has to wonder how long we will be able to use that term), the people of this nation should worry. Most dictators become quite successful when they silence the press, and successful dictators use slander and scapegoating shouting loud enough to eventually drown out any dissent from the press. We witnessed all of that today with the Trump Info-mercial!
My point is this, when Trump harangued the CNN reporter, all of the professional press in the room should have picked up their cameras, their note pads and their bodies and as one body exited the room. Trump thrives on PR, he loves the limelight, he hates the negative, and Trump like the Wicked Witch of Oz would have melted on stage if the press as a collective walked out. Like a Vampire, Trump becomes strong sucking the life out of the truth. If Trump will not speak the truth, then the Media should let him feed!