COME ON, whether you are on Cable or Network television, and you identify yourself as a part of the news division, stop acting like entertainment reporters whenever you interview, or IS IT get lectured by ANYONE from the Republican Communist Party. You KNOW, they will evade, deflect, NEVER answer a direct question, so why even afford them the opportunity. IT just seems so simple how to deal with anyone Trump. First, don’t argue, as they will never acquiesce to the truth, second, when they are finished lying, provide a fact, not as a challenge but just as an FYI.
Whenever someone Trump insists that he will bring back jobs to America, let them pontificate, then when they actually stop with their run-on-sentences and have to inhale, say: by the way Ivanka Trump just closed her factory in China and moved it to Ethiopia. When the anyone Trump begins to accuse you of every imaginable Un-American name, just add, FYI. Don’t challenge them, let them choke on their denials. Whenever someone Trump, again insists he is the savior of jobs, just add that the labels on his clothing line say made in China and oh by the way he drives a foreign car. Again, the anyone Trump will jump up and down and vehemently protest this has nothing to do with Trump becoming president. The news person, say just FYI.
I am amazed that by NOW anyone who identifies as a news reporter or journalist, and DOES not realize, the tricks of double speak by anyone Trump, should be fired or at least go hide in shame. We know anyone trump lies, the truth is like sunlight to a Vampire for them. We know that the Republican Communist Party is beholden to Putin, so they too will lie. If you want to ask a question, try it this way: Speaker of the HousePaul Ryan has shut down his incoming calls, fax from the public, curious, how does that seem like the transparency of a democratic nation like ours. COME ON!