Monday, August 21, 2017

A Moral Compass

“A Moral Compass," the newest catch phrase, as if before Trump, morality took priority in the world of politics. “A Moral Compass," suddenly we have lost our way, morally. We seem to have forgotten that as Trump ran his campaign he lied, slurred women, denigrated minorities, did I say lie, created a verbal religious war, and never was held accountable for any action or word he did or muttered. BUT now, somehow, “A Moral Compass” is missing or better yet has stopped functioning. How easy it is to decide, as the guy sitting in the Oval Office, considers some Nazi’s and Supremacists “nice people," that the “Moral Compass,” has always been missing. Now we are to fix that compass and we will find our way.

Nope, morality in politics has been missing for a long time, its direction has been leading the politicians to his or her own needs has for a long time. We have permitted morals in government to be set free. When we vote for politicians who want to deny freedoms and equalities to certain segments of this nation…when we encourage the wealthy to set agendas at the cost of the less financially fortunate, when we consider a human should debate if, food, shelter or health care is the priority at the coast of the other choices…when we permit the slander, innuendo, the excuse that someone’s God is afraid of mere mortals…when we have participated in all of that and to this moment still do…”A Moral Compass”, certainly had or has not been functioning.

We are waist deep into the cesspool of evil, starting from the guy we somehow all knew lacked morals, and continuing with the GOP politicians who never ever say anything disparaging directed at Trump, personally. We are the chumps of the Evangelicals who somehow pretend to be closer to God than thee, when THEY cannot divorce themselves from the immorality of Trump, for fear that their top three priorities might evaporate, with Trump out of office: having a majority  activist Conservative Supreme Court, anti LGBTQ rights, and anti women’s rights…The only direction Trump travels is to Trump, he has never used “A Moral Compass to find any one but himself, all he needs is a bunch scapegoats lining his road forward. “A Moral Compass," why do we need to market hate, bigotry, bias inequality and provide it a fancy name. So what happens if the compass starts working…Change? How? And by whom?