I guess I am still a cable news addict, even though after the disgrace which was Cable New Coverage of everything Trump, without questioning much of his bluster, and Cable News masturbation on everything Hillary, never questioning the validity of sources or stories, I protested and stopped watching Cable News, including my hero Rachel Maddow! So, trying hard to avoid my addictive behavior I slowly, starting with Rachel began to watch MSNBC and CNN. But now, I realize what a huge mistake it has been. Cable News Networks for the most part are still nice wrapping paper of a very loathsome gift. Why in the world does Cable News think they need to provide a debate stage for the bigots/racists and anti-Semites when it come to the question of “Good Nazi’s/Good Confederacy/Good White Nationalists. There is no debate when looking at the history of this nation which fought wars against men and women who wanted slavery/tyranny/dictatorial enslavement/and a demise to democracy. Yet somehow, I suppose for ratings, MSNBC and CNN keep on keeping on and become enablers for the most repugnant of people, providing them with enough oxygen as if their hatred is only fair and balanced…for that fact they might as well be FOX Noise.
And as obnoxious as enabling stupid people with no respect for history to speak is another diddy, which is most upsetting…Now it seems it is very cool to have a Person of Color debate another Person of Color as to who is truly more of color. Now, as if People of Color can only be one individual, with one mind set, we have them arguing with each other. Talk about White Privilege…Hey Black man you are supposed to hate Trump, hey Black man are you sure you are Black enough cause you like Trump. Fools are unique unto them selves…we have Jewish members of Trump’s team who refuse to call out Trump directly on Good Nazi’s and bad Nazi’s (Why even Netanyahu of Israel hasn’t called Trump about his love for Nazi’s. Bigotry is owned by the cowards, the insecure idiots no matter their race or religions and sexuality.
The biggest hypocrites however are the Evangelicals who have FINALLY come forward admitting why they love a two time adulterer, having a child out of wedlock, lying, Communist, Nazi. Many of the Evangelicals who swear Jesus was an NRA member and a Board member of the Jerusalem Bank, pretend that IT is because of Trump’s economic acumen (I can’t believe I put the words Trump, economic and acumen in the same sentence) The Holy Hypocrites when pushed however admit that Trump can commit any sin, but Jesus will pardon him as long as he continues to hate the LGBTQ community and those nasty women who have the audacity to want reproductive freedom. The Holy Hypocrites hoping the Trump will appoint yet one or two more activists to the Supreme Court, have given up any honesty, and Christianity and any democratic principles as long as Trump will hate he Gay and the Hussy! And CNN, MSNBC provide fertile areas and soap boxes for the ignorant, the uneducated and unAmericans to show off and show up. I am Gerry and I am a Cable News addict, help me!