Now it is time to ridicule, call out, name the ENABLERS, the GOP Congress who have not spoken out against Trump, the few GOP Senators who may have, for political reasons called out Trump by name once, thinking that was good enough. Maybe its time to call out by name each and every Cabinet Member who remains loyal to a man who has no loyalty but to self. Lets call out the ENABLERS at FOX, from the Murdoch Family who employs their Propagandists, to the on air entertainment personalities who glorify racism, bigotry and hate. Lets call out by name the ENABLERS who use Jesus as a scapegoat, the Evangelical Leadership who insist that Trump was called to duty by Jesus.
We all know, except for those who MUST define an enemy, so they feel less guilty for their failures, that Trump is nothing but a Black Hole, who absorbs any negative energy thrown his way and turns it into toxic revolutionary dictatorship Fascism. Trump couldn't care less that he is liar and then will lie to those who love themselves a failure as a leader. Trump survives because of the people around him who ENABLE his dark, derogatory demonizing of democracy. We can call out Trump for his narcissism, but a narcissist needs an audience, but those in the GOP/the media/the Evangelical church who remain silent, or find excuses for trumps behavior, without them Trump shrivels up like a nasty weed.
Why is Trump still sitting in the White House, easy answer, if you want to be honest, men like Paul Ryan, the silent GOP Senators, billionaires like the Mercer family have permitted Trump to reign. Anyone who knows an addict, understands the strength the addict derives from his or her ENABLERS. As one voice we now need to call out and continue to call out the Trump ENABLERS, from his family, his friends and the GOP who continues to place Party before Country!